Dynamics 365 Export Progress Is Stuck - export-to-excel

There is no file that gets downloaded when exporting the records from Chrome or Edge. It is stuck to downloading forever.
Business only allows the use of these two browsers.
This is the URL that gets displayed at the bottom of the page.


How to make sure Microsoft teams reloads website in teams channel tab every time it is updated?

For monitoring purposes I created a website (with ip restriction) that I added to a tab in a Microsoft teams channgel. So far so good. However, every time I update the website, the updated one is not shown in the teams tab. It just sticks with the first version of the website. I guess this is due to caching.
Is there a way to disable caching in a teams tab? Or is there a way to make teams check if there is a newer version of the website before displaying it every time the channel tab is visited?
Many thanks in advance!

Page stops loading before all image/files are done

I recently got a new Windows 2016 machine and Lucee (ColdFusion). Transferring all my clients e-Commerce sites from Windows 2008 CF9. I am having an issue with all images downloading to the browser. The images are a bit to large, client not following directions, BUT this was not an issue with the old machine. If you go to https://shop.bosombuddybags.com/p824/HBB-Custom-Monogram.htm for the first time many of the option images do not load/transfer but the page has stop loading. They are all there, refresh a few times and they appear use CNTRL F5 and they disappear again randomly. I have spent 2 days looking through Google searches, and getting no where. Any suggestions are welcome as this clients had over 1200 options uploaded and having them redo them to make proper thumbs is not an option. I figure it has to be a Lucee or Windows 2016 setting that I am missing. As the page stops loading and never loads what ever images were not completed.
Here are the recommendations:
You have got about 3 or 4 images that are just enormous. Get those down to size.
Try turning data compression on IIS for static content.
Try doing some inline images
Try eliminating some images. Both Font-Awesome and Glyphicons have Facebook and Twitter. You can use them.
Otherwise this is a really show page.

Internet Explorer DOM7009: Unable to decode image at URL: [url]

I'm working with a SharePoint site in O365. The site includes a List/Library that contains nothing but employee images with .GIF extensions. A 3rd party process imported the images into SharePoint. I have no details on that process.
None of the images will display in IE 11 when served from the SharePoint O365 server. The image will not display even when loaded by itself. The problem is not related to the amount or size of the images as this question discusses. The same exact images will display fine in IE 11 on an on-premise SharePoint 2010 server. Chrome, Firefox, etc display the image fine on both servers. I do not see this problem with any other browsers nor do they give any warnings or console errors. It's purely related to IE 11 and these .GIF images on the O365 server.
IE shows the following console message for each image:
DOM7009: Unable to decode image at URL: [url]
How do I fix this problem and what could be causing it?
If I simply save the image from the web and try to open the image via IE, it fails to display with the same issue. If I save the image that is displaying properly on-premise and try to open it via IE, it fails as well.
Headers: http://pastebin.com/vHhs4rm6
My Solution:
If I opened MS Paint, created a new .GIFF image and saved it to my server, it would actually display properly.
This led me to use ImageMagick and do an identify on the images that wouldn't display. ImageMagick indicated the images were originally PNG's and were saved to my server as GIF's for some reason. Renaming the image files back to their native format via a workflow resulted in them being displayed properly. So, whatever process uploaded all the images to my server renamed PNG's to GIF's, messed up the files and resulted in this problem.

Monitor updates of application cache in Firefox

I have a web app which uses application cache. I want to show progress of populating the cache after manifest is changed.
Event handler applicationCache.onprogress is used to monitor the progress of file downloads.
This works on Google Chrome and Safari: event onprogress is being generated per each file after the file is downloaded.
However on Firefox all onprogress events are generated at the beginning - right after the main html page is loaded - before any file referenced from manifest is downloaded to the cache.
That prevents me from displaying file downloads progress. What is the proper way to monitor downloading of files to application cache in Firefox?
Version of Firefox: 24 on Linux Mint.
Thanks for help.
SOLUTION: progress monitoring actually works in Firefox, I was using too small number of cached files.
Firefox generates approximately 15 progress events immediately and others are fired gradually during populating the cache. My mistake, I was testing on small data set.
Monitoring of progress works fine when there are for example 100 files listed in the manifest.

Magento - downloadable product freezes browser

I am running a live Magento CE site. It sells downloadable files (only).
At the moment it's not possible for a customer to download two purchased files simultaneously. By this I mean clicking the first product's link, and, while it is downloading, click the second, and have both downloading at the same time.
Instead, when a customer downloads the first file, it freezes the browser. No areas of the site will accept clicked input while the sound is downloading. After the download completes, browser activity returns to normal.
This problem also occurs on CE 1.7. There's a report on the forums, but no solution yet:
Customers would like to download all their purchases simultaneously. They also get confused when additional clicking on the website is not possible, and believe their browser has crashed.
Any suggestions to allow simultaneous downloads?
Many thanks in advance for your thoughts.
