Run spring AOP custom annotation in seperate thread - spring

I am using spring AOP with some custom annotation. Can we make that custom annotation run in a aysnchronously, so that any issue happend in custom annotation doesnt affect the main thread flow?


Purpose of using #Configuration annotation

I have created a spring mvc based application but I didn't use this #Configuration annotation. What is the purpose of using #Configuration annotation? By using this, what are we communicating to springMVC container?
Assuming your application is using xml configuration rather than AnnotationConfig so it is not loaded to ApplicationContext at all.
#Configuration is used when ApplicationContext has been initialized and bean registration.
#Configuration annotation is a core Spring annotation, and not Spring MVC. It is a core entry point to configuring Spring-based application using Java config instead of XML config.
Please, use Spring Documentation more often because it is a place where you will find answers to most of your questions. Like this one:
Indicates that a class declares one or more Bean #Bean methods and may
be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and
service requests for those beans at runtime

Including Spring #Retryable without main or service class

I have an api that does not have main method in it, It is just set of classes for calling database procedures. None of the classes has Service annotation in them.
I am including this api in another spring boot application.
When I annotate any method as #Retryable in external api and call from Spring boot application it does not provide retry.
Can you please help on this?
Do you have #Configuration annotated class in your external api?
Can you check , whether you enabled retry using #EnableRetry?
This should be declared on any #Configuration class in your external api.
Annotation Type EnableRetry
Global enabler for #Retryable annotations in Spring beans. If this is
declared on any #Configuration in the context then beans that have
retryable methods will be proxied and the retry handled according to
the metadata in the annotations.

How to add Struts2 to a web application without web.xml?

Can someone help me with a minimal project setup with Spring Boot and Struts2?
I have already create a Spring Boot application with a H2-database. I also added a h2Configuration class, so that I'm able to access the database with localhost:8080/console.
But how can I add Struts2 to my Application without web.xml?
Without web.xml you can only write a Struts2 filter using servlet 3.0 or higher
public class Struts2Filter extends Struts2PrepareAndExecuteFilter {
The content could be empty, it's enough to add annotated filter without any inclusion in the web.xml file.
If you want to integrate Struts2 with Spring, then you should use a plugin.
Struts 2 provides a plugin that enables Spring to inject into the ActionSupport classes any dependent objects you've specified in the Spring configuration file. Consult Spring Plugin documentation for more information about how the plugin works.

create beans with annotation spring

In struts2 i almost did not use any xml configs and used much of annotations for MVC. I build a small application in that way using struts2. Now i want to develop same project using spring 3.2. Now i want to use annotation to create beans and request mapping (this i used). I want a clear example of using bean annotations and is it possible to set properties using annotations. I am getting confused because the documentation is too large, and many annotations. providing a simple list of annotations and their usage with simple example will be a great help.
Iam doing sample project on Spring 3.1.
I have used some annotations to create beans.Below are the annotations i have used.
#Component - Annotation used to create a bean given by Spring
JSR Annotations: #Controller,#Repository, #Service
If you are annotating your class with above annotations Spring Container will create beans for you.
Your properties will be set with help of #Autowired annotation.

Autowiring Struts Action Classes with Spring

I have a question about spring and struts.
Currently I have spring injecting my struts action classes for me.
I was experimenting and trying to get Spring to inject my Struts action classes
for me using autowiring.
I have my spring applicationContext config file scanning the base package that the
action class is in using context:component-scan base-package="my.package",
and im using #Component annotation at the action classes class level.
Im also using #Qualifier("myActionClass") at the same action classes class level.
Im not configuring the action class as a Spring bean in applicationContext.
Then in my struts.xml config file, while configuring my action class, instead of giving the fully qualified package and class name, I use the #Qualifier annotation name "myActionClass".
This doesnt work though.
If in my applicationContext config file, configure my action class as a spring bean, get rid of the #Component and #Qualifier annotation on the action class, and in struts.xml, put the action classes Spring bean id for the class, then Spring injects my action class for me and everything is dandy. Only, this isnt using Autowiring the action class, and thats what I was testing.
Anyone know if autowiring using context:component-scan base-package
to scan your packages for your action classes so you dont have to configure them in applicationContext is possible?
Everything is explained in Spring documentation: Apache Struts 1.x and 2.x.
I am not sure whether you are using Struts 1 or 2. For Struts 1 you had to add Spring plugin to Struts configuration (I know it works). In Struts 2 all actions are created by Spring hence they are fully capable of Spring injection like all other beans.
Struts 2 seems to rely on there being a spring bean with the same spring bean-name matching the action class name (full name with package). You can specify the bean name in the #Component annotation, and it's also possible to make a global user-defined bean naming strategy so you can avoid adding this information to all your beans
