Image is not refreshing automatically after saving changes in Photoshop - windows

Usually when I edited and saved changes in Photoshop - this image automatically updated while being open in Windows photo viewer.
Now I have a new laptop and after any changes in Photoshop image is not updating. I has to reopen it. I notice however that if I change the image in Paint ans save - it triggers updates in Windows photo viewer. Which is something that I want to happen in case with Photoshop, since it worked perfectly on other machine. Struggle to find a solution to this issue.

Well, for now I just switched to using FastStone as an image viewer


Is there a way to pause or control an animated gif in my browser?

I'm in Firefox and I'm looking at a page which has several how-to sections. Each of these has an animated git showing a user following the instructions.
The animation goes by too fast for me to be useful. I just want a way to pause the animation so that I can zoom in and see the details better. Then resume the animation.
I tried clicking on the GIF, and I get just the GIF, but it still is animated and I can't control it.
What I'd like is some way to have FF open the image so that I can pause and resume the image. Some reliable FF extension or plug-inAn would be best. An item in the context menu would be nice (using about:config). Or an item in the Settings/Applications list for images in general, or .gif files in particular (also using about:config). Or some application where I can open the app and drag the image from FF into the open app's window.
What I've tried is:
Changing how FF processes the click on the image. Its Settings does not show anything related to images in the Applications section. I can't find a way to configure FF to add more file types to this section. Anybody know how to do this?
I can view the image in WMP (Windows Media Player), but this is a clumsy process. First, I have to save the image somewhere, then I have to open the folder where I saved it, then do an Open With.... Then since WMP isn't on the list of apps, I have to do Select Another App, and scroll down to WMP and select that. I don't want to make this the default for all GIF files, so I have to do this for each animated GIF.
Once I've done this, WMP comes up and I can do what I want.
I tried a drag and drop from my image in FF to an open WMP window, but there's no response there.
I tried RealPlayer. I can do an Open With and RealPlayer is on the list of apps. But RealPlayer shows the image without animating it. RealPlayer also has an Open command and I paste in the URL of the image, but it's the same result.
I loaded the Toggle Animated Gif extension for FF. This is not satisfactory because I can either run the animation or show the GIF without any animation. I want to be able to freeze the animation in the middle of it.
Same difficulty here. Unfortunately, there's no such Firefox extension for now. The closest one is It allows to pause a GIT, but not to resume - so not enough for you.
While I also prefer Firefox, but for this I suggest Chrome and Gif Scrubber: Not immediate, but powerful.

Photo editor for Windows 10 for cropping and resizing (like mac preview app)

I have been using the default photo viewer of mac to perform following workflow. Any suggestion for a lightweight photo editor to get the same results with a few clicks in a windows 10 machine?
Workflow steps:
1. Open photo
2. Copy the entire photo or a partial selection to clipboard.
3. resize the canvas (800x800)
4. Apply a white background by creating a white rectangle on top of the original photo
5. Paste the photo copied photo from the clipboard on the white background. Canvas size remains 800x800.
6. Move or resize the pasted photo, so that it fits into the canvas.
7. Save and overwrite the original photo.
I've just recently started using Gravit designer it's quite awesome tool for templating designs but I'm pretty sure you can work with it for anything especially regarding vector based graphics. It's easy to get the gist of, light weight and you can get it for free on windows 10 just by taking a look at the Microsoft app store. No trials or extra functionality via purchase. Enjoy!

is chrome faster because it doesn't reload images?

I have this issue for a while and I want to know if it is just me or it is the way chrome works. When I make changes to an image and upload it, on reload chrome fails to show the new image, instead it shows the old image. Firefox shows the new image. This happens mostly with big images, like background. So I have to wait for a few minutes before chrome shows the new image... Is this a rule or it happens just with my browser?
This might happen because your local clock isn't synchronized with the web server. When you upload an image, a new file is created. The server will return the time stamp of the file when the browser asks for it. If that time stamp is older than what you have in your cache, the browser won't load the image again (assuming it's still good enough).
You should inspect the image (right click on it) and then look at the network activity. Chrome will tell you there whether it did load the image and why not.
Looks like it's caching issue. This logic is different for different browsers.
You can clear Chrome cach by pressing Ctrl+Shitf+F12 and set option "Empty the cache". After this action new image should load always.

How to create custom vector icons to use in Xcode application

I'm currently trying to figure out how I can make those glyph/vector icons appear like the default ones that you get with Xcode (e.g. NSActionTemplate). I researched and saw that they were saved in Illustrator to PDFs.
When I did the same trick (I managed to find the original Illustrator files for the icons by Apple) and saved it as an PDF, imported it into my project and dragged the icon onto a textured button it appeared plain black. It did however clear the white background so I thought it might be the white background that was visible in the preview that caused it to not style the button like the originals.
So basically what I'm asking is how I manage to make a icon appear like the default. I don't really wan't to make multiple files and/or code the behavior, since it should be quite easy to just drag and drop the image onto a button and apply the style itself.
-- EDIT --
OK, so I found the solution — By appending the text "Template" to the filename it will do this. But I still can't figure out why my transparent PDF - exported from Illustrator as AI and EPS - it still have a white background, which Xcode uses - so it will be a rectangular with the effect I want, instead of the circle.
Anyone that have an idea on how to remove the white background from the PDF so it will work in Xcode. It bugs me that it shows it is transparent (when seeing transparent grid in the PDF and Illustrator) and it still have a white background.
The white background in the PDF (and you should always use PDF over EPS—they "play nice" with OS X) has to do with the PDF format originally being oriented toward printed content. The white background you see in Preview and Xcode is the "page" area. Fortunately, this usually goes away / gets ignored when you load the PDF into an NSImage, as happens when you put it on a button.
If I'm understanding correctly, the problem you're having is you place a PDF with no background on a button, and in Xcode's Interface Builder it displays as if there were a background? I was able to reproduce this behavior, and I'm not sure what caused it. But I built and ran a test app with the very same Template file and errantly-displayed NIB. And in the actual, running Cocoa app, the graphic displayed correctly.
Sometimes Interface Builder just previews wrongly. I suspect the problem is merely cosmetic in preparing the interface.

How to display Image in flash for no copy image?

How to display Image in flash for no copy image?
The image should be in flash variable and encrypt real image file name?
Have the project open source release?
Not an answer to your question, but using flash for this just makes it annoying. The image can be still be saved by hitting the printscreen button.
Do you know what Firebug is? I have copied many images in original quality with it, even Zoomify ones in max resolution. You only can make the copy harder by encrypting everything.
