Android OpenGL ES: How to generate sharp circle by dilate? - opengl-es

I want use dilate to make lightspot on bitmap to sharp circle, like bokeh effect, the process is similar to convolution operation.
Below is a hexagon convolution kernel, and the circular convolution kernel is similar, it doesn't look like a perfect circle in the matrix. Using the circle Max blur in Photoshop, the result is not sharp and the edges are very rough.
How to fix it?


OpenGL ES 2.0: How do I customize the convolution kernel?

I want to blur bitmap with some custom shape, like heart/circle or more shape.
box blur or gaussian blur kernel like this(below is box):
I want kernel is like below bitmap, black is 1, white is 0, then use it to blur.
How do I make the kernel of blur to heart shape? In fact, I already know how to make polygons(Efficiently Simulating the Bokeh of Polygonal Apertures
in a Post-Process Depth of Field Shader), but I don't know how to customize the irregular shapes (circles, hearts, moons, and all sorts of weird shapes).

how do I get a projection matrix I can use for a pointlight shadow map?

I'm currently working on a project that uses shadowtextures to render shadows.
It was pretty easy for spotlights, since only 1 texture in the direction of the spotlight is needed, but its a little more difficult since it needs either 6 textures in all directions or 1 texture that somehow renders all the obects around the pointlight.
And thats where my problem is. How can I generate a Projection matrix that somehow renders all the object in a 360 angle around the pointlight?
Basicly how do create a fisheye (or any other 360 degree camera) vertex shader?
How can I generate a Projection matrix that somehow renders all the object in a 360 angle around the pointlight?
You can't. A 4x4 projection matrix in homogenous space cannot represent any operation which would result in bending the edges of polygons. A straight line stays a straight line.
Basicly how do create a fisheye (or any other 360 degree camera) vertex shader?
You can't do that either, at least not in the general case. And this is not a limit of the projection matrix in use, but a general limit of the rasterizer. You could of course put the formula for fisheye distortion into the vertex shader. But the rasterizer will still rasterize each triangle with straight edges, you just distort the position of the corner points of each triangle. This means that it will only be correct for tiny triangles covering a single pixel. For larger triangles, you completely screw up the image. If you have stuff like T-joints, this even results in holes or overlaps in objects which actually should be perfectly closed.
It was pretty easy for spotlights, since only 1 texture in the direction of the spotlight is needed, but its a little more difficult since it needs either 6 textures in all directions or 1 texture that somehow renders all the obects around the pointlight.
The correct solution for this would be using a single cube map texture, with provides 6 faces. In a perfect cube, each face can then be rendered by a standard symmetric perspective projection with a field of view of 90 degrees both horizontally and vertically.
In modern OpenGL, you can use layered rendering. In that case, you attach each of the 6 faces of the cube map as a single layer to an FBO, and you can use the geometry shader to amplify your geomerty 6 times, and transform it according to the 6 different projection matrices, so that you still only need one render pass for the complete shadow map.
There are some other vendor-specific extensions which might be used to further optimize the cube map rendering, like Nvidia's NV_viewport_swizzle (available on Maxwell and newer GPUs), but I only mention this for completness.

make seamless height-map texture for sphere (planet)

I'm trying to generate height-map for spherical planet with perlin noise. How can I make it with seamless left/right borders? I smoothed heightmap in poles, but cannot understand how can I loop left and right sides.
This is how my textures look liked for now:
Mirroring (by y-axis)
This is great for making seamless background textures. But as you mentioned the texture must not contain distinct patterns otherwise it would be obvious. This can be used as a start point for texture generator
There are vector and raster morphs out there depend on the content of image. You can try to use simple raster morph done by Linear interpolation (if resolution is the same which is your case) but this can make the texture blurry which can be disturbing on some images. For starters you can try to morph texture and its mirror together:
This is cosine weight distribution (50%:50% on sides and 100%:0% in the middle):
This is constant weight distribution (50%:50%):
adjusted texture generators
You can adjust your current texture generator to render seamlessly
create/use seamless texture background (created by #1,#2 or even #3)
add random number of random features with looped x axis
so if x is going out from the left it will go in from the right ...
x' = x%xs where xs is texture x-resolution

How do I add an outline to a 2d concave polygon?

I'm successfully drawing the convex polys which make up the following white concave shape.
The orange color is my attempt to add a uniform outline around the white shape. As you can see it's not so uniform. On some edges the orange doesn't show at all.
Evidently using...
glScalef(1.1, 1.1, 0.0);
... to draw a slightly larger orange shape before I drew the white shape wasn't the way to go.
I just have a nagging feeling I'm missing a more simple way to do this.
Note that the white part is going to be mapped with a texture which has areas of transparency, so the orange part needs to be behind the white shapes too, not just surrounding them.
Also, I'm using a parallel projection matrix, that's why glScalef's z is set to 0.0 - reminds me there is no perspective scaling.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Nope, you wont be going anywhere with glScale in this case. Possible options are
a) construct an extruded polygon from the original one (possibly rounding sharp corners)
b) draw the polygon with GL_LINES and set glLineWidth to your desired outline width (in fact you might want to draw the outline with 2x width first)
The first approach will generate CPU load, the second one might slow down rendering significantly AFAIK.
You can displace your polygon in the 8 directions of the compass.
You can have a look at this link:
It's a nice trick, and might do the job
Unfortunately there is no simple way to get an outline of consistent width - you just have to do the maths:
For each edge: calculate the normal, scale to the desired width, and add to the edge vertices to get a line segment on the new expanded edge
Calculate the intersection of the lines through two adjacent segments to find the expanded vertex positions
A distinct answer from those offered to date, posted just for interest; if you're in GLES 2.0 have access to shaders then you could render the source polygon to a framebuffer with a texture bound as the colour renderbuffer, then do a second parse to write to the screen (so you're using the image of the white polygon as the input texture and running a post-processing pixel shader to every pixel on the screen) with a shader that obeys the following logic for an outline of thickness q:
if the input is white then output a white pixel
if the input pixel is black then sample every pixel within a radius of q from the current pixel; if any one of them is white then output an orange pixel, otherwise output a black pixel
In practise you'd spend an awful lot on texture sampling and probably turn that into the bottleneck. And they'd be mostly dependent reads, which are bad for the pipeline on lots of GPUs — including the PowerVR SGX that powers the overwhelming majority of OpenGL ES 2.0 devices.
EDIT: actually, you could speed this up substantially; if your radius is q then have the hardware generate mip maps for your framebuffer object, take the first one for which the output pixels are at least q by q in the source image. You've then essentially got a set of bins that'll be pure black if there were no bits of the polygon in that region and pure white if that area was entirely internal to the polygon. For each output fragment that you're considering might be on the border you can quite possibly just straight to a conclusion of definitely in or definitely out and beyond the border based on four samples of the mipmap.

iPhone OpenGL ES: Applying a Depth Test on Textures that have transparent pixels for 2D game

Currently, I have blending and depth testing turn on for a 2D game. When I draw my textures, the "upper" texture remove some portion of the lower textures if they intersect. Clearly, transparent pixels of the textures are taken into account of the depth test, and it clear out all the colors of the drawn lower textures if they intersect. Moreover, alpha blendings are incorrectly rendered. Are there any sort of functions that can tell OpenGL to not include transparent pixels into depth testing?
glEnable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
glAlphaFunc( GL_EQUAL, 1.0f );
This will discard all pixels with an alpha of anything other than fully opaque. These pixels will, then, not be rendered to the Z-Buffer. This does, however, affect various Z-Buffer pipeline optimisations so it may cause some serious slowdowns. Only use it if you really have too.
No it's not possible. This is true of all hardware depth testing.
GL (full or ES -- and D3D) all have the same model -- they paint in the order you specify polygons. If you draw polygon A in before polygon B, and logically polygon A should be in front on polygon B, polygon B won't be painted (courtesy of the depth test).
The solution is to draw you polygons in order from farthest to nearest the current view origin. Happily in a 2D game this should just be a simple sort (one you probably won't even need to do very often).
In 3D games BSPs are the basic solution to this issue.
if you're using shaders, can try disabling blending and discard the pixels with alpha 0
if(texColor.w == 0.0)
What type of blending are you using?
Should prevent any fragments with alpha of 0 from writing to the depth buffer.
