How to add google AdSense to Php Laravel? - laravel

I can't add google AdSense to Laravel. Tried adding a package as well but didn't work? Please guide me.

First you need to creat adsense account. login and add new site. Provide the url and it will give you a script to put in side head tag like this.
<script async
once you place the script then it will be verified. and you can create adds and templates to show ads. Hope this helps.


Google reCaptcha not displaying properly

I set up a captcha using Googles reCaptcha on my Sites contact page and this works fine with no issues.
The actual contact form itself is a seperate php file that I just include on my contact page.
However, I want to add a contact form to the footer on my site as well so I have included the contact form file there as well.
However, the recaptcha does not appear in the footer contact section, except when I am on the contact page.
I thought maybe I had to specify a URL that it was on in Googles settings but it only seems to have an option to specify the domain but it is obviously on the same domain.
Any ideas of why this would be happening or how I can resolve it would be greatly appreciated.
Stupid mistake...
Only had included the script tag on the page where I already had the form.
<script src=''></script>

Edit Content in <head></head> in Joomla 2.5.6

It's been some time since I worked in Joomla. I'm trying to edit specific code that's between the section on a Joomla 2.5.6 site. The site was created by someone else, so I'm not sure how or what (maybe a plugin? or in the theme?) they used to add the head content in.
Here is the site:
And here is the code that I'm trying to change:
<!-- ClickBank Trust Badge -->
<script src="//"></script>
All I really need to do is change "holistic10" to "holistic08".
I would think it would be easy, but I can't seem to find where this text is located in the back end.
Any help would be appreciated.

Symfony 2 Sitemap Google

I have been developing a web page named: and I have specially issues now, I will be very grateful that someone can be help me.
The web page has been submitted in and now all the links that are in the homepage are listed in search results BUT some links ej. are not list in the home page (because it appears only when you select your municipality). How can I tell to Google that it exists (maybe without a sitemap.xlm because my links have metadata that is very important that google knows?
In advance, Thank you very much for you help.
My solution was that I create a route /sitemap.xml and put it in robots.txt too I created an html page with all the sitemap with cities, companies and all imoportant links.

I want to add CAPTCHA on shoppingcart.asp as well one-page-checkout.asp page in Volusion, can anybody help me how to do this? Thanks

My client has ecommerce store on Volusion and he is getting so many fake orders and now I want to add CAPTCHA before user login on shoppincart.asp page or one-page-checkout.asp page (before place order button).
My client website is
I already contacted Volusion support and they don't have any specific answer about this problem and just suggesting to take their serivce or get this done by their partner.
You can use google captcha for this :
Google reCaptcha
It is easy to use... You can find out the code how to put it. You just have to get one Public Key & Private Key for specific domain.
It's under the design menu in the admin panel, Hover over design, then click on articles.
Once on articles change display mode to list, and find one-page-checkout.asp and shoppingcart.asp click edit and add your code.
For reference use see:
Volusion File Editor Support
One Page Checkout and Advanced Shopping Cart Functionality in Volusion

Joomla Custom component with sample form in admin

I need a sample form in administrator having add,edit,delete options to manage "success stories" in my web app.
I searched to get sample component to install.
If i get that, i will change form according to my app & table too.
Please help me by giving link resource that suits my requirement. I am sorry to ask this, i am new to joomla.
Thanks in advance,
Take a look at the Joomla Component Creator:
