Including Spring #Retryable without main or service class - spring

I have an api that does not have main method in it, It is just set of classes for calling database procedures. None of the classes has Service annotation in them.
I am including this api in another spring boot application.
When I annotate any method as #Retryable in external api and call from Spring boot application it does not provide retry.
Can you please help on this?

Do you have #Configuration annotated class in your external api?
Can you check , whether you enabled retry using #EnableRetry?
This should be declared on any #Configuration class in your external api.
Annotation Type EnableRetry
Global enabler for #Retryable annotations in Spring beans. If this is
declared on any #Configuration in the context then beans that have
retryable methods will be proxied and the retry handled according to
the metadata in the annotations.


Configure interceptor to be registered after the open session in view interceptor in Spring Boot

I'm writing an Inteceptor in a Spring Boot application but this interceptor must be run after the OSIV interceptor, as I understand, it's configured by Spring's JpaWebConfiguration class in JpaBaseConfiguration.
How can I order my WebMvcConfigurerAdapter extended class to so that my addInterceptors method is run after the JpaWebConfiguration one?

Spring boot jersey - prevent startup instantiation of controller

I am using spring boot with web and jersey (spring-boot-jersey-starter). I have a Jersey endpoint that needs to inject a request scope bean. However, at startup of the application I am getting a no bean found error.
public class JerseyController{
private MyEntity entity;
public class JerseyConfiguration extends ResourceConfig{
public JeyseyConfiguration(){
Is there a way, in a spring-boot web app, to prevent Spring from attempting to instantiate and inject my JerseyController until an HTTP request is received so that the injected dependency can be provided by my Jersey provider?
#Component is not required on Jersey resources. Having it will cause Spring to instantiate it (with default Singleton scope). I don't think Spring doesn't respect the #RequestScoped. This is a Jersey annotation. If you want to use the #Component, I think the Spring #Scope("request") might do the trick though.
You can also remove the #RequestScoped. This is the default scope for Jersey resources.
The only time I have ever found a need to use #Component on Jersey resources, is if I need to use the Spring #Value (maybe AOP also, but I don't do much AOP). Other than that, the Jersey-Spring integration already supports the most common used feature of Spring which is DI. And if you really want to make the Jersey resource a singleton, Jersey supports the #Singleton annotation.

Purpose of using #Configuration annotation

I have created a spring mvc based application but I didn't use this #Configuration annotation. What is the purpose of using #Configuration annotation? By using this, what are we communicating to springMVC container?
Assuming your application is using xml configuration rather than AnnotationConfig so it is not loaded to ApplicationContext at all.
#Configuration is used when ApplicationContext has been initialized and bean registration.
#Configuration annotation is a core Spring annotation, and not Spring MVC. It is a core entry point to configuring Spring-based application using Java config instead of XML config.
Please, use Spring Documentation more often because it is a place where you will find answers to most of your questions. Like this one:
Indicates that a class declares one or more Bean #Bean methods and may
be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and
service requests for those beans at runtime

Why do we need #Component spring annotation for Jersey resource in spring-boot-starter-jersey project?

This question is regarding the sample:
Why do we need "#Component" annotation for Jersey resource when using spring-boot -starter-jersey project?
If I remove it, the Jersey servlet can still serve resources.
So what is the need for "#Component"?
You don't need it. Jersey uses HK2 as it's internal DI framework, and HK2 has a Spring bridge. This is what's used internally to bridge Spring components into the HK2 IoC container, so that they can be injected into Jersey components. And Jersey implements an AutowiredInjectionResolver1 that allows for injection of Spring components using #Autowired. You don't even need #Autowired though. All the Spring components can be injected with the normal #Inject.
The only drawback I've ran into, not making the Jersey components a Spring #Component is that it doesn't support #Value when you want to inject property values.
The one thing I don't like is that when you declare something a Spring #Component, it automatically makes it a singleton. But Jersey resources are by default request scoped. You can add a Spring #Scope("request"), and it should change the resource to a request scoped resource. Jersey has declared the Spring RequestScope, so we can use it. How exactly it ties in to Jersey's request scope, I am not a hundred percent sure. I ran into a problem a while back. I can't remember what it was, but that has kept me from ever using the Spring request scope again.
Assuming I want to keep all my resources request scoped, I would take sticking to the normal Jersey request scope, and not being able to inject #Values, over having to use Spring's request scope. Maybe I'm imagining things, and there was no issue using it, but personally I'll just stick to what I know works :-)
Another thing that does't work if you don't make the resource a Spring #Component is Spring's AOP. That's fine with me though as HK2 also has AOP.
1 - An InjectionResolver allows you to use custom annotations to create injection targets.
When you remove #Component jersey takes control of the scope of the instance. With #Component a singleton instance is created, removing it you can use the following jersey annotations:
• Request scope (Default):
By using the #RequestScope annotation or none, we can have a life-cycle till
the request lasts. This is the default scope of the root-resource classes. For
each new request, a new root-resource instance is being created and served
accordingly for the first time. However, when the same root-resource method
is being called, then the old instance will be used to serve the request.
• Per-lookup scope:
The #PerLookup annotation creates root-resource instances for every request.
• Singleton:
The #Singleton annotation allows us to create only a single instance
throughout the application.
Try different behaviors using a counter inside your class...
public class MyWebResource {
private int counter;
public Response getCounter() {
return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(counter).build();

HystrixCommand only works with Spring Service or Component?

Does Spring Hystrix only work with #Service and #Component?
I had a class that was defined as a #RestController and my HystrixCommand would not fire, the method would execute but not behave as a HystrixCommand. When I made a #Service class and put the HystrixCommand method and fallback into it the HystrixCommand would work properly.
What are the appropriate Spring annotations that can be used with #EnableHystrix?
For now, you described the appropriate places. We have an open issue that mentions support for controllers.
