Spring Boot best practices for hiding or encrypting passwords - spring

I have been using the Spring Framework for about 4 years now, and now Spring Boot for the last couple of months. My Spring MVC applications are usually deployed on a Java EE container such as JBoss/WildFly or WebLogic. Doing so allows me to use JNDI for things like datasources or any other sensitive data that involve secrets/passwords. That makes my app "consume" that JNDI resource based on its name.
Now with Spring Boot and especially for self-contained microservices (embedded tomcat), that information is now stored within the application (application.properties and/or in Spring Java Config classes), so versioned in Git.
That makes that information a lot more exposed to other developers, which I'm not very comfortable with. I also don't like having those details show up in SonarQube and Jenkins (through workspaces).
Question is: Are there any best practices for this specific requirement?
I see some articles here and there about the use of Jasypt, but I wonder if it's still a valid library to use since the last stable release is dated from 2014.
Thank you

You could consider using a vault. Spring supports a few of them out of the box. You can find more information here http://projects.spring.io/spring-vault/.

If you have spring cloud in your stack, then it's very easy. Use encrypt the value and put it in the application properties. Follow the instruction mentioned here.
Other way is, set the values as environmental variables and using the environmental variables in the application properties. Instructions here


Log4j Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) on Google Cloud Platform and PCF

Currently there are so many suggested steps that have been posted for excluding log4j-core library from dependency or upgrading to the latest (above version 2.15) version according to Spring Blog . Are there any recommended tools that can be used for protecting spring application deployed in Google App Engine or Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) for protecting instead of patching them for redeployment?
Another necessary question is, does it make my application(microservice spring application) to be vulnerable if it uses another microservice for some of its service if it depends on another microservice and if that microservice already uses vulnerable version of log4j-core?
In regard to your first question, you can set an environment variable in order to disable the replacement lookups in log4j:
Please note that this only works for log4j >= 2.10.
I believe you can set environment variables in PCF without having to redeploy the service (of course, a restart would be needed), so no new release would be needed. See: https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/2-3/devguide/deploy-apps/environment-variable.html and https://cli.cloudfoundry.org/en-US/v6/set-env.html
In order to see whether your spring-boot application is vulnerable to the exploit, you could use a spring-boot test I created for that purpose: https://github.com/chilit-nl/log4shell-example - You could test your application with and without the environment variable, to see if it has any effect (assuming that your application currently is vulnerable).
Short answer to your first question is may be. You can protect your application/service by using rules in WAF to discard the ${jndi://ldap pattern. However, there are so many mutations of this (base64 encoding etc.) that it will not be foolproof. If you are worried about dependencies, you should set the JVM Parameter and redeploy your app to prevent the lookup as a workaround.
Regarding your 2nd question - the answer is yes if the the 2nd micro service is being passed the same input and it's logging.

Spring Boot: Handle configuration in multitenant application

I am implementing a Spring Boot application which will be providing a multitenant environment. That is achieved in my case by using a database schema for each customer. Example see this project.
Now I am wondering how to implement tenant-specific configurations. I am using #ConfigurationProperties to bundle my property values, but these are getting instantiated once and not for each tenant.
What if I would like to use Spring Cloud Config with multiple tenant specific git repository as an configuration backend. Would it be possible when using a jdbc backend for Spring Cloud Config?
Is there any way with default Spring mechanisms or do I have to implement a database based configuration framework myself?
Edit: For example I have two tenants called Tenant1 and Tenant2. Both are running over the same application in the same context and are writing in the database schemes tenant_1 and tenant_2.
Identification of tenants is happening over keycloak (see Spring Keycloak multi tenant example). So I identify the tenantId from the jwt token and select the database connection like described here.
But now I would need the same mechanism for #Configuration beans. Since #Configuration beans are as far as I know Singletons, so there is always ONE configuration per application scope, and not ONE configuration per tenant.
So using Spring Cloud Config Tenant1 is using https://git-url/tenant1, Tenant2 is using Hashicorp Vault as backend and perhaps Tenant3 will be using a jdbc based configuration backend. And all of that in ONE (of course scalable) application.
In case your application uses tenant specific files (html templates etc), the following can be applied. As I have used the below approach for handling many tenants and works fine and easy to maintain.
I would suggest that you maintain a consistent configuration source (JDBC) for all of your tenant configurations. This helps you have a single source that is cacheable and scalable for your application. Also, you could have your tenants navigate to a configuration page to manage their settings and alter them to suit their needs at any point of time on the fly. (Example Settings: Records Per Page, Theme, Logo, Filters etc...)
Having the tenant configuration in files in git will be a difficult task when you wanted to auto-provision tenant's when they sign-up as it will involve couple of distributed services. Having them in a TenantSettings table with the tenantId as a column could help you get the data in no time and will be easy.
You can use Spring Cloud Config for your scenario and it is adoptable. It is easily configurable and provides out of the box features. For your specific scenario, you can have any number of microservices running yet all controlled by one Spring Cloud Config Server which is connected to one Git Repository. Your all microservices are asking configuration properties from Spring Cloud Config Server and it is directly fetching properties from Git Repository. That repository can have multiple property files. It can hold common properties for all the microservices or specific service based configuration properties. If you want to keep confidential properties more securely, that is also made possible via HashiCorp vault. I will leave an image below for you to get a better idea about this concept.
In the below image, you can see the Git Repository with common configuration property files and specific configuration property files for different services yet in same repository.
I will add another image for you to get a better idea how does this can be arranged with application profiles as well.
Finally I will add something additional to show the power of Spring Cloud Config and out of the box features it allows us to play with. You can automatically refresh configuration properties in running application as well. You can configure Spring Cloud Config to do that. I will add an architectural diagram to achieve that.
References for this answer is taken from Spring in Action, Fifth Edition
Craig Walls

Dynamic Camel route configuration at deployment time: Java DSL or XML DSL?

Let me preface this with the fact that I am still very new to Apache Camel. I'm still trying to understand how it all works, and what needs to be done (and HOW to do it) to achieve a particular effect.
I am trying to develop a Spring Boot application that will use Apache Camel to handle the transmission (and possibly also receipt) of data to/from a number of possible sources and destinations. The purpose of the application is to provide a means to produce/generate network traffic, at the network application level, that will be fed into another Spring Boot application - let's call this the target. We are trying to observe and measure the effects various network loads have on the target.
We would like to be able to transmit data via a number of protocols, including: ftp, http/s, file systems (nfs), various mail protocols (smtp, pop) and data streaming protocols for voice and video. There may be other protocols added at a later time. The data itself is irrelevant, we just need to be able to transmit data via various protocols with various loads.
These applications/services will be running in a containerized environment (Docker) that will be run within our local development and test environment, as well as possibly in a cloud environment, such as AWS. We have used Docker, Ansible, Terraform and are currently working towards using Kubernetes and Istio to manage the configuration, deployment, and operation of these applications.
We need to be able to provide specific configurations of Camel routes for particular deployments.
It would appear that the preferred method to configure Camel routes is via Java DSL, rather than XML DSL. The Camel documentation and nearly every other source of information I've found have a strong bias towards using Java DSL. Examples of XML DSL route configuration are far and few.
My initial impression is that going the Java DSL route (excuse the pun), would not work well with our need to be able to deploy a Camel application with a specific route configuration. It seems like you are required to have Java DSL defined route configurations hardwired into the code.
We think that it will be easier to provide a specific route configuration via an XML file that can be included in a deployment, hence why I've been trying to investigate and experiment with XML DSL. Perhaps we are mistaken in this regard.
My question to the community is: Considering what I've described above, can the Java DSL approach be used to meet the requirements as I've described them? Can we use Java DSL in a way that allows for dynamic route configuration? Keep in mind we would not be attempting to change configuration during operation, just in the course of performing a deployment.
If Java DSL could be used for this purpose, it would be very much appreciated if pointers to documentation, examples, etc. could be provided.
For your use cases you could use XML DSL also. Anyhow below book covers most aspects Camel development with examples. In this book authors describes XML DSL use for most of java DSL examples.
In below github repository you can find the source code for all the examples listed in above book.
Simple tutorial and github repository for Apache Camel using Spring boot.
Maven Plugin for build and deployment of spring boot container application into Kubernetes cluster
In case if your company can afford some funding for your effort look at below link which provides commercial offerings around Camel.
Madhu Gupta
Our team has a few projects which use the Java DSL for building routes. In order to make them dynamic, there are control structures for iterating and setting endpoints based off configurations. That works for us because the routes are basically all the same, just with different sources and sinks.
If you could dynamically add/change the XML DSL files in a way that doesn't involve redeploying your application, that might be a viable route to follow. One might, for example, change the camel.springboot.xml-routes property to point to a folder which changes as needed.

Spring Gemfire Cache implementation

I am trying to implement cache mechanism provide by Spring Data GemFire. Has anyone implemented a solution? I need to check on performance and ease to implement it.
First, you can find plenty of examples in the Spring User Guides, here, for example...
Accessing Data with GemFire,
Caching Data with GemFire, and ...
Accessing GemFire Data with REST
Additionally, there is a Spring GemFire Examples project here.
I have also started work on building a "Reference Implementation" (RI) for Spring Data GemFire/Geode, here. I have much work to do with this project yet, like documentation (READMEs) in the Repo, but I do plan to keep it up-to-date with my latest developments since I use the code as a basis for all my conference talks. Anyway, there is plenty of code examples and tests in this GitHub project to keep you busy for awhile.
Then, the Spring Data GemFire and Spring Data Geode GitHub projects themselves, have plenty of tests to show you how to address different application concerns (Configuration, Data Access, Function Execution, etc, etc).
Of particular interests might be the new Annotation-based configuration model for SDG^2 that I am working on. This is currently a WIP and I am also working on User Guide documentation for this feature/functionality, but it is established and even inspired by the auto-configuration features and Annotations provided by Spring and Spring Boot (e.g. #EnableXYZ).
Users have even started using the Annotation-based configuration model without significant documentation in place since it builds on concepts already available and familiar in Spring Boot. In fact combining these SDG specific Annotations with Spring Boot makes for a very powerful combination while preserving simple/easy nature to get started, 1 of my primary goals.
Given the lack of documentation yet, you can find more out in the Spring IO blog, where I first blogged about it here. Then I expanded on this article in a second blog, talking specifically about security.
And if you are really curious, you can follow the latest developments of the Annotation configuration model in my testing efforts.
Finally, of course, as I have already alluded to, as any good developer knows, getting started is as easy following the examples and reviewing Spring Data GemFire Reference Guide and Javadoc.
Don't forget to familiarize yourself with Pivotal GemFire as well! Javadoc here.
Hope this helps!

Spring 4 vs Grails - Open Source Plugins

I have used spring 3 but not sure what is the equivalent of a grails plugin. And now need to suggest a stack for a new app. Looking at grails it seems to be great for making data base models and has a lot of plugins. but it seems its more expensive at runtime.
So my question is that is there a equal or better repo of spring for every little thing you can need like facebook login or other social actions, ajax upload, joda etc or is this what we call a dependency and some code from a blog/ stack?
Is there any repo of small reusable code like we have on grails plug ins for regular spring mvc projects?
I know that your question is about pure spring alternatives, but I would honestly recommend just using Grails. I've done projects in both stacks. If you want to get rid of the configuration headaches and get started quickly on a new project while staying within the Spring stack, it is the way to go. It is a great framework and some of my employers have many production Grails applications supporting thousands of customers.
You can also upgrade to Grails 3 when it comes out next year and take advantage of the leaner code they provide in it due to Spring Boot!
You may need to check into Spring Boot. It does not provide a full stack framework, but it is hiding much of the extra coding you may need to do for a spring application. There are some new projects that enable you to get the benefits of spring boot. Check the below projects:
1- http://jhipster.github.io/ , use it if you need to make SPA with AngularJS also have commands to generate Entities for you using Yeoman
2- http://lightadmin.org/ , use it if you want to create CRUD pages based on Spring Data Entities
For both, you may have to use Spring Data and maybe even Spring Data REST. These may be helpful too.
