Apache Server using 100% resources - memory-management

We are experiencing Apache HTTP Server (64 bit) service high CPU usage [100% approx] and Memory usage[90% approx] which raises the overall CPU utilization to 100% constantly after upgrading the CPU and RAM on Windows Server 2019 Virtual Machines. It will even happen right after restarting Apache or rebooting the wamp server.
For some days, every time 300+ users open a website, the Apache CPU usage goes up to 100% and the Wamp server stop automatically (we have to restart it every time it passes).
The Virtual Machines configuration is - Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
Processor : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8272CL
CPU : 2.60GHz
RAM : 32GB
mysql version : 8.0.18
Wamp server : 3.2.0
Apache : 2.4.41
PHP : 7.3.12
Please let me know how can I solve this problem?
Thank you.
CPU & Memory usage


Tomcat server suddenly down on vps

I'm trying to hosting my project on digital ocean vps.
I used tomcat 8, jdk 1.8.
My environment setting is
Before I deploy my project, the tomcat server has no issue. Even when my project was deployed.
But when I access my project URL, i can't access and tomcat server can't access no more. I mean, tomcat home, manager-GUI etc.
Note. My Project has no issue in my local CentOS Server. Can run successfully.
My VPS setting is
Server - Digital Ocean
OS - CentOS 7
Processor - 1 Core
Memory - 512 MB
Storage - 20 GB ssd

Why Windows system having Cassandra Server is hanging?

For testing purpose, I have installed Cassandra Single Node server in my windows 64-bit System where the Cassandra Server running Continuously as a Service. After 2 or 3 Days of Continuous run, my System is getting hanged which does not allows any operations at all. But Cassandra Server is serving requests from Client applications with out creating any problem. What is the reason for this problem and How to solve this issue?

hyper-v guest machines ping responses are very slow

Just bought a new server, installed hyper-v and have two guest machines running windows 2012 R2.
When I ping the host machine or any other physical machines on my network, the ping responses are usually very fast <1ms, however, when I ping the guest machines the ping responses are much slower time=88, time=122, or much higher and inconsistent.
Could someone advise me if this is normal or what needs to be fixed?
Might be worth checking if you have VMQ enabled. There are many articles on the web stating that sometimes if that is enabled your ping times are much slower. Try disabling VMQ in both the host network driver and the virtual adapters and see if that helps.
Here is one such article:

WAMP incredibly slow over network

I have set up a WAMP development server on a Windows 8 machine and it works very well when accessed by http://localhost, however when accessing same page by IP address (whether from the same machine on which WAMP server is hosted or from different machine on the network) it is incredibly slow.
For example, a typical page takes 0.2 seconds to load through localhost, and 9 seconds to load through IP address.
Would anyone know what could be the issue?

In Slapd, how do I deal with the "connection table full (64/64)" error?

I'm working on an application running on Windows servers which requires heavy use of LDAP. For now we are stuck with the slapd LDAP server on a Windows platform - it's not great but for various reasons we are stuck with this architecture.
Our system scales with demand, so at peak times there will be more application servers. Each application server is multi-threaded and may make up to 16 concurrent connections to the single LDAP server.
Any time the system tries to make more than 64 concurrent connections to the LDAP server, the slapd will block any further connection attemps.
It's obvious that the slapd connection pool is maxed-out, but how do I make it bigger? The machine we run Slapd on is a very-powerful 8-core server, so we can theoretically a few hundred concurrent connections. Furthermore, a previous incarnation of this project ran slapd on Ubuntu Linux on a dual-core server. It was able to handle twice the load of ours without any problem, so it would appear that our troubles are Windows spesific.
Found the ansewer:
You have to re-compile slapd with the source-code changed, there's a C++ macro which specifies the connection limit.
