Laravel - How Do You Check If Current E-Mail Configuration is Valid Without Sending an E-Mail? - laravel

I've written a custom provider that overwrites the e-mail configuration settings in mail.php with values populated from a database. I have a feature in my app that lets users tests the e-mail configuration entered into the system.
I can test whether current credentials are valid by calling Mail::send(). If the configuration isn't valid, the send() method will return a reason on why sending the e-mail failed.
Is there anyway for me to check configuration without actually sending an e-mail?

You can use Mail::fake(); that doesn't send the email.

In you /config/mail.php set email driver from smtp to log. I usually do it in .env
Then send the mail as usual. You'll get a log with your email in it in /storage/logs/laravel.log This would be the easiest method. Further you can use services like or mailthief


having issues on sending email in laravel 5.8

I am having issues on sending email via notification. I tried accessing the mailbox using the credentials I put in .env, the credential is good I am able to access the inbox but if I run the command sending email is failed.
on my .env
my function via
public function via($notifiable)
return [TwilioChannel::class,'database','mail'];
// return [TwilioChannel::class,'database'];
any idea? plase help thank you in advance!
Your error says Authentication error. This is nothing to do with Laravel/PHP mailer.
Try one of these below:
Clear cache
Check if you have modified config file. Make sure your .env variables are being pointed in your config file
Check if your server allows outbound emails
Check if you have right credentials such as host name, username, password
If you need extra authentication to allow using smtp services like google. You will need to activate to allow to use less secure app.
Finally, but not the least
If your mail server password contains a # then you should quote the environment string since everything after # will be taken as comment (starting in Laravel 5.8)
put the port and host as follows
and also in your gmail . Disable two authentication and enabled unsecured apps
and then it would be okkay

Laravel mailbox inbound parse sendgrid

So I'm trying to make my own inbox for emails using the followin packag beyondcode/laravel-mailbox
I installed the package on a blank project, in order to test it out.
I can send emails with the sendgrid API, so that's not a problem at all.
Now, I have some environment variables set;
The config just the same as given in the package.
In my AppServiceProvider, I have in the boot the following:
Mailbox::catchAll(static function(InboundEmail $email) {
// Handle the incoming email
But when I take a look in the logs, when I send an email to, nothing hapens...
This is my DNS configuration:
And here is the inbound parse config on the sendgrid side:
What am I missing or doing wrong here? I looked at my access logs and not even a request is being made to the server from sendgrid...
So How can I make sure I can receive messages to
Your DNS should also have a few CNAME records so that you can verify your domain with SendGrid.

Laravel not sending emails on to SendGrid

Im hosting a Laravel spark website on I have configured the environment variables within the GUI to be what is suggested in their guides but for some reason SendGrid isn't picking up the emails.
I am using my SendGrid Log in details for username and password - I have also tried by using my API Keys.
There are no errors or anything and both SendGrid and are being useless saying they can't do or see anything, so im pretty lost as to where I go next. I have tried many various configuration options but none seem to have worked.
Here is the snippet of code to send the mailable in Laravel:
Mail::to($input['email'])->send(new BetaSignUp($referral, $referralFacebookUrl, $referralTwitterUrl));
Has anyone successfully got Laravel running on, and sending emails via SMTP (SendGrid)
With the help of PSH i have run a python script they sent me to do a test on the container - this test was successful and I can see the email in SendGrid. Here is the test Script:
import smtplib
sender = ''
receivers = ['']
message = """From: Deck Stream Team<>
Reply-To: Deck Stream Team<>
To: To Person <>
Subject: SMTP e-mail test
This is a test e-mail message.
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465)
server.login("****", "****")
server.sendmail(sender, receivers, message)
Have you follow this
Email support can be enabled/disabled per-environment. By default, it
is enabled on the master environment and disabled elsewhere. That can
be toggled in through the web UI or via the command line, like so:
platform environment:info enable_smtp true

C-panel not sending Laravel mail

So I currently have setup my laravel project in C-panel, and have updated the .env file to have the appropriate email address. When I, for instance, use the make:auth reset password feature it responds with the appropriate "We have e-mailed your password reset link!", but there is no mail sent.
I am not sure how to test this to find the hole in the problem. When I used mailtrap I was able to send and receive emails no problem, but there is some issue with the webmail in c-panel not processing and sending out an email from Laravel 5.4
Help please
change your .env file. set MAIL_DRIVER=mail it will start working. make sure you set from in mail.php

Laravel's Mail notification won't send, but Laravel's Mail::Raw will

I have configured my SMTP server correctly in Laravel's env file, and can successfully send an email using Mail::raw e.g.
Mail::raw("This is a test message", function ($message)
$message->from(env("MAIL_ORDER_ADDRESS"), 'Orders');
$message->subject('Test Message');
However, when I use a laravel 5.3 mail notification, no email is received (nor is an error generated). I have tested the same notification code locally using mail trap and the notifications work correctly.
I can't understand how if the mail server is working and can be used with Mail::raw, it doesn't automatically work with notifications when I have tested locally and confirm they are coded correctly.
Note: Using shared hosting on NameCheap.
Any ideas?
FIXED: It was because I had not configured "From" in config/mail.php and because the domains didn't match, it wasn't set.
The opposite situation is occurring for me. I have the MAIL_DRIVER=mail set within the .env file.
I have set MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS & MAIL_FROM_NAME within the .env file and viewed the app/config/mail.php
Mail::raw is sending out email correctly via the Postfix logs but any emails sent via the new Laravel 5.3 Notifications is not working. No errors or any information writing to the logs.
There appears to be some other issue occurring.
I had the same issue. During testing for Mail::raw, i had set MAIL_ENCRYPTION to empty.
When I set MAIL_ENCRYPTION=tls for notify email, it started working.
