deprecated property: connection-timeout: 12000 - spring

I have this property into Spring Boot application:
connection-timeout: 12000
I get warning:
Deprecated Each server behaves differently. Use server specific properties instead.
Gradle: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure:2.6.8 (spring-boot-autoconfigure-2.6.8.jar)
is there some better configuration property that I can use?

I don't even know why you receive a deprecated warning.
According to the documentation from Spring Boot version 2.3 and onwards this property is removed not deprecated any more.
As you can read here, there are some other properties which you can use instead depending on the server that runs your spring boot application.
server.tomcat.connection-timeout should be used if you have tomcat as running server.
server.netty.connection-timeout should be used if netty is used.
server.jetty.connection-idle-timeout should be used if jetty is used
Basically each server has it's own implementation, so you must read your server's documentation to see what it allows and how this behaves. There might be slight differences from how one server behaves and how it interprets connection-timeout and how another server behave and interprets a similar configuration.
This is I think the reason that Spring decides to move to server specific configuration on property connection-timeout instead of a general property and also a very important reason was that some servers may not even have this configuration available to them. So then you have a general property configured in your spring boot application which the server that runs the application can't even respect.
Therefore you now have specific properties for specific servers and now you can be sure upfront whether this configuration is available in your server and you can also read the server documentation to understand exactly what the behavior will be.

Although this setting is being deprecated, we still can use the timeout function.
According to official document, we can use #Transactional(timeout = 1) to do the track in the controller


Log4j Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) on Google Cloud Platform and PCF

Currently there are so many suggested steps that have been posted for excluding log4j-core library from dependency or upgrading to the latest (above version 2.15) version according to Spring Blog . Are there any recommended tools that can be used for protecting spring application deployed in Google App Engine or Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) for protecting instead of patching them for redeployment?
Another necessary question is, does it make my application(microservice spring application) to be vulnerable if it uses another microservice for some of its service if it depends on another microservice and if that microservice already uses vulnerable version of log4j-core?
In regard to your first question, you can set an environment variable in order to disable the replacement lookups in log4j:
Please note that this only works for log4j >= 2.10.
I believe you can set environment variables in PCF without having to redeploy the service (of course, a restart would be needed), so no new release would be needed. See: and
In order to see whether your spring-boot application is vulnerable to the exploit, you could use a spring-boot test I created for that purpose: - You could test your application with and without the environment variable, to see if it has any effect (assuming that your application currently is vulnerable).
Short answer to your first question is may be. You can protect your application/service by using rules in WAF to discard the ${jndi://ldap pattern. However, there are so many mutations of this (base64 encoding etc.) that it will not be foolproof. If you are worried about dependencies, you should set the JVM Parameter and redeploy your app to prevent the lookup as a workaround.
Regarding your 2nd question - the answer is yes if the the 2nd micro service is being passed the same input and it's logging.

Any way to split Spring Boot configuration into multiple properties files without having to specify an environment variable/system property

New to Spring Boot here, long-time Spring Framework user though.
I'm looking for a way to split my externalised configuration into multiple .properties files, for better readability and manageability.
I already saw this SO answer: having the ability to specify a list of configuration file names in (which, by the way, doesn't seem to be mentioned in Boot reference documentation, correct me if I'm wrong) would solve my problem perfectly, however that configuration property can be specified only via system properties or environment variables. If I try to specify it inside my file, it gets ignored. The same happens for spring.config.additional-location. I understand this happens because, when is read, it's too late to tell Spring Boot to search for different externalised configuration file names. However this is not a proper solution, because the way I split my configuration should be an "implementation detail" that the consumer of my application shouldn't be aware of, so I don't expect the consumer to specify an external parameter otherwise my application breaks out-of-the-box.
I think that a way to do this should be provided. Perhaps some import mechanism for .properties files or the ability to specify even in (some known and reasonable limitations would be acceptable).
The best I could find out is to use #PropertySource, but this is not profile aware: unless you use some ugly nested class hack, or you put variable in the resource name (which will break if multiple profiles have been activated), you won't get the benefit you have for profile-specific files.
I was not able to find an "official way" to do this, apart from some statements from Spring Boot devs that say that they're rather promoting the use of a single (possibly giant...) externalised configuration file. It seems like this position is not so popular, judging from the post reactions on GitHub, and IMHO it really seems to be a basic feature missing. I have been working with multiple properties files in Spring Framework (using XML configuration) for years and I never felt that having an only huge file would have been better.
If I understand it right, in Boot 1.x this was in some way possible using the location attribute of #ConfigurationProperties, which is however missing in Boot 2.x.
Any suggestion?
Have you tried with Spring Profile?
What you can do is create, and put it in config location and then add<your env profiles>,file1,file2.
It will load the files.
This profile entry can be in bootstrap.yml, or JVM args to application, in Manifest-<env>.yml in case of Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Not sure on AWS and other cloud provider.
Hope this will help.

Spring Boot best practices for hiding or encrypting passwords

I have been using the Spring Framework for about 4 years now, and now Spring Boot for the last couple of months. My Spring MVC applications are usually deployed on a Java EE container such as JBoss/WildFly or WebLogic. Doing so allows me to use JNDI for things like datasources or any other sensitive data that involve secrets/passwords. That makes my app "consume" that JNDI resource based on its name.
Now with Spring Boot and especially for self-contained microservices (embedded tomcat), that information is now stored within the application ( and/or in Spring Java Config classes), so versioned in Git.
That makes that information a lot more exposed to other developers, which I'm not very comfortable with. I also don't like having those details show up in SonarQube and Jenkins (through workspaces).
Question is: Are there any best practices for this specific requirement?
I see some articles here and there about the use of Jasypt, but I wonder if it's still a valid library to use since the last stable release is dated from 2014.
Thank you
You could consider using a vault. Spring supports a few of them out of the box. You can find more information here
If you have spring cloud in your stack, then it's very easy. Use encrypt the value and put it in the application properties. Follow the instruction mentioned here.
Other way is, set the values as environmental variables and using the environmental variables in the application properties. Instructions here

Externalizing logging in Spring Boot apps

I'm trying to externalize logging configuration. However, any configuration I establish (e.g. -Dlogback.configurationFile=...) is wiped out the moment I call Is there a way to prevent this?
Try 'logging.config' (or use one of the the conventional locations, e.g. 'classpath:/logback.xml'). Docs here:

Using JbossSerialization instead of java Serialization for JBOSS remote invocations

I’m using Jboss 5, and invoking hundreds of EJBs with complex parameters.
There are some performance issues that I think are related to Java Serialization
As Jboss using JbossRemoting for remote invocations, I would like to use JbossSerialization to optimize serialization performance.
Like explained here, I'm using
at server side and in invocation code.
But JavaSerializationManager is still used by Jboss.
Can someone explain or exemplify how to configure JBOSS for using JBossSerializationManager.
In other words, what is the easiest way to make already deployed EJB application using Jboss Serialization instead of java Serialization?
This is confusing because JBoss remoting is a component that is used by JBoss Server. If you were using JBoss Remoting standalone that works (sort of). JBoss Server has its own set of config files.
For EJB3 calls you will need to update the InvokerLocator connection string in the location defined here. It looks something like below...
The parameter you want to add is here under 5.11.1
SERIALIZATIONTYPE (actual value is 'serializationtype') - indicates the serialization implementation to use. Currently, the only possible values are 'java' and 'jboss'. Java serialization is the default. Setting to 'jboss' will cause JBoss Serialization to be used. In implementation, this equates to the parameter that will be passed to the SerializationStreamFactory.getManagerInstance() method. This configuration can be set as an invoker locator url parameter (e.g. socket://myhost:5400/?serializationtype=jboss) or as an entry to the configuration Map passed when constructing a remoting client or server.
So you would append
Note that there is no way to use JBoss Serialization for JMS that I could find.
