How to create ripple effect using still image and apply it to 10000 of images making them animated gifs programmatically - image

I have thousands of images to be used as NFTs and the client wants them to be animated by the ripple effect. I am using an After Effects for a few images but how to do it over many thousands? See the image for reference:


How to dynamically merge two photos into a new image

I'm grabbing photos from FB's API and I'd like to merge a transparent filter on top and then save it as a new image to then post is a new picture to FB. I've looked into using Canvas however toDataURL() only works when the photos are on the same server. I've also tried using the filter as the src for an image and setting the fb pic as the background image but you can't save it off as this as it's editing through CSS. Any suggestion on how to actually blend the photos together and actually be able to save as a new image?

Best way for progress & activity bars on Android: GIF or code?

I'm an 2D animator and am new to Android development. I have one idea about creating animated stocks for Android, but what's the best way to create a progress and activity bar, GIF or code?
Using GIF images you have no limits. A lot of animation and effects
using are code, and you have custom control of everything.
So, what's the best? Is it a good idea to use GIF images?

I'm trying to clip an image overlay in Google Maps API

I'm trying to clip an image overlay in Google Maps API, however without success. I can clip a HTML image successfully and overlay it on a Google MAP by using the CSS clip property and z-index property, however that's no use, as the image does not adjust to the Google map zoom and movements. i.e. the image is not bound to the Google MAP object in any way, doesn't respond to map changes.
If I assign the Google Map overlay to the cropped image source, it simply uses the original un-cropped source and not the cropped page image element. That's just how the image.src property works.
I successfully added an image overlay for Google MAPS, but there does not seem to be any clipping or cropping function for them. There is text on the image that I don't want to display for this application, but I don't want to crop the original source file image, as it's used for multiple display purposes.
historicalOverlay = new google.maps.GroundOverlay(imageurl,imageBounds);
I need imageurl to point to a clipped version in memory or something like that or the clipped form image element, but not its un-clipped source image. Any ideas ?
The GroundOverlay class in Google Maps javascript API V3 does not provide any support for in-browser clipping/cropping of the image before display.
Because we needed that capability, plus some others like image rotation and non-rectangular images, we wrote a GroundOverlayEX javascript class that supports everything that the Google Earth version of GroundOverlay supports, including browser-side clipping/cropping of the image to-be-displayed.
The javascript class is open-source on Github at: There is API documentation as well (documentation.txt). All images shown by the GroundOverlayEX class are integral to the map, and will drag with the map, and zoom with the map.
A working functional example of the class in-action (with some clipped/ cropped images) is at:
If you turn off the VIIRS checkbox, and set the transparency down to midway, you'll see the images pretty plainly, and see that some are cropped (all are stored in NASA's servers as rectangles, so images that are square-ish or look like slices have been cropped by the GroundOverlayEX class).

Texture packer and 2d game sprite sheet creation

I am currently developing a game using Unity3d , my designer gave me a bunch of images created by After-Effect which should display the character animations,
every animation have it's own pack of sprites,but my game got too slow because of the amount of images to be loaded , so i decided to use texture packer to reduce the amount of images and to create only one sprite sheet with type multiple containing all the images of my animation ,but my problem is this :
after creating the sprite sheet the animation start to have a weird behavior and does not animate correctly, images start to overlap and do not animate in the same speed despite the fact that before, the animation was working fine but heavy on my app .
the animation is done on 30fps
how i created the spritesheet :
I only imported all my assets for every animation into texture packer and export it into png file with a dimension of:4096x4096
Try to use Simple Sprite Packer plugin next time, and don't forget to compress your .pngs.

QLabel show image slowly

I develop a image browser to show image series with QSlider. I connncet valueChanged(int) of QSlider to a self-defined function:
QObject::connect(ui.imgIndexSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this,SLOT(onimgIndexSliderValueChanged(int)));
when I drag the slider, the image that QLabel shows will changed by the QSlider value.It works.But there is a problem that if you drag fast,the Application will not run acceptably.
Could you tell me how to slove this problem.
Thank you very much.
It is not clear much from your question, but I am assuming that you are showing images like a slideshow using the slider. When you slide it fast your application is getting choked i.e. freezes?
Qt is rendering the image in your GUI thread.
If the images are all high resolution then it will take much more time in rendering each image.
When you slide faster than Qt can render a single image you will experience problems.
So here is what I would ideally do if I were in your place:
Implement a custom algorithm which will read the image file and
create a preview image of much smaller size. Since you are only
generating a pixmap in memory, you can do this by multi threading.
You can do this when your application is launched.
Show all the preview's as scrollable tiles on left pane similar to
Powerpoint. You can reduce some coding here by letting Qt render
these preview's by using QLabel.
Have a central widget which occupies the major chunk of the window
which will render the images using your custom algorithm. Your
algorithm will be such that it will read the actual image if the
slider is not running. If slider is running fast enough then you simply need to
scale your preview images and display in the widget.
Feel free to ask questions if you find anything difficult to understand. :)
