use class inside a gemfile on rbs files - ruby

I am working in .rbs files in ruby and I and everything were working inside my app until I decided to declare the Redis type in the .rbs file.
I am using the gemfile redis
and then I have this function:
def redis_connect REDIS_HOST, port: REDIS_PORT, password: REDIS_PASSWORD)
which in the .rbs file looks like the next:
def redis_connect: () -> Redis
But I am getting the error cannot find Redis
is it possible to "type" Redis? or do I need to leave it untyped?


How to use HTTP in hyperstack

I have made a basic install of a hyperstack rails app using's installation instructions, trying to add a HTTP.get request in an after_mount callback.
Not really sure what else I could try, thought HTTP would be a standard option
class App < HyperComponent
include Hyperstack::Router
after_mount do
render do
DIV() do
# NodeDisplay
# define routes using the Route psuedo component. Examples:
# Route('/foo', mounts: Foo) : match the path beginning with /foo and mount component Foo here
# Route('/foo') { Foo(...) } : display the contents of the block
# Route('/', exact: true, mounts: Home) : match the exact path / and mount the Home component
# Route('/user/:id/name', mounts: UserName) : path segments beginning with a colon will be captured in the match param
# see the hyper-router gem documentation for more details
the error received is:
Uncaught error: HTTP: uninitialized constant App::HTTP
in App (created by Hyperstack::Internal::Component::TopLevelRailsComponent)
in Hyperstack::Internal::Component::TopLevelRailsComponent
Simple answer: The HTTP library is not by default included in Opal or Hyperstack.
You can include it as part of the Opal jQuery wrapper, or with a minimal Opal Browser::HTTP library.
To add the jQuery wrapper to your Hyperstack application do the following:
Import the Hypestack jquery wrapper by adding
import 'hyperstack/component/jquery', client_only: true
to your config/initializers/hyperstack.rb file.
Then include the actual jquery javascript code in your assets:
If using webpacker run yarn add jquery in your terminal, and then add this line to the javascripts/packs/client_only.js file:
jQuery = require('jquery');
If not using webpacker instead add import 'jquery', client_only: true to the hyperstack initializer file.
If you just want to use the more minimal Browser::HTTP module, add
import 'browser/http
to your config/initializers/hyperstack.rb file.
After changing your hyperstack.rb you will have to clear the rails tmp cache by running rm -rf tmp/cache
Note: When using the browser version you will need to use Browser::HTTP instead of simply HTTP.

How to enable redis for Dashing?

I use free heroku instance to run my Dashing project. In result, it looses the value passed previously, when my instance sleeps. I was recommended to use Redis to keep history. I tryed to follow the instruction given here. In result I got the following (as part of my dashing project):
require 'dashing'
require 'redis-objects'
require 'yaml'
configure do
set :auth_token, 'my-token'
set :default_dashboard, 'def' #
helpers do
def protected!
# Put any authentication code you want in here.
# This method is run before accessing any resource.
def redis?
if redis?
redis_uri = URI.parse(ENV['REDISTOGO_URL'])
Redis.current = =>,
:port => redis_uri.port,
:password => redis_uri.password)
set :history,'dashing-history')
elsif File.exists?(settings.history_file)
set history: YAML.load_file(settings.history_file)
set history: {}
map Sinatra::Application.assets_prefix do
run Sinatra::Application.sprockets
run Sinatra::Application
and the following Gemfile:
source ''
gem 'dashing'
gem 'redis-objects'
## Remove this if you don't need a twitter widget.
gem 'twitter', '>= 5.9.0'
But it didn't help. What I did incorrectly?
I also tried to use this tutorial. But it was giving me an error at line redis_uri = URI.parse(ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"]) (something like wrong url is given).
The problem was that the app requires the add-on Redis To Go
If Redis To Go is configured, REDISTOGO_URL is added to environment variables, it will work
For more information on how to setup Redis To Go, read the heroku article
Adding Redis to an application provides benefits, you may be using RedisToGo to power simple Resque or Sidekiq jobs, or using the raw power of Redis 2.6 Lua Scripting to do some crazy fast operations. Redis can be used a database, but it’s often used as a complementary datastore. With over 140 commands, the possibilities are endless.

I want to use ActiveRecord in a non Rails way. How can I get my code to put the db file in the right directory?

default: &default
adapter: sqlite3
encoding: unicode
<<: *default
database: development.sqlite3
username: admin
password: wsxqaz
server: localhost
# port:
ruby code:
require "yaml"
require "active_record"
# shorten lines with this namespace
include ActiveRecord::Tasks
# trying to use db folder
DatabaseTasks.db_dir = './db'
db_config_file = "./config/database.yml"
db_config = YAML.load_file(db_config_file)
db_type = db_config['development']
#sldbtask =, root = './')
I've tried changing the root argument but that doesn't make any difference either.
What do I need to get my db file into the db directory? It creates it okay and the table stuff is pending. First things first.
I believe that the database is supposed to be generated in the root directory. The db folder is used for activerecord's schema and migration files. Why is it so important that the database generates in the db directory?
I just found an easier way to do this. After you require all of the files you want, then enter set :database, {database:"./db/myDatabase.db"}. If you already have the line set :database in your code, just add that to it. Good luck!

Figaro - Rails Missing secret_key_base for development

I've just switched to using the Figaro gem v1.0.0 with Rails 4.1.6.
Since deleting my secrets.yml file I now get the error:
Unexpected error while processing request: Missing secret_key_base for 'development' environment, set this value in config/secrets.yml
Do i still need the secrets.yml file - isn't this the job of Figaro's application.yml file?
My application.yml file is like
secret_key_base: 56....
Looking into the Railties gem at you can see the secrets method defined which includes a fallback for secret_key_base
def secrets #:nodoc:
#secrets ||= begin
secrets =
yaml = config.paths["config/secrets"].first
if File.exist?(yaml)
require "erb"
all_secrets = YAML.load( || {}
env_secrets = all_secrets[Rails.env]
secrets.merge!(env_secrets.symbolize_keys) if env_secrets
# Fallback to config.secret_key_base if secrets.secret_key_base isn't set
secrets.secret_key_base ||= config.secret_key_base
In config/application.rb adding the following resolves the issue
config.secret_key_base = Figaro.env.secret_key_base
I have never used Figaro gem but try these, create the config/secret.yml file and inside write:
secret_key_base: <%= ENV['secret_key_base'] %>
I was just informed that as of Rails 4.1.x, config/secrets.yml does need to be uploaded to heroku. Rails will no longer look directly at its ENV in order to find its secret_key_base.
So secrets.yml needs to come off of the .gitignore file, and your project would need to be recommited and re-pushed to heroku.
(secrets.yml would still get its values from heroku's ENV, which would still be loaded up via Figaro the same way as before - figaro heroku:set -e production. Use heroku config to get a nice quick look at your ENV variables to confirm they are there)

getting rack mapped directory inside app

Say I have a like:
map '/foo' do
run MyApp
and a Sinatra app like:
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
use Rack::Session::File, key: 'rack.session', domain: '', path: '/foo', expire_after: 86400 * 14, secret: 'mysecret'
How can I make MyApp agnostic to which request directory (/foo in this case) is used to access it? I have found that request.script_name contains this directory, but I cannot use it for the path: parameter of the use Rack::Session::File statement since it is not defined yet when starting the app from passenger, but only when requests are sent to the application later.
Unfortunately it's impossible even with dirty hacks.
So I suppose it's possible to do via two different ways:
External configuration file e.g. routes.yml ( uses it for
map statement, application to discover such prefix in url);
Environment variable (I've chosen this because it's easy to configure on Heroku.
