How can build app without paid developer account at apple using xcode 13 [duplicate] - xcode

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Generate ipa without paid apple developer account
(1 answer)
Closed 8 months ago.
I have built webview IOS app yet I want to built ipa so that iphone users can install it without apple developer account however I am facing this on Product>Archive are disabled.
enter image description here

Short answer: You can't. In order to upload apps to the app store you need a paid developer account.
With a free developer account you can install your test apps on a small number of devices who's UUIDs you register to your account. (I haven't done this, so I'm a bit vague on the details, but that's my understanding.)


not able to add .ipa file in iphone device

i have generated the .ipa file and trying to add in any iphone device but its not adding.
the error is showing like:- couldnot install(in xcode).
i tried with apple configurator 2:- in this scenario app is installing a bit just assume
75% and after that the app icon is getting grayed out and clicking on that app is giving
popup as :- could not install please try later.
somewhere i saw that you have to allow from your device to trust this app, location is like :- settings > general > profile&management > you will find your profile here for new app installing.i didn't get any profile there.
i am using free developer account and created the xamarin app from windows and building it through mac, the xcode version is 9.4 beta and i also tried to override with xcode version 11.3.
i am not getting whether i am missing something or messed up with xcode versioning.
i am using free developer account and created the xamarin app from windows and building it through mac...
If using a free apple developer account , you can not install a .ipa file to iOS Device .This is limited by Apple.
About IPA Support in Xamarin.iOS , you will see there are two uses as follow :
Ad Hoc Testing — An iOS application can be deployed to up to 100 users (identified by specific iOS device UUIDs) for Alpha and Beta testing purposes. See our Provisioning an iOS Device for Development documentation for detailed information on adding test iOS devices to your Apple developer account, and the Ad-Hoc guide, for more information on how to distribute in this way.
In House / Enterprise Deployment — An iOS application can be deployed internally, within a company, which requires membership of Apple's Developer Enterprise program. More information on In House Distribution is detailed in the In House Distribution guide.
In either case, an IPA package (a special type of zip file) must be created and digitally signed with the correct Distribution Provisioning Profile.
If using a free provisioning , there is a Limitation as follow :
Access to iTunes Connect is limited and therefore services such as publishing to the App Store and TestFlight are unavailable to developers provisioning their applications freely. An Apple Developer Account (Enterprise or Personal) is required to distribute via Ad Hoc and In-House means.
Therefore , if need to add .ipa file in iphone device , you should use a paid Apple Developer Program account.

Generate .ipa file without Apple developer account

I'm trying to compile my ionic 3 app to ipa. I use I don't have any Apple Developer account; I just have an AppleID and an iPhone 7 (if that helps).
Now while using XCode in MacInCloud, I clicked Product > Archive but then it displays Build Error. Turns out I need an iOS Provisioning Profile. As of now, I couldn't find a way to generate an iOS Provisioning Profile without having a paid Apple Developer account. I read here, the answer mentions A free developer account will allow you to build an app that will run for 7 days on a pre-defined set of devices (you would need to register any devices on which you want the code to run). but I couldn't find where to do this.
So can I actually generate an ipa file without a paid ios developer account? If no, is it possible for me to have someone generate a provisioning profile using their ios developer account for me?
The methods described in the link in the comments requires me to connect my device. But I'm using, so there's no way for me to get Xcode to connect to my device.. at least I don't know how.

Xcode 9 only for members of the Apple Developer Program

Did they change it so you need to be in the Apple Developer Program to access the latest Xcode beta version or GM Seed? Because I remember downloading Xcode Beta not too long ago. It says on :
Prerelease versions of Xcode are made available from to authorized seed developers, packaged in a compressed XIP file.
Does seed developer equals being a member in the Apple Developer Program?
You may need a developer account to access the betas. However, you will not need a paid account. It is fairly easy and free to create a developer account and download the betas.
Creating a Developer Account
Create an AppleID normally at:!&page=create
Alternatively, if you already have an AppleID that you would like to create a developer account with, you can use that.
Go to
Log in with your AppleID. Follow the steps provided to create your Developer Account.
Downloading Betas
After you have created a developer account, you can download the betas from
Make sure that you do not go to This is the public beta program and is coming in July, it also doesn't have the Xcode beta.

App no available error while using Play market Closed alpha testing

I configured Closed Alpha Testing with one developer account and uploaded an APK.
After some hours the application has been published to market but if I use the Opt-In url with the phone with the developer account I get:
App not available
A beta version of this app hasn't been published yet or isn't available on this account.
As I used the closed beta methos in teory I haven't to do anything more, have I?
Does anyone used closed beta testing and had similar problem?
You can not test your in app billing implementation with a device that has your publisher account signed in. You should test the application with the device that has the testing account that you might have setup in your closed Aplha testing.

Do I need an Apple Developer account? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am newbie in Xcode and Mac. I can make programs working well on simulators but cant make dmg files . Somewhere I heard I need an Apple Developer account ( 99$) for that but I dont want to publish my file on App store. I just need to install it on 1 or 2 other Macs.
With Xcode 7 you are no longer required to have a developer account in order to test your apps on your Mac and/or iOS device:
Check it out here.
Please notice that this is the officially supported by Apple, but you'll have to use Xcode 7 or later and your iCloud account.
Before going on - You CAN develop iOS apps and deploy to device from Xcode without developer account, but as far as I know it can be done only on jailbroken devices.
Check this link for more info.
sorry, I thought you meant developing for mobile. check this video about Creation of .dmg files for more information.
Have a look at the apple developers page to see the different account types. Specifically, the free account:
If you're not ready to join one of our developer programs, you can register as an Apple Developer for free. As a registered Apple Developer you gain access to development tools, resources and information to assist you in creating apps for iOS and OS X. Learn more
With the free account you could run your app on any mac OS as well as on an iPhone connected to the mac OS.
With the paid account you could install the app on any provisioning device and submit the app to the store.
If you are developing for the mac and you are not going to publish on mac app store, you do not need a developer account.
You do need an account for any of the following:
Install an app on an iOS device (even your own one for debugging)
Publish an app on any of the app stores (either iOS or Mac)
Edit: note that if you do not have an account, your Os X applications will be unsigned. They'll work, but each of your users will get a warning and will need to lower the security settings of his Mac in order to be able to run the application (or, at least, he'll have to approve each application specifically).
You need Developer account for developing and debugging application on device. Of course, there are several ways to do that without this account... Have a look:
You don't need an Apple developer account to make apps, but if you want to put them on the App Store, gain access to developer beta release software and forums, then yes you do.
You can develop Mac applications without a membership, but if you want to develop iOS applications, you need a membership to run your app on any device.
If you want to run your iOS app in the iOS Simulator, though, you don't need a membership. You can install Xcode and the iOS Simulator on any Mac running 10.7 Lion or later.
Maybe you want to use the Simulator binaries on other Macs without having to compile the app on the other Macs, then you should have a look at that tool:
