Replace multiple words in URL using mod-rewrite - mod-rewrite

I need some help with mod-rewrite to replace multiple words in a URL. When I call a URL on my site I want to replace the following parameters in the URL so that the actual URL that is called is with the replaced parameters
I have the following two formats of URL's I access on my webserver
First one is:
For this one I want to first replace /#results/ with /results/ so that the actual URL that the webserver is seeing me request is as follows:
Second format is{section}/search/testing
For this I want to then replace /search/ with ?query=
and then finally replace /#sub/ with /search/
So the web server will be seeing the format like this:{section}?query=testing
The reason I replace /search/ second is because if I did the last one before the second, then the second search will get overwritten.
Any suggestions on how I can do this?


How can I get URL information following "#" in Koa

I have a URL that in the browser shows like this https://localhost:3000/location#valueIwant=1234.
I am trying to get access to the valueIwant value but all of the items I try ctx.request.path, ctx.request.href, etc but all seem to not have the values after #. How do I parse this part of the url.
Also this is coming from a redirect.
Everything after the # is not sent to the server. The purpose of the fragment is to create a link to a specific subsection of a page.
If you want to send specific parameters to the server, the right way to do it is to use the query part (everything after ?), not the fragment part. This is by design.

Passing whole body as a variable to a POST request

I'm trying to create a simple stress test using JMeter. I have mostly GET requests and a couple POST requests. My main goal is to make this test as reusable as possible. I want to implement it in a way that the user would have to provide a CSV file with the following headers:
The values would look something like:
Now POST (PUT, PATCH etc ..) bodies differ from one request to another. Providing ${postBody} to Body Data tab does not work "${postBody}" as well.
Is there a way to achieve this? Command line solutions are more than welcome as well.
EDIT: To clarify, I'm using the UI interface. When I input ${postBody} in the Body Data tab the UI complains. When switching from the Body Data tab to another one I get the following prompt:
Remove "'" around the request and it should work.
Regarding the warning you get, it is not an error, it is just that in JMeter those 2 tabs are exclusive:
Parameters tabs is for input of parameters in the form as name=value
Body data is for your kind of requirement
So can you test my hypothesis which is to remove the quote around the request in CSV file ?
If it still fails, please show the logs.
You can remain in Body Data tab,
Add after pathPost your optional query parameters for GET request:
Don't worry about the ? it's just seperate path from parameters
Also consider changing variable name to path, more suitable because it can be POST.
In JSON , seperate between values while in CSV default is also ,
I suggest you can your CSV delimiter, In CSV Data Set Config Choose different Delimiter as ; and add your data in CSV accordingly (remove extra ' characters):
Notice: Allow quoted data keep default value False

Shorten URLs within CodeIgniter

This question has been asked a few times but I can't seem to find a solution that helps me which is why I am trying here.
I have my site setup with the following for URLs I am using CodeIgniter I have a controller called user which loads a user view.
So my URLs are structured as follows:
I want to try and strip out the user controller from the URL to tidy up my URL so they would just read:
Is this possible I have been looking at route and have tried lots of different options but none have worked?
$route['/'] = "user";
Could anyone offer any solution?
Assuming the '#' in your URLs is a valid function and 'username' is a parameter for that function, then this route should work:
$route['#/(:any)'] = "user/#/$1";
Depending on what usernames are to be routed you may want to change the wildcard. For example, if you only wanted to route numbers as the parameter, you could change (:any) to (:num).
(:num) will match a segment containing only numbers.
(:any) will match a segment containing any character.
You can also use regular expressions to define routing rules, allowing you to further restrict what is routed.

Pass encrypted email in url in nop commerece

I want to pass encrypted email in url,but its not working on server,
while it is working on localhost.
I check the encrypted email- It contains some specific character like + , =
all those url which contains + sign are not working on server. but it working on localhost.
for example-
url format - {controllername}/{methodname}/{encrypted email}/{bool}
working url-
not working url-
not working url gives error like
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Thoughts ?
You should pass it as an url encoded query string parameter and not as part of the route:
If you want to pass some string as part of the route you should ensure that it doesn't contain dangerous characters which is your case. Scott Hanselman wrote a nice and detailed blog post on the difficulties that you might encounter if you attempt to pass such strings as part of the route here:
I will quote his conclusion if you don't want to go through the entire post:
After ALL this effort to get crazy stuff in the Request Path, it's
worth mentioning that simply keeping the values as a part of the Query
String (remember WAY back at the beginning of this post?) is easier,
cleaner, more flexible, and more secure.

how does URL rewrite work in plain english

I have read a lot about URL rewriting but I still don't get it.
I understand that a URL like
can be replaced with a friendlier one like
and the server code can remain unchanged because there is some filter which transforms the new URL and sends it to the old, but does it replace the URLs in the HTML of the response too?
If the server code remains unchanged then it is possible that in my returned HTML code I have links like:
This defeats the purpose of having the nice URLs if in my page I still have the old ones.
Does URL rewriting (with a filter or something) also replace this content in the HTML?
Put another way... do the rewrite rules apply for the incoming request as well as the HTML content of the response?
Thank you!
The URL rewriter simply takes the incoming URL and if it matches a certain pattern it converts it to a URL that the server understands (assuming your rewrite rules are correct).
It does mean that a specific resource can be accessed multiple ways, but this does not "defeat the point", as the point is to have nice looking URLs, which you still do.
They do not rewrite the outgoing content, only the incoming URL.
