multiple FieldArray's inside form under one formik - formik

key1:[{}]->array of objects,
key2:[{}]->array of objects,
key3:[{}]->array of objects,
key4:[{}]->array of objects,
key5:[{}]->array of objects
<FieldArray name="key1"><FieldArray>
<FieldArray name="key2"><FieldArray>
<FieldArray name="key3"><FieldArray>
<FieldArray name="key4"><FieldArray>
<FieldArray name="key5"><FieldArray>
<Button type="submit">submit</Button>
im using Form of formik library
every thing works fine but when i try to submit my submit function is not invoked
I tried giving onSubmit to form and without it also but I'm unable to get the values.
please help me.
And also tried writing the whole form in one field array.
below is the output of my form
link with different field arrays in one form
** link with one field array one form**
but in the above one i.e one field array, I cannot remove the objects dynamically from a key of initial values.


Array no reactive when modifying an element, only when adding or deleting

I'm doing crud of publications with Vue components and Laravel.
I have one parent component called publications.vue which has 2 childs called create.vue and list.vue, and list.vue I have another to childs called remove.vue and update.vue.
The thing is when I add or remove a publication in the array it works perfect, but when I modify an element it doesn't react. The controller works perfect, but unless I refresh I don't get anything on the screen.
This is my code:
<div class="main">
v-for="(publication, index) in publications"
:key="" :publication="publication" :user="user"
#updated="updatePublicationOnClient(index, ...arguments)"
addPublication(publication) {
this.publications.unshift(publication); // works perfect
deletePublication(index) {
this.publications.splice(index, 1); // works perfect
updatePublication(index, editedPublication) {
console.log(editedPublication); // shows the correct value of the edited publication
Vue.set(this.publications, index, editedPublication); // do not react. do not show anything
this.publications.splice(index, 1, editedPublication) // do not react neither. do not show anything
console.log(this.publications); // shows the correct values in the array
I will really appreciate any help because I really stuck and I have read a lot of posts, but can't find a solution.
Vue has some really tricky behavior when it comes to arrays of objects.
Vue is watching your array, and when the array's .length is modified or if one of its values is modified vue can "see" that change.
When you update fields of an object in the array you will not get the reactivity, because to Vue the array has not changed. This is because the array's values are references to the object, and when you update the object, those references don't change.
Your approach above seems fine to me, but again there can be really weird issues.
I will highlight two tools to combat these reactivity issues. The first is better for your situation I believe.
Explicitly modify the length of the array.
updatePublication(index, editedPublication) {
this.addPublication(index, editedPublication);
Force re-rendering using :key. When a key changes in a template, it will force re-rendering of all child elements.
<div class="main" :key="'updated-'+updated">
data() {
return {
updated: 0,
updatePublication(index, editedPublication) {
this.publications.splice(index, 1, editedPublication);

Resetting a form generated server-side in vue.js

I am rendering a form with Blade, Laravel's server-side templating language. The default values for the form elements are assigned by Blade. There is no JavaScript involved until now. Now I want to implement a reset button.
When a user presses the reset button the form should be cleared. A simple HTML reset button is not sufficient as it would not reset the "value=something" default values to "null".
In other words:
<input type="text" name="fullname" value="John Doe">
is supposed to be
<input type="text" name="fullname" value="">
after the user pressed the reset button.
With JQuery I would do something like this:
How can I do it with vue.js? Adding av-model and setting the v-model properties to null interferes with the server side default values...
In general: would you suggest to add a DOM manipulating lib to the application for such "hybrid" use cases where vue.js does not control the data?
If you plan on using vue, forget about altering the dom, vue works around states so imagine your input is like this
<input type="text" v-model="test_input">
and when you change the variable test_input the input automaticly changes its value, so just set it to empty in a method.
<button #click="clear_form"> Clear </button>
export default {
data() {
return {
test_input : ''
this.test_input = '';
I ended up writing a reset-form button component. In this component I use plain Javascript to get all input, select, ... fields of the form identified by an id and reseted the values to ''.
I took this option as it was the fastest way to reset the form and I don't have to change anything (e.g. add props, change ajax calls) if my form changes.

Vuejs how to pass component data from caller

My main page renders a list of data coming from controller with foreach
#foreach ($sales as $sale)
<button id="{{$sale->id}}" #click="editClicked({{$sale}})">
I have an edit component placed on the page like this, I display it modally via showEditModal conditional
<edit v-if="showEditModal" #hide="showEditModal=false"></edit>
The component in brief is declared in Edit.vue:
<template name="edit">
This is simply a standard form with input fields, bound via v-model to the sale.
Essentially it is an update form, I intend to load the data from the main page into each input field to be edited.
My app.js simply sets showEditModal = true, in order to display the edit form on top of the main page.
Basically i don't want to have to call controller via GET method on loading the modal since i already have the data in the main page as $sale object, so im just wondering how do I pass in the $sale to the Edit.vue component ?
I thought that in the <edit> component usage, it would need to bind the sale object, however I'm unsure how that would work since it comes from the foreach loop.
I do, also have the data in the app.js method as passed in via #click="editClicked({{$sale}})", but again, i'm unsure how to use that to pass through ?
You're right, you would want to pass the current sale item as a property to the edit modal. What I would do is add a data property to your main Vue called selectedSale.
selectedSale: null
Then in your editClicked method, set selectedSale
this.selectedSale = sale
Finally, pass it as a property.
<edit :sale="selectedSale" v-if="showEditModal" #hide="showEditModal=false"></edit>

Angular 2 form valid by default

Having issue with form validation .
i want to submit the form only when form is valid.
but with the empty inputs and clicking on submit button is submitting the form although the inputs are empty.
<form name="equipmentForm" #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="f.form.valid && addEquipment()" validate>
Inputs be like this.
<input name="equimentId" class="text-input form-control" type="text" [(ngModel)]="model.equipmentNumber" pattern="^[0-9][0-9]{1,19}$" title="Equipment ID. can be upto 20 digits only.">
I cant post the whole code although.
f.form.valid is true from form initialization
wanted to acheive something like this
<div *ngIf="!model.equipmentModel && f.submitted" class="text-danger">
Please enter Equipment Model
So on submit i want to show this message instead of default browser's.
but this f.form.valid is goddamn true from default.
You should add required attribute to your input tags to, then as #Cobus Kruger mentioned, form will not be submitted untill it is filled.
However you can also give a try to pristine, dirty options, which allow you to check if the user did any changes to the form so in this case your condition may look like this:
<form name="equipmentForm" #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="f.form.valid && f.form.dirty ? addEquipment() : ''" validate>
and the input:
<input name="equimentId" class="text-input form-control" type="text" [(ngModel)]="model.equipmentNumber" pattern="^[0-9][0-9]{1,19}$" title="Equipment ID. can be upto 20 digits only." required />
In this case it will check if any changes were applied to the input, and submit the form if both conditions are met.
If you specify the required attribute on the input, then the form will not be submitted unless a value is filled in. But that only covers values that were not supplied and you may want to check for invalid values as well.
The usual way is to disable the submit button unless the form is valid. Like this:
<button type="submit" [disabled]="!f.form.valid">Submit</button>
The Angular documentation about form validation also shows this. Look near the bottom of the "Simple template driven forms" section
In function which you call on submit you can pass form as parameter and then check. In html you will need to pass form instance:
<form name="equipmentForm" #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="addEquipment(f)" validate>
In typescript:
//If it is valid it will continue to here...

How to serialize a form with dynamically added inputs using jQuery?

I've read through a lot of questions addressing similar question but I can't get a grip on it, yet.
I have a simple HTML form just like
<form id="edit-items" name="edit-items" onsubmit="saveItems();">
<input type="submit" value="Save">
<input class="item" id="ei81" type="hidden" name="i[81]" value="1">
<input class="item" id="ei124" type="hidden" name="i[124]" value="1">
The two existing hidden inputs could be set upon document loading due to a prior save.
Now I have images (kind of a menu). If they are clicked a corresponding hidden input is appended to the form:
<img id="i37" class="clickable-item" src="items/i37.gif" title="item name" onclick="addItem(37,1)" />
The addItem function:
function addItem(id,n) {
var zitem = $("#e"+id);
if ( 0 in zitem ) {
if ( zitem.val() > 0 ) {
var newcnt = parseInt(zitem.val()) + n;
if ( newcnt <= 0 ) {
else {
else if(n == 1) {
var iform = $("#edit-items");
iform.append("<input class=\"item\" id=\"e"+id+"\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"i["+id+"]\" value=\"1\">");
This part all works correct, after clicking the image, my form looks like
<form id="edit-items" name="edit-items" onsubmit="saveItems();">
<input type="submit" value="Save">
<input class="item" id="ei81" type="hidden" name="i[81]" value="1">
<input class="item" id="ei124" type="hidden" name="i[124]" value="1">
<input class="item" id="ei37" type="hidden" name="i[37]" value="1">
which is exactly what I want. But then when hitting the submit button only the first two elements are submitted (the ones which have not been added dynamically).
Now, I read a lot about .bind and .live handlers but I am missing some point obviously. I tried to delete the onclick attribute on the images and to bind the .live to them since they are causing the new inputs:
$(".clickable-item").live("click", function() {
However, the ID is not transferred which is needed, though (hence no correct input is added). I learned that .live doesn't bind the handler to any elements but to the event.
Is it even possible to pass the element which has been clicked to the live handler?
Should the images even be watched by .live or should it be bound to something else?
The last thing I learned form another question here is that the inputs should be watched by .live, since they are dynamically added. But what kind of event I would attach? The inputs themselves are not clicked.
I would really appreciate any help as I am cracking my head and starting to get lost on that one.
Thanks in advance,
Regarding live() [docs]: this refers to the clicked element, so you can pass it to addItem with addItem(this, 1). This part of your code should work.
If you don't add or remove images dynamically then there is no reason to use live. You can just use click() [docs] (and yes, don't use onclick in the HTML).
But I see another problem:
The image id is i37. $(this).attr("id") will return this value.
In your addItem function you then take this value and perform string concatenation. The result will be $("#ii37") (note the two is).
The input element you create will have the id ii37 and not i37.
If you correct this to match it with the other elements like in your example (i.e. i37) , you will have problems because you have several elements with the same id (the input element and the image). If the image comes before the input field in the hierarchy, then $("#i37") will always select the image and you cannot call .val() on an image.
As I don't know what is the overall purpose of the code and what you want to do, I cannot give any suggestion how to improve this. Maybe it is enough to just change the prefix of the image and input field ids.
I learned that .live doesn't bind the handler to any elements but to the event.
That is not correct. .live() binds the event handler to the document root. Events, if not cancelled, bubble up the DOM tree, so they reach the root eventually. There, the [docs] property is examined to determine the element that was clicked.
