Texture packer and 2d game sprite sheet creation - animation

I am currently developing a game using Unity3d , my designer gave me a bunch of images created by After-Effect which should display the character animations,
every animation have it's own pack of sprites,but my game got too slow because of the amount of images to be loaded , so i decided to use texture packer to reduce the amount of images and to create only one sprite sheet with type multiple containing all the images of my animation ,but my problem is this :
after creating the sprite sheet the animation start to have a weird behavior and does not animate correctly, images start to overlap and do not animate in the same speed despite the fact that before, the animation was working fine but heavy on my app .
the animation is done on 30fps
how i created the spritesheet :
I only imported all my assets for every animation into texture packer and export it into png file with a dimension of:4096x4096

Try to use Simple Sprite Packer plugin next time, and don't forget to compress your .pngs.


Import FBX Maya animation with gravity and directional force into Three JS

I'm trying to figure out how to capture an animation that I made in Maya using gravity and and two directional forces to pull an avocado apart. I'm currently using three objects and the animation is working just how I'd like it to. Importing into Three js however has been the issue. Can I capture all of the keyframes all at once? How can I export the keyframes for the aggregate object into three js for a single animation that will be played on a JS event? I've shared a gif of the current animation. Any tips/suggestions welcome.

Mask UI Image/RawImage

I recently encountered a problem with UI. I opened a new 2D project and created a canvas with a GameObject with a Image component. I then added a sprite by right-clicking Assets > Create > Sprites > Circle. This added a circle sprite to my Assets folder.
The problem is when I choose the Source Image for the Image component as the circle, it still displays as a rectangle.
The circle sprite is imported as Sprite for Texture Type.
This problem also happens with the other shapes, such as triangle.
I am using Unity 5.6.0b9 Personal. Build target is PC, Mac, Linux Standalone.
I am probably missing something very simple. Any help is appreciated!
It doesn't work like that. Circle and all other type of Sprites under the Assets > Create > Sprites Menu are only made to work with SpriteRenderers. This would have worked if you used SpriteRenderer from GameObject--> 2D Object--> Sprite. They do not work with the UI.
For the UI, this has to be done with the Mask component. Just get any round image then use it to cut out circle from your target square image.
Create a UI Image called "TargetSquare" which is the image you want to round.
Duplicate it then name this "MaskCircle" and then resize it to make it smaller than the "TargetSquare" until that circle shape is what you want.
Make the "MaskCircle" object to be the parent of the "TargetSquare" object then use this round Sprite I made as it's source image.
Attach the Mask component to the "MaskCircle" object.
Done. Your "TargetSquare" object will have the shape of the "MaskCircle" object.
If you get jagged edges, select the sprite you used for the "MaskCircle" image and then make sure that Mipmap is disabled.
Maybe it is bug, in unity 5.6.1f1 same story.
Just try to download new version unity 5.6.2f. I dont know, that bug is fixed or not.
Use some image editor, for example photoshop.
P.S. My fail, all ok, it works on SpriteRenderer component. Unity generates white square, and in this sprite properties setting Sprite Mode to Polygon and creates some shape using vertices.

Unity Image Component for 2D Animation

I'm developing a 2D game in Unity (Version 5.1.2) which has an animation.
The animation is generated by flipping through the sprites in the sprite sheet.
My problem is that the animation is playing as it should in the "Scene View" but not in "Game View".
I normally create animations by using the sprite editor and then drag & drop all the sprites on the screen (Scene View).
It creates a Sprite Renderer to switch the sprites but I would like the Image Component to flip through the sprites. It seems like only sprites in the Image Component is being displayed in the "Game View".
Is there any way I can get some assistance on this please.
Its really strange that you are only seeing that in your Scene View. If the animation is your default animation? Otherwise, make sure that you are sending the right parameters to your animator. A good way to test it is opening your Animator windows, checking all transitions, and manually filling the parameters to see how it works wile the game is running. Also, check if the transitions between animations has exit times and transition durations, and disable them.

Software for animation and sprite sheet generation

Is there a software for making a sprite animation and produsing a sprite sheet?
Working fith photoshop's layers is very annoying for each frame...
sure there is, Sprite Animation Sowtware allows you to create animation using static textures and save it as a sprite sheet or .gif animation. See the details in http://spritetools.com/

Maya Mel Scripted Animation Not Animating as FBX

I've acquired a great quad model. I skinned and animated it to a rig build by a
Mel script. It works great as far as editing the animation using sliders and parameters
in Maya. When I export the file as an FBX file to Unity3D, it does not animate. Is something
being lost in the translation from Mel to the rig? Unity needs a boned rig, is this procedural rig not the equivalent of a rig built and animated with the skeleton tools in Maya? I've check that I have a 'Reference' folder, I've set keys, changed root name to "Hips".
Thanks for any insight on this question.
If you are transferring the file with no errors and there is no animation then there are three issues to look at.
First, you may have accidentally not exported the keyframes. Make sure the box is checked to export animation on the FBX export UI.
Second, it's possible that the object that contains the actual keyframes is not being exported. When you animate using the MEL scripted GUI, find out where the actual keyframes are on the rig and make sure that object is exporting with the rest of the character.
Third, the object might be transferring fine but depending on the rig setup the connections/constraints/whatever might not be working or supported in Unity. You might consider baking the animation to the skeleton before transferring to the engine. To do this, select the skeleton, click [Edit -> Keys -> Bake Simulation].
I don't know what Maya you are using, but I've always used 2010. This is the workflow that we used for a small unity 3D game project:
Export all of the
animations in one scene as a .fbx. Be sure you just select the geometry (it
usually helps to have it all grouped, but if you can't for some reason that's
okay) and hit export selected.
These FBX export options should be checked:
Edge smoothing,
Tangents and Bi-normals
Bake Animations,
Bake Animations,
(range of animation),
step = 1
Deformed Models:
Deformed Models,
Blend Shapes (if using these),
Curve Filters,
Resample as Euler Interpolation,
Input Connections,
Instances to Objects,
Referenced Containers Content (if using any references),
FBX File Format
When you bring this into Unity, set animation generation
to "store in root." If all of your
animation is in this one file (which it should be). The "split
animations" box should be checked and define the names and range of these in the
chart below. When you eventually create an animation blending script, drag
and drop it on the animation object within the player prefab, not the prefab
