How to hide deleted files in TextMate's file browser - textmate

If I open a folder that uses source control in TextMate, it will show deleted files with an x. How do I hide deleted files?
The solution in this answer does not work: How can I keep deleted files from showing up in TextMate 2 file-browser sidebar?


Can't open folder that was dragged and dropped to sidebar in sublime text3

I recently downloaded sublime text3. To get started I dragged and dropped a folder that contained a website to the sidebar. Now I can't open the folder to get to the files. I can't drag the folder back to the desktop either. The only thing I can do is drag the folder up and down the sidebar. Yet I look a videos and see demonstrations of folders being open from the sidebar. I removed another folder of some javascript files from the sidebar and lost it, completely. I installed sidebar Enhancements and now I can see more options but I still can't do anything with the folder. Is there a way to solve this problem?
You are not supposed to be able to drag the folders from Sublime's sidebar back into Windows Explorer (your desktop or any folders part of Windows GUI).
When you delete files from the sidebar, they should be moved to your Recycle Bin, check to see if the files are there.

Can't delete or rename files in Xcode 4.6 Project Navigator?

Something has become buggered with my project.
I can't delete files or rename files from Project Navigator view.
It may have something to do with source control? If I highlight 5 files in Project Navigator and hit delete and then move to trash the first file gets a source control "D" marking beside it but all of the files still remain.
Restarting mac/xcode has not resolved it. Any ideas?
Same thing happens to me for a while now.
Using git.
So far I'm able to work around this by deleting the files one at a time, which moves the file to trash but doesn't remove the reference. And then deleting the references again.
Similar problem with adding files to the project and renaming them.
For adding: first move/copy the required file in the project folder to the desired location, and then add from Xcode deselecting the "Copy items..." checkbox.
For renaming: find file in finder, rename IN FINDER, then change the name accordingly in Xcode (or choose the file again from the right panel).
Hopefully we won't have problems like these after moving to Xcode 5.

show hidden files and folders in project drawer in textmate

By default, textmate does not show all files and folders in the project drawer.
how do I make textmate project drawer show hidden files, in particular all files and directories beginning with a dot?
Click Preferences > Advanced > Folder References,
Edit File Pattern (minimal change to original default):
as well as Folder pattern (minimal change to original default):
This only applies to new project folders. For an existing one, you need to edit the pattern after right-clicking on folder reference and choose Show Information.
7 years later, TextMate (v2.0.6) , shows these options:
default "Exclude files matching":
default "Include files matching":
Non-text files:
To show all hidden (MacOS) files+folders in file-browser pane of TextMate, what needs to be changed ?
goto TextMate > Preferences > Projects:
change the "Include..." box regex code into this:
as shown in below:
#Viktor Tron's answer is perfect... Just wanted to add this comment (but had a picture, so I'll add this answer)... Once you DO show "invisible" (.dot) files via his snazzy regex... you may want to weed some otherwise extraneous files that now clutter your projects hierarchy... Just do it via the specific project folder's "Show Information..." contextual menu...
In this example I want to IGNORE (fucking) .DS_Store files.. SO I simply add !\.DS_Store to the "File Pattern" section.

Renaming xcode 4 project and the actual folder

I know how to rename the project in Xcode 4, but how do you rename the source folder? The thing is that renaming the project in Xcode, does only rename within Xcode (Though it is progress compared to previous) - but why Xcode is not renaming the folder in the filesystem I don't know.
You can do this from within Xcode without resorting to hand editing the pbxproj file in a text editor!
Here's how:
Rename your source folder in the Finder. This will break the project initially because Xcode doesn't automatically detect when the real folders that the virtual (yellow) project folders point to are changed, so all the files inside that folder will turn red in Xcode. Don't worry about that, we'll fix it in step 3.
In Xcode, click on the (now broken) virtual folder in the left-hand sidebar and rename it to match the name in the Finder (you can actually call it anything you want, or not rename it at all, but that would be insane). That won't fix the red files inside the folder, but that's OK.
In the right-hand sidebar in Xcode, click the icon shown in the screenshot below to bring up a file dialog. Select the folder that you previously renamed. This will re-associate the virtual folder with the real folder on disk, and will automatically fix the links to all the files inside.
In your build settings, search for the old folder name and manually rename any occurrences you find. There will typically be two of them, oldfolder/prefix.pch and oldfolder/info.plist, but there may be others.
All done!
EDIT: this option is still there in Xcode 5, but is helpfully hidden by default. To show it, click the thin "Identity and Type" header in the inspector above the "Text Settings" panel to expand it.
I've done it dozens of times:
Rename the Project by clicking then editing the Title in your Xcode Project Navigator.
Close Xcode.
Rename the source folder.
From the Finder, open the .pbxproj file inside project bundle (context menu "Show Package Contents") with any text editor.
Search and replace any occurrence of the original folder name with the new folder name.
Save the file.
Open Xcode project.
Rename "Play" to "Play2" both in Xcode and in Finder
Change this:
To this:
// Before anything, please backup the project in Finder!
Rename project in Xcode Project navigator // Click project name then hit enter
Rename group in Xcode Project navigator // not affecting folder name in Finder
Close Xcode
Rename outer folder (left column in image) in Finder
// All above steps are straight-forward and without side effects
// Now comes the tricky part: rename the inner folder (middle column in image) in Finder (the one at the same level with .xcodeproj)
Rename the inner folder in Finder while keeping Xcode closed
Right click .xcodeproj, select "Show Package Contents"
Open .pbxproj file with Mac TextEdit
Search and replace all "Play" with "Play2". To guarantee everything goes right, click the arrow on the left end of the search bar and modify the search attribute. Change "Contains" to "Full word", and uncheck "Ignore case"
Save .pbxproj file
Open Xcode project and Run
Here is how to rename a project effectively in XCode4 (INCLUDING THE FILES FOLDER):
Close all open projects completely in XCode to prevent any issues
Copy the Project in question to a new Folder (IMPORTANT: KEEP A BACKUP OF YOUR OLD PROJECT)
Open the Project
Rename the Project itself in XCode4 (double click on the project name), change the name and follow the steps (yes to everything)
Go to product, manage schemes and rename the scheme (double click on the scheme name)
Close your project (make sure is completely closed otherwise the next steps will not work)
In Finder go to the Project folder and right click on the .xcodeproj file, then select the option "Show Package Contents"
Then right click on the .pbxproj file and open it with TextEdit
Replace all occurrences of the Folder Name where the projects used to live (The old project name for the new project name)
Save the file
Open the Project again and Build it!
First of - dont rename an Xcode project!!!
If you have to, the beneath could be it - I never got it to work, ended up creating a new project and started all over copying in the existing files. Xcode is so ahh.... It has so many non productive things, like also try renaming a file from "Name" to "name". Well, well have fun.
I found the answer or how to work around this: Open the pbxproj file by right clicking "Show Package Content" and in there you edit a project.pbxproj file - you have to rename a reference called path and some other stuff - just search for the folder name added "/".
That is it.
Hope it helps some one.
Here is another issue that you should be aware of while replacing values in your *.pbxproj file. If your old folder name was FooBar you will have an entry in your *.pbxproj file that looks like this:
path = FooBar
Suppose your new folder name is Foo Bar. That is, you are introducing a space. Then, this line should become
path = "Foo Bar"
If you just do a simple find and replace, the result will be a *.pbxproj file that Xcode can't parse. If your new folder name has a space and the old name didn't have a space, be sure to include the double quotes.
I am summing up for myself, after examining various answers above and trying myself.
Let's assume the current project name is ProjAbc and you want to rename it to ProjDef:
Exit Xcode of that project.
In Finder, Duplicate the folder ABOVE ProjAbc.xcodeproj for backup.
In Finder, Rename freely the folder ABOVE ProjAbc.xcodeproj if you feel you need it to suit new project name.
In Finder, Rename the source files folder parallel to ProjAbc.xcodeproj from ProjAbc to ProjDef
Open Xcode for ProjAbc.xcodeproj (in Project Navigator, all files in virtual source folder ProjAbc will be in Red color).
In Xcode, click on the (now broken) virtual folder in the Project Navigator in the left-hand sidebar and rename it to match the name in Finder - ProjDef. That won't yet fix the red files inside the folder, but that's OK.
In Xcode, (still selecting the virtual folder in the left-hand sidebar) in the right-hand sidebar, in the File inspector, click the icon shown in the screenshot below to bring up a file dialog. In the file dialog, select the folder that you previously renamed (ProjDef). This will re-associate the virtual folder with the real folder on disk, and will automatically fix the links to all the files inside.
In Xcode, in Project Navigator, click on the ProjAbc project name, and rename it to ProjDef.
You will be prompted: "Rename project content items?". Click "Rename" button.
You will be prompted: "Would you like Xcode to take automatic snapshots before Project Rename and similar operations?". Click either "Disable" or "Enable". It does not matter.
In Xcode, now open "Build Settings" inside ProjDef target (inside project ProjDef in Project Navigator). Rename both foldername and filename of both *-Info.plist and *-Prefix.pch files to contain ProjDef instead of ProjAbc.
In Xcode, in Project Navigator, in ProjDef virtual sources folder, in "Supporting Files", also rename again both *-Info.plist and *-Prefix.pch files to contain ProjDef instead of ProjAbc
In Xcode Menu, press Product/Scheme/Manage Schemes... (or click "ProjAbc"> Scheme name in Scheme Bar at left top of Xcode, and press "Manage Schemes...") and in the dialog box rename Scheme from ProjAbc to ProjDef, then press "OK" button. If Project name is composed of single word, you may run it just now!
In Xcode, edit the top comment line in Supporting Files/*-Prefix.pch file, and replace ProjAbc by ProjDef (2 times). Of course correcting this comment is optional.
Exit Xcode.
In Finder, point to ProjDef.xcodeproj and open it in text editor. (Either open it in , or, mouse right-click and in the pop-up menu press "Show Package Contents" then edit file project.pbxproj in
In the Text Editor, search "ProjAbc" (Entire Word, Match Case) which should appear once (in paragraph: /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ in line: productName = ProjAbc;) and replace it by "ProjDef". Indeed, project could run anyway!, so this step is optional.
if project name is composed of 2 or more separate words, like "ProjDef Geh", then you MUST do next steps: Search for the reference to the Finder folder of the virtual source files folder -
Search for the line: path = ProjDef Geh;
It will appear once, in paragraph /* ProjDef Geh */
Replace it by the line: path = "ProjDef Geh";
Save from text editor, and exit the Text Editor.
That's it. As written above, if project name is composed of single word, you can run right at end of step 11.
I found the above answers really useful, especially Nick Lockwood's answer.
I just renamed a couple of folders in Xcode 8 and encountered two more issues:
A) "missing from working copy errors"
B) Core Data crashes.
How to resolve these two issues:
A) "missing from working copy errors"
I found the below answer very useful: Swift 3 / Xcode 8 Upgrade - 100's of DerivedData files missing from working copy errors
Basically Xcode 8 has rigorous source control, which can lead to the above errors. You have to:
Clean Xcode derived data.
Go to Source Control and click Refresh Status.
Go to Source Control and click Commit; select all the files on the left sidebar of the commit menu when committing (right click -> Select All).
You'll probably get an error.
Close the Commit menu.
Refresh Status.
Close your project by quitting Xcode.
Reopen your project, refresh status, commit again.
This time the commit should work.
Click Project -> Clean.
I'm assuming that you have already enabled Source Control. If you haven't, or if you get stuck following my instructions, just follow the more detailed instructions in the link provided.
B) Core Data crashes
Renaming folders will sometimes screw up Core Data. There are several possible reasons why this is so, and below are some fixes I can suggest:
Incorrect AppDelegate model name. This was the case in my situation. Go to your AppDelegate and find let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "YOUR CORE DATA MODEL NAME"). Make sure that the name is correct.
In the future (several years after this post, when Apple changes Core Data again) or if you're using an older version of Core Data, take a careful look at AppDelegate. There's probably something funky there that's messing with your Core Data.
Incorrect model name in xcdatamodeld. Go to Finder and open your .xcdatamodeld in a text editor.
Check the following:
<plist version="1.0">
<string>YOUR CORE DATA MODEL NAME.xcdatamodel</string> <-- Make sure this is correct.
More detail here: Core Data model files does not load on rename
If the two things above don't work, try to 1) delete your entity and then add another entity that's identical or 2) delete your xcdatamodeld and then add another data model that's identical (and make sure that the name of the new xcdatamodeld matches what is in your AppDelegate and the rest of your code). Never do this with a live App - or if you do this, make sure to properly migrate your Core Data whilst doing so.
If you are have old reference of source project into your project, When dublicate the project (every change made affect to both proejct)
here the solution
Dublicate Project from source project
Rename source folder of source project that break reference issue.
In dublicate proejct everything goes red choose your current folder of project. (screenshot is shows in green tick answer of stackoverflow)

How to quickly add back missing file in xcode

I zipped up my project folder in xcode and moved it to a new computer. When I open up the project it has missing files (file appears red).
How can I add all these files back or re-link them. It is like 20+ files?
Why didnt xcode store the relative path?
Xcode may not update location for some files of your project when you copy/move it from one environment to another. The easiest way I found is something like this:
1-Select your files like this, if they are in different groups, then repeat the flow on each group separately:
2- Show the file inspector:
3- You may notice Xcode has an absolute path for them, which is something not useful, so click on the little icon near Multiple Values. navigate to the folder where your selected files are stored in the finder and click "Choose".
Also, don't forget to change the Location to Relative to Project. Now you will get something like this:
• Select all the missing files that are in one folder in Finder.
• Change Location to Relative to Group ( that's in the File Inspector View -> Utilities -> Show File Inspector )
• Click the choose file button; it is under the Location drop down menu; it is an image that looks like a very small window with a document inside it.
A Choose folder containing the selected references sheet should appear.
• find and select the folder containing the missing files in the finder, then click Choose
(Tested in In xCode v4.3.2)
I normally keep all my files related to the project inside one folder (nested where necessary) and yeah I frequently exchange project files (zip and move) with my peers and nothing like that has ever happened to me.
You can always just drag the files en masse back onto the XCode window, and they'll get re-added. If you have file-system folders that match your Xcode internal organization that makes it even easier.
The UI has changed. In Xcode 10, there's a tiny dot with an arrow in it next to the file path. This does nothing as far as I can tell.
There's an obscure folder icon offset up and to the right of that non-functional arrow... this actually is a button, and it DOES allow you to relink the file.
