make seamless height-map texture for sphere (planet) - algorithm

I'm trying to generate height-map for spherical planet with perlin noise. How can I make it with seamless left/right borders? I smoothed heightmap in poles, but cannot understand how can I loop left and right sides.
This is how my textures look liked for now:

Mirroring (by y-axis)
This is great for making seamless background textures. But as you mentioned the texture must not contain distinct patterns otherwise it would be obvious. This can be used as a start point for texture generator
There are vector and raster morphs out there depend on the content of image. You can try to use simple raster morph done by Linear interpolation (if resolution is the same which is your case) but this can make the texture blurry which can be disturbing on some images. For starters you can try to morph texture and its mirror together:
This is cosine weight distribution (50%:50% on sides and 100%:0% in the middle):
This is constant weight distribution (50%:50%):
adjusted texture generators
You can adjust your current texture generator to render seamlessly
create/use seamless texture background (created by #1,#2 or even #3)
add random number of random features with looped x axis
so if x is going out from the left it will go in from the right ...
x' = x%xs where xs is texture x-resolution


THREE.js adding bullets as sprites and rotating each individually

I have been working on programming a game where everything is rendered in 3d. Though the bullets are 2d sprites. this poses a problem. I have to rotate the bullet sprite by rotating the material. This turns every bullet possessing that material rather than the individual sprite I want to turn. It is also kind of inefficient to create a new sprite clone for every bullet. is there a better way to do this? Thanks in advance.
Rotate the sprite itself instead of the texture.
as OP mentioned.. the spritematerial controls the sprites rotation.y, so setting it manually does nothing...
So instead of using the Sprite type, you could use a regular planegeometry mesh with a meshbasic material or similar, and update the matrices yourself to both keep the sprite facing the camera, and rotated toward its trajectory..
Then at least you can share the material amongst all instances.
Then the performance bottleneck becomes the number of drawcalls.. (1 per sprite)..
You can improve on that by using a single BufferGeometry, and computing the 4 screen space vertices for each sprite, each frame. This moves the bottleneck away from drawCalls, and will be limited by the speed at which you can transform vertices in javascript, which is slow but not the end of the world. This is also how many THREE.js particle systems are implemented.
The next step beyond that is to use a custom vertex shader to do the heavy vertex computation.. you still update the buffergeometry each frame, but instead of transforming verts, you're just writing the position of the sprite into each of the 4 verts, and letting the vertex shader take care of figuring out which of the 4 verts it's transforming (possibly based on the UV coordinate, or stored in one of the vertex color channels..., .r for instace) and which sprite to render from your sprite atlas (a single texture/canvas with all your sprites layed out on a grid) encoded in the .g of the vertex color..
The next step beyond that, is to not update the BufferGeometry every frame, but store both position and velocity of the sprite in the vertex data.. and only pass a time offset uniform into the vertex shader.. then the vertex shader can handle integrating the sprite position over a longer time period. This only works for sprites that have deterministic behavior, or behavior that can be derived from a texture data source like a noise texture or warping texture. Things like smoke, explosions, etc.
You can extend these techniques to draw gigantic scrolling tilemaps. I've used these techniques to make multilayer scrolling/zoomable hexmaps that were 2048 hexes square, (which is a pretty huge map)(~4m triangles). with multiple layers of sprites on top of that, at 60hz.
Here the original stemkoski particle system for reference:

how do I get a projection matrix I can use for a pointlight shadow map?

I'm currently working on a project that uses shadowtextures to render shadows.
It was pretty easy for spotlights, since only 1 texture in the direction of the spotlight is needed, but its a little more difficult since it needs either 6 textures in all directions or 1 texture that somehow renders all the obects around the pointlight.
And thats where my problem is. How can I generate a Projection matrix that somehow renders all the object in a 360 angle around the pointlight?
Basicly how do create a fisheye (or any other 360 degree camera) vertex shader?
How can I generate a Projection matrix that somehow renders all the object in a 360 angle around the pointlight?
You can't. A 4x4 projection matrix in homogenous space cannot represent any operation which would result in bending the edges of polygons. A straight line stays a straight line.
Basicly how do create a fisheye (or any other 360 degree camera) vertex shader?
You can't do that either, at least not in the general case. And this is not a limit of the projection matrix in use, but a general limit of the rasterizer. You could of course put the formula for fisheye distortion into the vertex shader. But the rasterizer will still rasterize each triangle with straight edges, you just distort the position of the corner points of each triangle. This means that it will only be correct for tiny triangles covering a single pixel. For larger triangles, you completely screw up the image. If you have stuff like T-joints, this even results in holes or overlaps in objects which actually should be perfectly closed.
It was pretty easy for spotlights, since only 1 texture in the direction of the spotlight is needed, but its a little more difficult since it needs either 6 textures in all directions or 1 texture that somehow renders all the obects around the pointlight.
The correct solution for this would be using a single cube map texture, with provides 6 faces. In a perfect cube, each face can then be rendered by a standard symmetric perspective projection with a field of view of 90 degrees both horizontally and vertically.
In modern OpenGL, you can use layered rendering. In that case, you attach each of the 6 faces of the cube map as a single layer to an FBO, and you can use the geometry shader to amplify your geomerty 6 times, and transform it according to the 6 different projection matrices, so that you still only need one render pass for the complete shadow map.
There are some other vendor-specific extensions which might be used to further optimize the cube map rendering, like Nvidia's NV_viewport_swizzle (available on Maxwell and newer GPUs), but I only mention this for completness.

ThreeJS - Scale texture's size down (no repeat - using UV-Coords)

Hello i am new to ThreeJS and texture mapping,
Let's say I have a 3D-Plane with the size of (1000x1000x1). When I apply a texture to it, it will be repeated or it will be scaled, to atleast filling the full plane.
What I try to achieve is, to change the scaling of the picture on the plane at runtime. I want the Image to get smaller and stop fitting the full plane.
I know there is a way to map each face to a part of a picture, but is it also possible to map it to a negative number in the picture, so it will be transparent?
My question is:
I UV-Mapped a Model in Blender and imported it with the UV-Coords into my ThreeJS-Code. Now i need to scale the texture down, like described before. Do I have to remap the UV-Cords or do i have to manipulate the image and add an transparent edge?
Further, will I be able on the same way to move the image on the picture?
I already achieved this kind of usage in java3d by manipulating bufferedImages and drawing them onto transparent ones. I am not sure this will be possible using javascript, so i want to know if it is possible by texture-mapping.
Thank you for your time and your suggestions!
This can be done using mapping the 3d -plane to a canvas ,where the image is drawn (fabric.js can be used for canvas drawings).Inshort set the canvas as texture for the 3d model = document.getElementById("yourCanvas");
Hope it helps :)
Yes. In THREE, there are some controls on the texture object..
texture.repeat, and texture.offset .. they are both Vector2()s.
To repeat the texture twice you can do texture.repeat.set(2,2);
Now if you just want to scale but NOT repeat, there is also the "wrapping mode" for the texture.
texture.wrapS (U axis) and texture.wrapT (V axis) and these can be set to:
texture.wrapS = texture.wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
This will make the edge pixels of the texture extend off to infinity when sampling, so you can position a single small texture, anywhere on the surface of your uv mapped object.
Between those two options (including texture.rotation) you can position/repeat a texture pretty flexibly.
If you need something even more complex.. like warping the texture or changing it's colors, you may want to change the UV's in your modeller, or draw your texture image into a canvas, modify the canvas, and use the canvas as your texture image, as described in ArUns answer. Then you can modify it at runtime as well.

Map image/texture to a predefined uneven surface (t-shirt with folds, mug, etc.)

Basically I was trying to achieve this: impose an arbitrary image to a pre-defined uneven surface. (See examples below).
I do not have a lot of experience with image processing or 3D algorithms, so here is the best method I can think of so far:
Predefine a set of coordinates (say if we have a 10x10 grid, we have 100 coordinates that starts with (0,0), (0,10), (0,20), ... etc. There will be 9x9 = 81 grids.
Record the transformations for each individual coordinate on the t-shirt image e.g. (0,0) becomes (51,31), (0, 10) becomes (51, 35), etc.
Triangulate the original image into 81x2=162 triangles (with 2 triangles for each grid). Transform each triangle of the image based on the coordinate transformations obtained in Step 2 and draw it on the t-shirt image.
Problems/questions I have:
I don't know how to smooth out each triangle so that the image on t-shirt does not look ragged.
Is there a better way to do it? I want to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheels here before I proceed with an implementation.
This is called digital image warping. There was a popular graphics text on it in the 1990s (probably from somebody's thesis). You can also find an article on it from Dr. Dobb's Journal.
Your process is essentially correct. If you work pixel by pixel, rather than trying to use triangles, you'll avoid some of the problems you're facing. Scan across the pixels in target bitmap, and apply the local transformation based on the cell you're in to determine the coordinate of the corresponding pixel in the source bitmap. Copy that pixel over.
For a smoother result, you do your coordinate transformations in floating point and interpolate the pixel values from the source image using something like bilinear interpolation.
It's not really a solution for the problem, it's just a workaround :
If you have the 3D model that represents the T-Shirt.
you can use directX\OpenGL and put your image as a texture of the t-shirt.
Then you can ask it to render the picture you want from any point of view.

How to draw "glowing" line in OpenGL ES

Could you please share some code (any language) on how draw textured line (that would be smooth or have a glowing like effect, blue line, four points) consisting of many points like on attached image using OpenGL ES 1.0.
What I was trying was texturing a GL_LINE_STRIP with texture 16x16 or 1x16 pixels, but without any success.
In ES 1.0 you can use render-to-texture creatively to achieve the effect that you want, but it's likely to be costly in terms of fill rate. Gamasutra has an (old) article on how glow was achieved in the Tron 2.0 game — you'll want to pay particular attention to the DirectX 7.0 comments since that was, like ES 1.0, a fixed pipeline. In your case you probably want just to display the Gaussian image rather than mixing it with an original since the glow is all you're interested in.
My summary of the article is:
render all lines to a texture as normal, solid hairline lines. Call this texture the source texture.
apply a linear horizontal blur to that by taking the source texture you just rendered and drawing it, say, five times to another texture, which I'll call the horizontal blur texture. Draw one copy at an offset of x = 0 with opacity 1.0, draw two further copies — one at x = +1 and one at x = -1 — with opacity 0.63 and a final two copies — one at x = +2 and one at x = -2 with an opacity of 0.17. Use additive blending.
apply a linear vertical blur to that by taking the horizontal blur texture and doing essentially the same steps but with y offsets instead of x offsets.
Those opacity numbers were derived from the 2d Gaussian kernel on this page. Play around with them to affect the fall off towards the outside of your lines.
Note the extra costs involved here: you're ostensibly adding ten full-screen textured draws plus some framebuffer swapping. You can probably get away with fewer draws by using multitexturing. A shader approach would likely do the horizontal and vertical steps in a single pass.
