Custom Github connector powerapps issue - power-automate

The issue actually is regarding PowerAutomate (Web version). I am trying to create a custom Github connector as the existing one lacks multiple actions that was needed for my workflow. I setup a simple Get organisation teams API and when I test this action in the builder interface of custom
connector, it works like a charm!!
However when I try to use the same action in a Flow, I encounter the following error:
'The API operation 'GetOrganizationTeams' requires the property 'body/0/parent' to be of type 'String' but is of type 'Object'.
The API documentation for Get Teams can be found here. It is a simple GET request so I don't really know why is the body parameter expected during the API operation.
I tried editing it through the Swagger docs as well, but every time it is returning the same error. Can someone guide me as to what is the exact issue and how can I resolve it?


How can I wrap an existing REST API into graphQL API using AWS appsync?

I am trying to convert my REST API into graphql using AWS app sync, the problem is I am unable to fine the right method or documentation on how to do it.
I have successfully created a schema, I am trying to give a resolver for it, but I am not sure what is the right way to do it.
The problem was the creation of a pipeline, I changed actions > update runtime > Unit Resolver (VTL only). and then selecting the HTTP request as a data source was open for me to use. the document does not seem to have this information, anyways if you play with it for some time, you can get it (quite frustrating, ngl).

How to retrieve SharePoint Document details for particular record in MS CRM using FetchXML from Azure API

We have a case where we need to retrieve sharePoint Document details for particular record in Microsoft CRM, we need exactly two information from the record which are the filename and regardingobjectid (to whom this document belongs to).
I found this post:
I followed the same approch and i used the fetchXML in c# console program it worked as expected but the probleme when I created an API in azure APIM which will communicate with dynamics to get the results of the fetchXML, here is the policy that I have created:
When I test the API I get this error message (statuscode 500)
NOTE: I checked the URL in the browser (with the same fetchXML) and it worked without a problem also the authorization token was added successfully! also I get the same problem when I tested it in Postman.
What is the problem? I really don't know what to do here, any help will be appreciated.

What can we do for the error "No error field found in JSON" (VDM:401)?

We try to call the API API_BUSINESS_PARTNER via our Java application. The Java implementation communicates with a SAPUI5 - Front End application, so that the data can be displayed via an app.
Through our On - Premise System it works without any problems and we also get back data. But via the application we get the error "No error field found in JSON" and the SCP - Log for ODataConnectivityUtil shows us that the respective user is not authorized.
Accordingly we tried to call an older one MMIM_MATERIAL_DATA_SRV and it works without any problems. We get the same error message in API_PRODUCT_SRV. So it doesn't seem to work with the new APIs in general.
Thank you,
best regards.
The error message
Our source code
Logging snippet
Thanks again for the support.
We have solved the problem now.
The problem is that the first metadata request is executed on the default client (client 100) although we have set "sap-client=200" in the destination configuration.
Our passwords between the clients were different, so we received an authentication error.
We suspect that the "newer" API's will not be able to access the configuration for the destination from the SCP. So it probably worked with the older ones.
One problem for us was that the Cloud SDK does not take the client from the destination configuration (for the metadata request).
The other problem was that the error message "No error field found in JSON" was misleading.
Only by the tip with "ODataConnectivityUtil", we could see our authentication error. So thanks again.
Which version of the S/4HANA Cloud SDK are you using? This might be an issue that we had in an older version. Could you update to the latest release version and give it a try again?
Details on releases can be found here:
Hint: I would also suggest to use our virtual data model classes that we provide for invoking such OData services. You can find a blog post on this topic here:
Pls take a look in the S/4HANA OData log which you can find using transaction /iwfnd/error_log (put /n before it).
Then you execute the OData call to provoke the error. If you then find an entry in the OData log, it does mean that the authentication to S/4HANA was succesful. Also then you would figure out mor error details.
In case you do not find any entry, it is very likely that you are not authenticating correctly. In this case S/4HANA returns 401 and an HTML document as response payload.

Microsoft Flow integration

I read an article about Microsoft Flow. I was wondering if it is possible to trigger events using this in an external website.
For instance, supposing a post is made on Yammer for some approval flow based application. If an authorized user comments saying "Approved", this must trigger an action in my external website.
Is this feasible using Flow?
You can also make your own custom connectors if your website has a RESTful API.
There is an event for Yammer in Microsoft flow. I have something set up similar for my company and Twitter. When our company is mentioned it sends a message off to our social director.
I have several such flows for things like Yelp, Twitter, Facebook.
You need your Yammer account.
The events that you can trigger from and then include a trigger word or phrase are:
Get All messages
Get Messages in a group
Get Messages from my Following Feed
Post Message
Once you have that trigger its simple enough to look for the key word within a condition step.
Chances are good there is already a template for this in Microsoft Flow. Just look at the ones for Yelp, Facebook, etc. and modify for your needs
Just as AJAX mentioned, you can apply your own Custom Connector for a case like this. A Connector is the "plugin" used with a Flow, such as Yammer.
It's a bit late since November 28th (practically a 30-day late response here), but PowerApps allows you to create your own Custom Connector applying Microsoft's API. You'd be able to plug into your website (GET, POST, etc) directly with this when you create a trigger (the condition met true) that would launch an action. If you created your own API, Microsoft would have to validate if it's met standards pertaining to security.
By applying PowerApps, you'd be able to create your own actions and triggers. From this, you can integrate your own web based process' based on documentation that was observed: From here, you'd be able to customize it was needed.
JSON is required for some circumstances, however Postman would be a great IDE to consider as it also applies a pre-approved API by Micrsoft.

MOTO TxType with Form Protocol Integration

We're attempting to write an application that integrates with SagePay via a web page. The information will be entered by a sales person as part of a larger application (after taking payment details over the phone from a customer) and we are trying to use the Form Protocol Integration to facilitate this.
After having successfully got this working using the PAYMENT TxType, we discovered that the client requires the transaction type of "MOTO". This doesn't appear to work by simply changing the TxType field we are sending (and the documentation is pretty explicit about which types are permitted).
Is there an easy way to resolve this without completely changing the way we're integrating with SagePay? Also, if we do need to use a different API or integration method, is there any documentation on this? None of the documentation I have found has referenced a "MOTO" TxType.
Thank you.
TxType will always be PAYMENT. You can specify the account type with the field AccountType and setting it to M for Moto
Hope this helps.
According to SagePay MOTO can not be implemented for Form Integration. h
