How to get Oracle Wallet Manager for Windows 10 - oracle

I want to install Oracle Wallet Manager for Windows 10 and for Oracle Database 11.2.
When I download the corresponding version of Oracle Client, I don't see the Oracle Wallet Manager OWM or orapki being part of the download (
I don't have the database installed on my Windows machine.
My requirement is to connect to Oracle 11.2 database which is in cloud from a Java program running in Windows PC. I would like to connect to the database from credentials stored in Wallet. (Java program will not need to store database credentials).

The wallet tools are on the full client and on the database server, not on the instant-client.


Oracle SQL Developer not able to detect services in oracle wallet

We are using Oracle wallet to connect to Cloud database which works fine for one instance. We also have on-prem database where the wallet was provided by the customer and when I select the wallet the service names are not detected. Does that show that there is an issue with the cwallet.sso & ewallet.p12 files provided by the customer. We are using 19.2 SQL Developer.

Use Oracle Wallet without installing the Oracle Client

I am using OCI lib to connect a client application to Oracle database. I would like to use Wallet to store the keys but it looks like the only way to store the key in Wallet is by using mkstore or orapki.
Those tools are available when installing Oracle Client but I don't want my customers to download Oracle Client on their machine.
Is there any way that I can create and store the credentials in a Wallet without installing Oracle Client? Can I redistribute orapki or mkstore? Is there any API?

Connecting to remote Oracle database using Oracle Client

I have to connect to a remote Oracle database. Connection will only work with a VPN access to the remote network. I have already setup the VPN, and that is working.
Remote team has passed TNS.ORA settings. I have hardly worked on configuring oracle and neither I am aware of the setup that I need to have on my machine. I just need to run few queries to test the data.
Can somebody guide me on the setup and the configuration I need to have on my windows 7 to connect to a remote Oracle database ?.
My first assumption was to download Oracle client. I downloaded Oracle Insta Client files, but I have no idea how to configure it to connect to a remote database. I couldn't even find any ORA file in the installed files of Insta client.
One you installed the instant client and installed it, you can conect to the remote database by using an easyconnect string. If you are in sqlplus you can do the following:
CONNECT username#[//]host[:port][/service_name][:server][/instance_name]
Lets assume your remote host is remote1 and the service_name is test (This can be retrieved from the tnsnames.ora)
connect username#//remote1/test

ADO.NET for connecting Oracle Database on server

Recently we have developed an application which connects to oracle database for fetching records. For fetching records, we are using OLEDB for Oracle. Application runs fine on my machine by connectng properly with Oracle ,since i have oracle client installed on my machine. Now i tried to test application on another machine, which doesnot have any oracle instance/Client installed on his machine. Application fails to connect to oracle central DB Server. Is it necessary for users to install oracle client on their machine before the application communicates with Oracle.
Here is Connection string
connectionString="Provider=msdaora;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=XYZ)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(;Persist Security Info=False;User Id=mahens; Password=XXXXXXXXX" providerName="System.Data.SQLOLEDB"/>
The above code is for OLEDB for oracle. Is there any thing i required to install for connecting to central Oracle DB server from my windows application(.NET application installed on local machine).
If we try to use ODP.NET dll and include those dll's along within BIN directory,will that work?..Can any1 tell me a way wherein user need not install any oracle Client on their machine and communicate to server.
I believe you always need the oracle client installed as everything in .net ultimately uses ODP.NET. However, you can use the Oracle Instant Client to make your users' setup process easier.

Connect to an Oracle 8.0 database using a 10g client

I recently upgraded my oracle client to 10g (
Now when I try to connect to a legacy 8.0 database, I get
ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported.
Is there any workaround for this problem, or do I have to install two clients on my local machine?
Yes, you can connect to an Oracle 8i database with the 10g client, but the 8i Database requires the patchset, which you can get from Oracle's Metalink support site (requires login).
Here's an Oracle forum post with the details.
If updating your Oracle Database isn't an option, then you can have 2 different clients installed (in different "Oracle Homes" (or directories), and use the selecthome.bat file to switch between your installed clients.
For example, before connecting to 8i, you'd run:
or this to use your Oracle 10g client:
I had to connect a C# code to an Oracle 7 (I know you it's 8...)... the only way I get it was to get the CD to install the Oracle Server and to go in the "Optional Configuration Component" and to use the Oracle73 Ver2.5.
I think you should go check the CD of the Oracle 8 Server and check if an ODBC is still available.
The best way to connect an Oracle 8.1.7 and higher is through Instant Client. Download Instant client 10.2 from oracle site, copy all files in the same folder where .NET assemblies resides and use classes located in System.Data.OracleClient. This work for me in .NET 4 project and oracle DB 8.1.7 server.
