Array no reactive when modifying an element, only when adding or deleting - laravel

I'm doing crud of publications with Vue components and Laravel.
I have one parent component called publications.vue which has 2 childs called create.vue and list.vue, and list.vue I have another to childs called remove.vue and update.vue.
The thing is when I add or remove a publication in the array it works perfect, but when I modify an element it doesn't react. The controller works perfect, but unless I refresh I don't get anything on the screen.
This is my code:
<div class="main">
v-for="(publication, index) in publications"
:key="" :publication="publication" :user="user"
#updated="updatePublicationOnClient(index, ...arguments)"
addPublication(publication) {
this.publications.unshift(publication); // works perfect
deletePublication(index) {
this.publications.splice(index, 1); // works perfect
updatePublication(index, editedPublication) {
console.log(editedPublication); // shows the correct value of the edited publication
Vue.set(this.publications, index, editedPublication); // do not react. do not show anything
this.publications.splice(index, 1, editedPublication) // do not react neither. do not show anything
console.log(this.publications); // shows the correct values in the array
I will really appreciate any help because I really stuck and I have read a lot of posts, but can't find a solution.

Vue has some really tricky behavior when it comes to arrays of objects.
Vue is watching your array, and when the array's .length is modified or if one of its values is modified vue can "see" that change.
When you update fields of an object in the array you will not get the reactivity, because to Vue the array has not changed. This is because the array's values are references to the object, and when you update the object, those references don't change.
Your approach above seems fine to me, but again there can be really weird issues.
I will highlight two tools to combat these reactivity issues. The first is better for your situation I believe.
Explicitly modify the length of the array.
updatePublication(index, editedPublication) {
this.addPublication(index, editedPublication);
Force re-rendering using :key. When a key changes in a template, it will force re-rendering of all child elements.
<div class="main" :key="'updated-'+updated">
data() {
return {
updated: 0,
updatePublication(index, editedPublication) {
this.publications.splice(index, 1, editedPublication);


Mixing Alpine.js with 'static' serverside markup, while getting the benefits of binding, etc

I'm new to Alpine and struggling to wrap my head around how to make a scenario like this work:
Let's say I have a serverside built page, that contains some buttons, that represent newsletters, the user can sign up to.
The user might have signed up to some, and we need to indicate that as well, by adding a css-class, .i.e is-signed-up.
The initial serverside markup could be something like this:
<button id='newsletter-1' class='newsletter-signup'>Newsletter 1</button>
<div>some content here...</div>
<button id='newsletter-2' class='newsletter-signup'>Newsletter 2</button>
<div>more content here...</div>
<button id='newsletter-3' class='newsletter-signup'>Newsletter 3</button>
<div>and here...</div>
<button id='newsletter-4' class='newsletter-signup'>Newsletter 4</button>
(When all has loaded, the <button>'s should later allow the user to subscribe or unsubscribe to a newsletter directly, by clicking on one of the buttons, which should toggle the is-signed-up css-class accordingly.)
Anyway, then I fetch some json from an endpoint, that could look like this:
I guess it could look something like this also:
{"newsletters":["newsletter-1", "newsletter-2", "newsletter-4"]}
Or some other structure, but the situation would be, that the user have signed up to newsletter 1, 2 and 4, but not newsletter 3, and we don't know that, until we get the JSON from the endpoint.
(But maybe the first variation is easier to map to a model, I guess...)
Anyway, I would like to do three things:
Make Alpine get the relation between the model and the dom elements with the specific newsletter id (i.e. 'newsletter-2') - even if that exact id doesn't exist in the model.
If the user has signed up to a newsletter, add the is-signed-up css-class to the corresponding <button> to show its status to the user.
Bind to each newsletter-button, so all of them – not just the ones, the user has signed up to – listens for a 'click' and update the model accordingly.
I have a notion, that I might need to 'prepare' each newsletter-button beforehand with some Alpine-attributes, like 'x-model='newsletter-2', but I'm still unsure how to bind them together when Alpine has initialising, and I have the data from the endpoint,
How do I go about something like this?
Many thanks in advance! 😊
So our basic task here is to add/remove a specific item to/from a list on a button click. Here I defined two component: the newsletter component using creates the data (subs array), provides the toggling method (toggle_subscription(which)) and the checking method (is_subscribed(which)) that we can use to set the correct CSS class to a button. It also handles the data fetching in the init() method that executes automatically after the component is initialized. I have also created a save method that we can use to send the subscription list back to the backend.
The second component, subButton with Alpine.bind() is just to make the HTML code more compact and readable. (We can put each attribute from this directly to the buttons.) So on click event it calls the toggle_subscription with the current newsletter's key as the argument to add/remove it. Additionally it binds the bg-red CSS class to the button if the current newsletter is in the list. For that we use the is_subscribed method defined in our main component.
.bg-red {
background-color: Tomato;
<script src="" defer></script>
<div x-data="newsletter">
<button x-bind="subButton('newsletter-1')">Newsletter 1</button>
<button x-bind="subButton('newsletter-2')">Newsletter 2</button>
<button x-bind="subButton('newsletter-3')">Newsletter 3</button>
<button x-bind="subButton('newsletter-4')">Newsletter 4</button>
<button #click="save">Save</button>
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {'newsletter', () => ({
subs: [],
init() {
// Fetch list of subscribed newsletters from backend
this.subs = ['newsletter-1', 'newsletter-2', 'newsletter-4']
toggle_subscription(which) {
if (this.subs.includes(which)) {
this.subs = this.subs.filter(item => item !== which)
else {
is_subscribed(which) {
return this.subs.includes(which)
save() {
// Send this.sub to the backend to save active state.
Alpine.bind('subButton', (key) => ({
'#click'() {
':class'() {
return this.is_subscribed(key) && 'bg-red'

SharepointFramework - how to set the actual webpart code as initial value in PropertyFieldCodeEditor

Hello i am using this custom property pane control called PropertyFieldCodeEditor. what i want is to display the actual webpart code as the initial value of the code editor, then after i click save, the changes will be reflected on the webpart..
this is the code of PropertyFieldCodeEditor
PropertyFieldCodeEditor('htmlCode', {
label: 'Edit Code',
panelTitle: 'Edit Code',
initialValue: "",
onPropertyChange: this.onPropertyPaneFieldChanged,
disabled: false,
key: 'codeEditorFieldId',
language: PropertyFieldCodeEditorLanguages.HTML
i tried to put this.domElement on initialvalue but it only accept string, also i cand find a way to convert this.domelement to string..
also what should i put inside
protected onPropertyPaneFieldChanged(path: string, newValue: string) {}
For initialValue, you should be able to use this.domElement.innerHTML or this.domElement.outerHTML. Both are strings representing the contents of domElement (note, domElement is really just an HTMLElement).
outerHTML will include everything, including one extra div layer on the outside:
<div style="width: 100%;">
<div class="helloWorld_d3285de8">
innerHTML is only the inside contents of that div:
<div class="helloWorld_d3285de8">
You'll probably want innerHTML, since that's what's initially used in the render method.
Once you set the initialValue, you would have accomplished copying your web part code into the PropertyFieldCodeEditor. Now you would need to get the PropertyFieldCodeEditor contents (which is stored in your property htmlCode) assigned back into this.domElement.innerHTML.
Unfortunately, in onPropertyPaneFieldChanged, this points to the PropertyFieldCodeEditor, not to the web part class anymore. You may or may not be able to do it here - I didn't look too deeply into it.
The easiest solution I figured was, in render, to assign this.domElement.innerHTML like so:
public render(): void {
this.domElement.innerHTML = || `
<div class="${styles.helloWorld}">
This way, the web part will initially render whatever comes after the ||. But as soon as you save a change to the PropertyFieldCodeEditor, it will start rendering the htmlCode instead. This only works because initially htmlCode is undefined. (Note it won't work exactly like this if you assign something truthy to it via your web part's preconfiguredEntries - you would have to write some further checks. The principle is the same, though.)

call to ReactJS component in Laravel blade templates

I use Laravel 5.4 and React 15.5.4, code is writing in ES6.
I'd like replace Vue and use React and I did it. But I often will use small components for example 2 in different places of blade template. I don't want use one app component.
I'd like use something like:
<span class="react">
<TestComponent property={true} />
I can't do it automatically. Now I use
<span data-component="TestComponent" data-props="{property:true}" />
and in app.js
_.each(document.querySelectorAll('[data-react]'), element => {
let props ={};
.forEach(item => {
props[] = item.value;
if( !== 'data-react'){
It works but I need to use add all properties to one react component property and then use for example this.props.out.propery
I also would like set normal component tag in my blade component
I've try to use in app.js
_.each(document.querySelectorAll('.react'), item => {
Someone have any idea to solve this problem?
I changed my solution to:
<span data-react="LoginForm" input="{{json(request()->old())}}" error="{{session('error')}}" errors="{{json($errors->getMessages())}}" />
<LoginForm data-react="LoginForm" input="{{json(request()->old())}}" error="{{session('error')}}" errors="{{json($errors->getMessages())}}" />
in blade and in resources/assets/js/app.js
var reactComponents = {
LoginForm: require('./components/login').default,
_.each(document.querySelectorAll('[data-react]'), element => {
let props ={};
.forEach(item => {
props[] = item.value;
It works fine. This is not super clear solution but I have impression that the reasonable.
I can set components name in html code and add props almost same like in JSX.
As far as I know, you can not mix JSX components directly with Blade templates. The only server side rendering available today for React is NodeJS.
What you could do to improve your architecture is add specific HTML tags with certain ids and render the react components in them. So inside Blade you could do something like:
<div id="componentA"></div>
This will act as a place holder in your Blade template for that react component. Then you render your componentA from your app.js like this:
React.render(<ComponentA prop1='valueX'/>, document.getElementById("componentA"))
Remember that in this case the world of react and world of Blade run at different times.
You could use document.getElementsByTagName('LoginForm') getting all the instances and later iterate its attributes. It's clear code but not generic, because it will work just for LoginForm components.
If you want to render any tag name, then maybe it's better to use some attribute as you used with data-react.
getElementsByTagName isn't super supported by old browsers so maybe could a good idea to use jQuery as fallback $('LoginForm')

Binding Vue.js to all instances of an element, without(?) using Components

Today I'm learning Vue.js, and I have a few ideas of where it might be really useful in a new project that's an off-shoot of an existing, live project.
I like the idea of trying to replace some of my existing functionality with Vue, and I see that Components may be quite handy as quite a lot of functionality is re-used (e.g. Postcode lookups).
Once of the pieces of functionality I've used for an age is for invalid form elements - currently in jQuery when a form input or textarea is blurred I add a class of form__blurred, and that is coupled with some Sass such as:
.form__blurred {
&:not(:focus):invalid {
This is to avoid styling all required inputs as errors immediately on page load.
I'm totally fine with doing this in jQuery, but I figured maybe it could be done in Vue.
I have an idea of how I might do it with components thanks to the laracasts series, but my form inputs are all rendered by Blade based on data received from Laravel and it doesn't seem like a neat solution to have some of the inputs rendered in Javascript, for a number of reasons (no JS, confusion about where to find input templates, etc).
I figured something like the following simplified example would be handy
<input type="text" class="form__text" v-on:blur="blurred" v-bind:class="{ form__blurred : isBlurred }" />
var form = new Vue({
el : '.form__input',
data : {
isBlurred : false
methods : {
blurred : function() {
this.isBlurred = true;
That actually works great but, as expected, it seems like using a class selector only selects the first instance, and even if it didn't, I'm guessing changing the properties would apply to all elements, not each one individually.
So the question is - is this possible with pre-rendered HTML, in a way that's smarter than just looping through a selector?
If it is, is there a way to create the Vue on a .form element and apply this function to both .form__input and .form__textarea?
Or, as is probably the case, is this just not a good use-case for Vue (since this is actually a lot more code than the jQuery solution).
Sounds like a great use case for a Custom Directive.
Vue allows you to register your own custom directives. Note that in Vue 2.0, the primary form of code reuse and abstraction is components - however there may be cases where you just need some low-level DOM access on plain elements, and this is where custom directives would still be useful.
<div id="app">
<input type="text" name="myforminput" v-my-directive>
Vue.directive('my-directive', {
bind: function (el) {
el.onblur = function () {
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
You can also add the directive locally to a parent component, if it makes sense for your application.

Separating template logic from Backbone.View

I just started learning Backbone.js, and have been working on (what else) a simple to-do application. In this app, I want to display my to-do items inside of <ul id="unfinished-taks"></ul> with each task as a <li> element. So far, so simple.
According to the tutorials I have read, I should create a View with the following:
// todo.js
window.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'task',
// etc...
This works fine, but it seems like bad practice to define the HTML markup structure of my to-do item inside of my Javascript code. I'd much rather define the markup entirely in a template:
// todo.js
window.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($("#template-task").html()),
// etc...
<!-- todo.html -->
<script type="text/template" id="template-task">
<li class="task <%= done ? 'done' : 'notdone' %>"><%= text %></li>
However, if I do it that way Backbone.js defaults to using tagName: 'div' and wraps all my to-do items in useless <div> tags. Is there a way to have the HTMl markup entirely contained within my template without adding unsemantic <div> tags around every view element?
If you are only planning to render the view once, you can set the el property of the view manually in .initialize():
// todo.js
window.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($("#template-task").html()),
initialize: function() {
this.el = $(this.template(this.model.toJSON())).get(0);
// etc
There are some caveats here, though:
Backbone expects the el property to be a single element. I'm not sure what will happen if your template has multiple elements at the root, but it probably won't be what you expect.
Re-rendering is difficult here, because re-rendering the template gives you a whole new DOM element, and you can't use $(this.el).html() to update the existing element. So you have to somehow stick the new element into the spot of the old element, which isn't easy, and probably involves logic you don't want in .render().
These aren't necessarily show-stoppers if your .render() function doesn't need to use the template again (e.g. maybe you change the class and the text manually, with jQuery), or if you don't need to re-render. But it's going to be a pain if you're expecting to use Backbone's standard "re-render the template" approach for updating the view when the model changes.
