Greenmail , email tests spring - spring

can somebody send example how to make integration test - i need to test automatic email sender when object saved in database. So i need to ADD object to database for ex h-2 , when its add my service method also sending email to user. How to test by greenmail ? As i see in tutorials there is lot of examples testing only sending service/method, not testing with other methods ..
I need test for POST, add object to database, and test if email going fine to client email.


Mocking Guzzle client inside Laravel job for testing

I have a job class which purpose is to send some user data to HubSpot, and to do that it uses Guzzle client to call the create or update API endpoint since the HS PHP client seems to lack this feature.
The problem is that during job testing I don't want to really call HS API, so I need a way to mock the Guzzle client from the outside of the job, but I can't find none.
I've also thought to add the client as a constructor arg and create the job via the service container to take advantage of Laravel's dependancy injection system, but I've discarded the idea since the job is never called/created in the application via service container and it therefore require to update the entire application where needed.
How can I test the job without really making a call to the HS API?
You can set Http::fake method in your tests. e.g.:
// Stub a string response for Google endpoints...
'*' => Http::response('Hello World', 200, $headers),
And I would pair this with my new favorite test helper for Preventing Stray Requests that will throw exeption if you have real HTTP requests called from your tests:

How to handle social login? - example flow

I have more conteptual question, how exactly should I handle social login in my project.
The use case is that I would like to allow user to login with Facebook, and keep on my backend information about this user (email, firstname, lastname)
I have some proposal Flow, but I'm not sure if it's a proper approach.
Let's say that I have application architecture as above. Now I would like to explain step-by-step full success flow.
Client (Vue application) make a call to AuthProvider (Facebook)
AuthProvider returns access_token
Client after reciving access_token make a call to backend endpoint like /fb_profile with access_token and userID (?)
Backend make a call to AuthProvider to check if given by client access_token is valid or not.
AuthProvider returns information about user. Backend after getting information about user, save it to database and generate new JWT token
Backend returns generated token to user
Now my question is - Is this good approach? Or should i handle it in other way? Like keep more logic to backend part? Instead of make a call to Facebook from Client, maybe should I make a call to backend, and backend make a call to Facebook?
You seem to be on right track. There could me many ways to do the same thing, here is the way which is working for me using vue/laravel/passport/socialite/github.
Trigger redirect in controller from frontend,
Provider(here github app) is triggered in browser with its url using client id/app name saved in back end config/env. Fill out your login details
It will redirect as created in provider and configured in backend-> show it on frontend, in my case its
From frontend now trigger callback in controller, it will check if user details already exist and will insert if its first time user as per logic. Then it will send back access_token to frontend which can be used in frontend for all the operations
The above will be the sequence of the request flow ( same as yours ).
This would be the standard practice we used to integrate with Facebook. In this case, I strictly advise you to use the JavaScript SDK for Facebook.
Refer below link in case if you run into the following issue:
Vuejs component wait for facebook sdk to load

Laravel - How Do You Check If Current E-Mail Configuration is Valid Without Sending an E-Mail?

I've written a custom provider that overwrites the e-mail configuration settings in mail.php with values populated from a database. I have a feature in my app that lets users tests the e-mail configuration entered into the system.
I can test whether current credentials are valid by calling Mail::send(). If the configuration isn't valid, the send() method will return a reason on why sending the e-mail failed.
Is there anyway for me to check configuration without actually sending an e-mail?
You can use Mail::fake(); that doesn't send the email.
In you /config/mail.php set email driver from smtp to log. I usually do it in .env
Then send the mail as usual. You'll get a log with your email in it in /storage/logs/laravel.log This would be the easiest method. Further you can use services like or mailthief

Mock OAuth server for testing

I'd like to know if it is possible to simulate the oAuth(1,2) authentication flow. I'd like to test without the need to connect to the provider itself. It should be possible as it is just some communication exchange. I'm not looking for something like this where they still communicate with remote server. I'd like to be completely offline, when testing.
Maybe I can run my own oAuth server. I should be using Google oAuth services so the server should behave same like they do. Does google provide some code for their oAuth server, or is it possible to create some fake server. Note the test should be more integration test. I would like to command the server to return some predefined responses. Switching to live oAuth providers will be just changing the remote URL.
Maybe just some http server is ok, I just need to care about the proper format of communicated messages.
Take a look at Client Side REST Tests section of Spring Reference docs. With this support you can easily fake the server and record desired behaviour into MockRestServiceServer.
Here are some examples I created.
Please see steps below to mock OAuth2 token to be used for faster local development using SOAPUI.
Create a REST soapUI project, create a POST resource for URL "http://localhost:9045/oauth/token".
Create a Mock Service for above resource.
Create a Mock response as shown below, you can add your own parameters and values depending on your requirements.
"scope":"read write",
Start the mock service.
Test using your local REST POST request.
Mock Response:
Mock Oauth2 SOAPUI testing:

How to login to an email Address using jmeter?

I am testing some api for our product using jmeter. To test the api to verify the user's email address I need to login to the mail account. I have the email and password of a test user. How can I login using an api or any other way in jmeter?
Is it possible at all?
Yes that is possible. You'll have to create a test plan with multiple steps but these depend on the concrete implementation of the login.
First you must identify the following two locations:
The GET request that gets the initial login form (if this is required).
The POST request that posts the login credentials.
If your service has a stateless login form you can even skip the first step.
Otherwise the response of the GET request will contain stuff which needs to be extracted (e.g. the JSESSIONID if you are using JSF) and sent as a parameters in the POST request. You can use the Regular Expression Extractor of JMeter to extract these values and provide them as variables for use in the subsequent requests.
Here is an example screenshot of a HTTP Request element configured to POST login data to the url /common/j_security_check
You might also need to intercept an authentication token from the server response and then pass that into following requests.
Here is a blog entry with a couple of video tutorials on logins with JMeter:
You can use jmeter to login,
two ways:
parameterization using csv file(for more users)/user defined variables(UDV)
Login config elements(for single user)
Now that I understand you want to automatically click on a confirmation link from an email using JMeter, here is a blog entry that explains exactly how to do that:
