How efficient is efficient when it comes to Polynomial Time Algorithms? - algorithm

I hope this is the right place for this question.
Polynomial time algorithms! How do polynomial time algorithms (PTAs) actually relate to the processing power, memory size (RAM) and storage of computers?
We consider PTAs to be efficient. We know that even for a PTA, the time complexity increases with the input size n. Take for example, there already exists a PTA that determines if a number is prime. But what happens if I want to check a number this big Is the PTA for prime check still considered efficient? Is there a computer that can compute if such a big number like that is prime?
Whether yes or no (maybe no, idk), how does the concept of polynomial time algorithms actually apply in the real world? Is their some computing bound or something for so-called polynomial time algorithms?
I've tried Google searches on this but all I find are mathematical Big O related explanations. I don't find articles that actual relate the concept of PTAs to computing power. I would appreciate some explanation or links to some resources.

There are a few things to explain.
Regarding Polynomial Time as efficient is just an arbitrary agreement. The mathematicians have defined a set Efficient_Algorithms = {P algorithm, where P Polynomial}. That is only a mathematical definition. Mathematicians don't see your actual hardware and they don't care for it. They work with abstract concepts. Yes, scientists consider O(n^100) as efficient.
But you cannot compare one to one statements from theoretical computer science with computer programs running on hardware. Scientists work with formulas and theorems while computer programs are executed on electric circuits.
The Big-Oh notation does not help you for comparing implementations of an algorithms. The Big-Oh notation compares algorithms but not the implementations of them. This can be illustrated as follows. Consider you have a prime checking algorithm with a high polynomial complexity. You implement it and you see it does not perform well for practical use cases. So you use a profiler. It tells you where the bottle neck is. You find out that 98% of the computations time are matrix multiplications. So you develop a processor that does exactly such calculations extremely fast. Or you buy the most modern graphics card for this purpose. Or you wait 150 years for a new hardware generation. Or you achieve to make most of these multiplications parallel. Imagine you achieved somehow to reduce the time for matrix multiplications by 95%. With this wonderful hardware you run your algorithm. And suddenly it performs well. So your algorithm is actually efficient. It was only your hardware that was not powerful enough. This is not an thought experiment. Such dramatic improvements of computation power are reality quite often.
The very most of algorithms that have a polynomial complexity have such because the problems they are solving are actually of polynomial complexity. Consider for example the matrix multiplication. If you do it on paper it is O(n^3). It is the nature of this problem that it has a polynomial complexity. In practice and daily life (I think) most problems for which you have a polynomial algorithm are actually polynomial problems. If you have a polynomial problem, then a polynomial algorithm is efficient.
Why do we talk about polynomial algorithms and why do we consider them as efficient? As already said, this is quite arbitrary. But as a motivation the following words may be helpful. When talking about "polynomial algorithms", we can say there are two types of them.
The algorithms that have a complexity that is even lower than polynomial (e.t. linear or logarithmic). I think we can agree to say these are efficient.
The algorithms that are actually polynomial and not lower than polynomial. As illustrated above, in practice these algorithms are oftentimes polynomial because they solve problems that are actually of polynomial nature and therefore require polynomial complexity. If you see it this way, then of course we can say, these algorithms are efficient.
In practice if you have a linear problem you will normally recognise it as a linear problem. Normally you would not apply an algorithm that has a worse complexity to a linear problem. This is just practical experience. If you for example search an element in a list you would not expect more comparisons than the number of elements in the list. If in such cases you apply an algorithm that has a complexity O(n^2), then of course this polynomial algorithm is not efficient. But as said, such mistakes are oftentimes so obvious, that they don't happen.
So that is my final answer to your question: In practice software developers have a good feeling for linear complexity. Good developers also have a feeling of logarithmic complexity in real life. In consequence that means, you don't have to worry about complexity theory too much. If you have polynomial algorithm, then you normally have a quite good feeling to tell if the problem itself is actually linear or not. If this is not the case, then your algorithm is efficient. If you have an exponential algorithm, it may not be obvious what is going on. But in practice you see the computation time, do some experiments or get complains from users. Exponential complexity is normally not deniable.


In what cases would a programmer be concerned with average time complexity?

As a programmer, I always have asymptotic complexity in mind when implementing algorithms, but I have been trained to only care about “worst-case” time. Anybody have any real-world examples of why average-time complexity is important? Thank you.
You should always worry about average-case time complexity (unless the time is so little that it's not worth worrying about) but you also need to worry about worst-case time complexity unless:
The probability of the worst-case is vanishingly small, and
There is no possibility that an adversary will be able to trigger a worst case with a carefully tailored input.
There are cases where worst-case performance is only somewhat unlikely, not extremely unlikely. A classic case is a tree algorithm which assumes relatively balanced trees and fails catastrophically when presented with a left-biased tree, particularly if the biased tree is the result of a nit unlikely input (nearly sorted or reverse sorted data, for example). Those are cases where you should use a different algorithm even if it is slower in the average case.
But using slow algorithms to protect yourself from denial-of-service attacks is cutting off your nose to spite your face. To protect against DoS, it is sufficient to put a timer around the code and fail if the time is exceeded. (Or you could switch to a slower and safer algorithm to finish, which is effectively what introsort does, for example.)
In the real world asymptotic time is not a determining factor. Users don't patiently wait for O(n) seconds; they want results now, not now + cn for some constant c, particularly if c is big. That's especially true for logarithmic factors. In most cases, there is no effective difference between log n and 'log log n, and often not even betweenlog nandn`. So don't go for the asymptotically "better" solution if that betterness involves a constant so big that the asymptote won't be approached with real-world problem sizes.
As an example, look at the various bignum multiplication algorithms. The asymptotically best algorithm known is so slow that it would only be advantageous on numbers so big that they won't fit in an average machine's memory. There are other, not quite so asymptotically superior algorithms which beat out naive multiplication on numbers with only hundreds of digits. Most good bignum packages implement two or three different algorithms, selecting heuristically based on number size.

Why using heuristics in an algorithm takes away asymptotic optimality?

I was reading about some geometric routing algorithms, there it says that when employing heuristics in a version of the main algorithm it may improve performance, but takes away asymptotic optimality.
Why is that the case? Should we prefer asymptotic optimality over better performance? Are there prototypical cases where one should prefer asymptotic optimality? Are there any benchmarks known?
I think you are asking about optimization problems where heuristics run fast but might not achieve the totally optimal solution, whereas truly optimal solution finding algorithms can run much slower in the worst-case although they always give the totally optimal solution. If so, here's some info. In general, the decision to use a heuristic algorithm often depends on how well it approximates the optimal solution "in practice", and if this typical solution quality is good enough for you, and whether or not you think your particular problem instance falls into the category of the problems that are encountered in practice. If you are interested, you can look up approximation algorithms for NP-complete problems. There are some problems where the score of the solution found by a heuristic is within a constant multiplier (1 + epsilon) of the score of the optimal solution, and you can choose epsilon; however typically the running time increases as epsilon decreases.
My guess is that they are talking about use of (non-admissible) heuristics for approximation algorithms. For instance, the traveling salesman problem is NP-complete, yet there are heuristic approximation methods that are much faster than known algorithms for NP-complete problems but are only guaranteed to get within a few percent of optimal.

When is the "Fast Integer Multiplication Using Modular Arithmetic" (2008) algorithm faster than Schönhage-Strassen algorithm?

From Wikipedia:
"Anindya De, Chandan Saha, Piyush Kurur and Ramprasad Saptharishi[11] gave a similar algorithm using modular arithmetic in 2008 achieving the same running time. However, these latter algorithms are only faster than Schönhage–Strassen for impractically large inputs."
I would be very interested in the size of such impractically large integers.
Maybe someone did implement both algorithms in a certain way and could do some benchmarks?
Fürer's algorithm and it's modular equivalent (DSKS) are very deep research topics and, for now, remain only as academic interest. Nobody actually knows how big the cross-over point is. And in all likeliness it doesn't matter because that cross-over point is likely to be well beyond 64-bit computing limits.
I've implemented Schönhage-Strassen before and I understand how Fürer's algorithm works. So I'm quite familiar with both of them. I can say it's very possible that the cross-over point between Schönhage-Strassen and Fürer's algorithm is so high that a computer capable of holding the parameters will be larger than the size of the observable universe.
That's the problem when you have complexities that differ by less than a logarithm. It takes exponentially large input sizes to compensate even for small differences in the Big-O constant.
In this case, Fürer's algorithm is known to have a very very very large Big-O constant.

How to test an algorithm for perfect optimization?

Is there any way to test an algorithm for perfect optimization?
There is no easy way to prove that any given algorithm is asymptotically optimal.
Proving optimality (if ever) sometimes follows years and/or decades after the algorithm has been written. A classic example is the Union-Find/disjoint-set data structure.
Disjoint-set forests are a data structure where each set is represented by a tree data structure, in which each node holds a reference to its parent node. They were first described by Bernard A. Galler and Michael J. Fischer in 1964, although their precise analysis took years.
[...] These two techniques complement each other; applied together, the amortized time per operation is only O(α(n)), where α(n) is the inverse of the function f(n) = A(n,n), and A is the extremely quickly-growing Ackermann function.
[...] In fact, this is asymptotically optimal: Fredman and Saks showed in 1989 that Ω(α(n)) words must be accessed by any disjoint-set data structure per operation on average.
For some algorithms optimality can be proven after very careful analysis, but generally speaking, there's no easy way to tell if an algorithm is optimal once it's written. In fact, it's not always easy to prove if the algorithm is even correct.
See also
Wikipedia/Matrix multiplication
The naive algorithm is O(N3), Strassen's is roughly O(N2.807), Coppersmith-Winograd is O(N2.376), and we still don't know what is optimal.
Wikipedia/Asymptotically optimal
it is an open problem whether many of the most well-known algorithms today are asymptotically optimal or not. For example, there is an O(nα(n)) algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees. Whether this algorithm is asymptotically optimal is unknown, and would be likely to be hailed as a significant result if it were resolved either way.
Practical considerations
Note that sometimes asymptotically "worse" algorithms are better in practice due to many factors (e.g. ease of implementation, actually better performance for the given input parameter range, etc).
A typical example is quicksort with a simple pivot selection that may exhibit quadratic worst-case performance, but is still favored in many scenarios over a more complicated variant and/or other asymptotically optimal sorting algorithms.
For those among us mortals that merely want to know if an algorithm:
reasonably works as expected;
is faster than others;
there is an easy step called 'benchmark'.
Pick up the best contenders in the area and compare them with your algorithm.
If your algorithm wins then it better matches your needs (the ones defined by
your benchmarks).

Running time of computing mathematical functions

Where can I turn for information regarding computing times of mathematical functions? Has any (general) study with any amount of rigor been made?
For instance, the computing time of
constant + constant
generally takes O(1).
Suppose I want to start using math like integrals, and I'd like to get an asymptotic approximation to various integrals. Has there been a standard study of this, or must I take the information I have and figure out my own approximation. I'd be very interested in a standard approach to this, and I'd like to know if it already exists.
Here's my motivation:
I'm in the middle of writing a paper that points out the equivalence between NP hard problems and certain types of mathematical equations. It seems that there might be use for a study of math computing times that is generalized like a new science.
I guess I'm wondering if there is a standard computational complexity to any given math that cannot be avoided. I'm wondering if anyone has studied this question. I'd love to see what others have tried.
Wikipedia lists "Computational Complexity Theory" in their encyclopedia, which I think may fit the bill. I'm still wondering if someone who has studied this could affirm this.
"Standard" math has no notion of algorithmic complexity. That's reserved for computer algorithms.
There are ways to analyze the dynamic behavior of solutions of equations. Things like convergence matter a great deal to mathematicians.
You can ask what the algorithmic complexity of euler integration versus fifth-order Runge-Kutta for integration. They would compare based on number of function evaluations required and time step stability.
But what's the "running time" of the solution to Fermat's Last Theorem? What about the last of David Hilbert's challenge problems? Is the "running time" for those a century and counting? What's your running time for solving a partial differential equation using separation of variables?
When you think about it that way, do you have a better understanding of why people would be put off by your question?
Yes, for various mathematical functions, the computational complexity (running time) of computing the function has been studied. This can differ depending on the model of computation.
For example adding two n-bit numbers takes Θ(n) time, multiplying them takes Θ(n log n) time (using the FFT), finding their gcd takes Θ(n2) time with the usual Euclidean algorithm and Θ(n(log n)2 (log log n)) with better algorithms, etc. For more complicated stuff like integrals, obviously it depends on what algorithm you use to do it.
There isn't a collected body of work, but work on approximating functions comes close. For example, you'd like to know that approximating sin(x) to within an epsilon error can be done in time proportional to some polynomial in log(x) and 1/epsilon. There isn't a general theory here (you should look up information complexity though), and focusing on specific functions might help.
I think that subconsciously you want to deduce the complexity of computing a mathematical type from the form of this mathematical type.
E.g. A math type which concerns the square of the variable (x^2) you think (at least subconsciously) that the complexity of the computation is anologous to x^2 so the complexity should be something like O(n^2) or there is a standard process to deduce the form of complexity from the form of the mathematical equation.
These both are different qualities and one cannot deduce the one quality from the other.
I will give you an example: In papers all algorithms are written in pseudo code and then the scientists deduce the complexity of the pseudo code.
The pseudo code must be inevitably written and then you compute the complexity.
There is no a magical way to have the complexity derived from the form of the thing you want to compute.
Even if you compute the complexity and you find that the form is analogous to the form of the equation computed then I think it would be hard, at least at first place, for you to convert that remark from pseudo-science to science.
Good Luck!
