hyper-v guest machines ping responses are very slow - performance

Just bought a new server, installed hyper-v and have two guest machines running windows 2012 R2.
When I ping the host machine or any other physical machines on my network, the ping responses are usually very fast <1ms, however, when I ping the guest machines the ping responses are much slower time=88, time=122, or much higher and inconsistent.
Could someone advise me if this is normal or what needs to be fixed?

Might be worth checking if you have VMQ enabled. There are many articles on the web stating that sometimes if that is enabled your ping times are much slower. Try disabling VMQ in both the host network driver and the virtual adapters and see if that helps.
Here is one such article:


ping machine in VM gives the wrong adapter ip

I am studying Active directory. I created a virtual lab to experiment for the couse I am studying.
I am using Oracle VM 6.1 and I created 2 virtual machine. One where I installed Windows server 2019 and one wher eI installed Windows7 (my laptop cannot run anything bigger than that).
In each VM I created 2 network adapters, the first is attached to "internal network" on and the second to a "bridged adapter"
I then set the ip of the win2019 VM to and the one for the Win7 machine to, both from the network configuration of the OSs.
I then activated the DNS service on the Win2019 and used as DNS in the Win7 network configuration.
When I ping -4 server1 ( the anme I gave o the Win2019VM) from cmd in Windows7 I get as ip
If I deactivate the bridged network adapters in both machines, I get the expected one,
If I reactivate the adapters, I get again.
Seems WIN2019 gets the internal network adapter as second ethernet adapter.
From what I see on the course I am studing it is expected to have as result of ping -4 server1 with both networks adapters active.
How can I get the DNS have server1 give Ipv4 address when I ping it? Happy to provide more details if needed.
I am almost new to networking so please be patient if it is a stupid question. I checked the forum, but seems none posted this question here
Thnaks in advance
Edit this is the ipconfig /all for the Windows 2019 machine aka server1
This the win7 one
IPCONFIG /ALL from both servers.

How to notify my IP to other devices in my network

I have a setup with a few Linux devices and one windows device connected to a switch. I would like a way to tell the windows machine which IPs the Linux machines get when booting. I have tried to populate the arp table on the windows machine by pinging broadcast but I have not succeeded because windows doesn't reply to broadcast.
I have tried also nmap but that is not an option because it takes really long to scan (the net mask is
You could set up a static IP and other network settings on all the Linux machines.
then on your Windows system edit your HOST file with the names and ip addresses.
This should bypass the need for a DHCP or DNS.
However other systems on the network will not be able to find your systems.
Regardless you still need to speak to the guys who administer the network to add your linux systems in.
It is rather impolite and/or against policy and somewhat bordering on illegal; to simply plug in your systems into the network not owned by yourself.
So if you have a right or need, the administrators will listen and should help you.

Access local http server coming from a VM from another VM using VirtualBox

I have 2 VM running, one is giving me a local server on an address like www.x.com (FREE BSD 64bit), which I can access from my browsers locally.
My question is, if I use another VM to test with windows and IE, how can I access my www.x.com given from my other running VM with the second VM? That means, from IE?
Is that possible?
Thanks a lot, this would help me a lot, I have to deploy to our testing servers everytime I want to test something on IE and is quite annoying!
Possible, of course. To connect to your VM both from host system and another VM you can set bridget networking for both VMs (BTW, maybe you already using network bridge). There are also other possibilities, but bridget network is easiest way, IMHO.

DHCP to real network from VMWare machine

I'm currently working on a project involved in deploying Windows 7 (configured to our needs) to a lot of netbooks. For that I'm planning to use Acronis Snap Deploy and to push images through ethernet. I'm currently having issues with DHCP service though, because I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate on my PC (main). I tried to use programs which run DHCP services, but they all failed for some reason.
The thing is complicated with the fact, that my PC belongs to our corporate network with our our Domain and DHCP server - I connect to the network through WiFi.
I plan to use PCs Ethernet to create my own "private netbook network" :) I have to turn off my Wireless so that my PCs DHCP won't conflict with corporate's.
So my questions are:
1) If issue IS REALLY in DHCP programs, would I able to run Windows 2003 Server from Vmware Workstation, so that it would issue IP Addresses to the netbooks?
2) If you know better ways of deploying images to multiple PCs, can you advice me on that?
What network will netbooks be plugged in? You are talking about "private netbook network". Does it mean that all the netbooks are plugged in a network with only your PC and netbooks?
If so, you should install a DHCP server on your PC and enjoy. Netbooks get IP from your PC, no one knows about corporate network.
DHCP works by using broadcast. If your computer is connected to a corporate network that already uses DHCP, your new DHCP server may answer requests from other corporate PCs. You don't want that.
You need to make sure your DHCP server doesn't have a way to talk to the corporate network. You could put another network interface (like wifi you mentioned) in the PC, then make sure the DHCP server only hands out addresses on that non-corporate interface.
Using virtualization won't help unless the DHCP clients (the netbooks) are also virtual machines.

xampp and acces Local area network

I create a local network between my physical machine (windows) and my virtual machine (Fedorat)
I installed xampp on fedorat and I want to access my web application located in / opt / lampp / htdocs / MyApplication from my physical machine by ip address of the virtual machine
But its not working
What changes must I do that on xampp to make it accessible
Is your webserver running and is it possible to access the webserver locally (from your Fedora VM)?
What do you mean by not working? There are so many things that could be wrong... Do you receive a 404? Timeout? Are your machines on the same subnet? Are you able to ping your Fedora machine from Windows?
Had a similar problem once. In my case, it was because of firewall settings.
Try connecting your own machine to a LAN access point in the same router as the VM is connected.
I don't have much tech. background, but maybe if you narrow it to this specific case, someone else can help you.
I ping my VM from my physical machine and it works very well
How long have I install wamp on my physical machine and I set up for access to local network and I accessed from my VM
So the network between two machines running very well
my question is not about the establishment of networks between the two machines but rather how to configure XAMPP that it is accessible by
other machine in network
(I was already a problem on windows with wamp parail I solved by configuring wamp but I recall more of what I did)
