How can I get URL information following "#" in Koa - koa

I have a URL that in the browser shows like this https://localhost:3000/location#valueIwant=1234.
I am trying to get access to the valueIwant value but all of the items I try ctx.request.path, ctx.request.href, etc but all seem to not have the values after #. How do I parse this part of the url.
Also this is coming from a redirect.

Everything after the # is not sent to the server. The purpose of the fragment is to create a link to a specific subsection of a page.
If you want to send specific parameters to the server, the right way to do it is to use the query part (everything after ?), not the fragment part. This is by design.


I need to convert any string without GET parameters

I need to convert any string without GET parameters: ---> --->
I need to hide $_GET parameters.
I cant use POST parameters.
How can i do this ?
Then use POST.
POST-Data is not visible in the url and can be used like GET, but has to be pushed from a HTML-Form or something
Variables submitted by the method GET go in the URL, so it's impossible to hide them. However, you can make them prettier using the MVC architectural pattern. It's a more sofisticate solution that really pays off, in terms of organization.
For example, URLs like would become
You used $_GET[], so I assume you're using PHP. Take a look at Laravel or Phalcon.
In case you do not want to show any of the variables, you have to use POST. Data submitted by POST is inserted in the body of the HTTP request. Please, keep in mind that the body will not be encrypted, unless you use HTTPS.

AJAX search - parsing and reading the URL parameters with hash tags

we've implemented a new AJAX based search on our website. We're adding the parameters and their values with # tag at the end of the main URL, when user makes further refine by applying additional filters.
This was done to enable our users to share the URL of what they were viewing. It's actually now achieved in a way that the page gets redirected and the content is generated first for the base URL. Using a Javascript function which executes onload looks at the parameters in the # tags and makes another AJAX hit.
Why browsers are not sending the # thing to the server. i.e.; # part is not even received by the HTTP Server. It's interesting actually, browsers are not sending them at all
What is best way to get the # values? I'm looking at more of to avoid the double hit that we've implemented right now. i.e.; content is loaded already and then making another AJAX call to apply the refines.
The # value is an instruction to the browser to look for a named anchor in the document it is to load from the server. It is interpreted and actioned by the browser. The server can do nothing with it, so there's no point in sending it. If you're trying to use this for some other purpose then you'll run into difficulties - as you have found.
There is a mechanism for sending data to the server: the querystring. Append your parameters to the URL prefixed by a ?, in the form variablename=data, with successive variables separated by a &.

Pass encrypted email in url in nop commerece

I want to pass encrypted email in url,but its not working on server,
while it is working on localhost.
I check the encrypted email- It contains some specific character like + , =
all those url which contains + sign are not working on server. but it working on localhost.
for example-
url format - {controllername}/{methodname}/{encrypted email}/{bool}
working url-
not working url-
not working url gives error like
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Thoughts ?
You should pass it as an url encoded query string parameter and not as part of the route:
If you want to pass some string as part of the route you should ensure that it doesn't contain dangerous characters which is your case. Scott Hanselman wrote a nice and detailed blog post on the difficulties that you might encounter if you attempt to pass such strings as part of the route here:
I will quote his conclusion if you don't want to go through the entire post:
After ALL this effort to get crazy stuff in the Request Path, it's
worth mentioning that simply keeping the values as a part of the Query
String (remember WAY back at the beginning of this post?) is easier,
cleaner, more flexible, and more secure.

Ajax results filtering and URL parameters

I am building a results filtering page using AJAX requests. I would like to reflect the filters in the URL. For example: for price_from I want to add ?price_from=VAL to the URL.
I have a backend that is capable of rendering the page with URL parameters.
After some googling I would a Backbone.router solution which has a hash fallback for the IE that does not support HTML5 history API.
I have a problem with setting a good philosophy of routes. I have a set of filtering parameters (price_from, price_to, color, ...) and I would like to attach each parameter to one route.
Is that possible to chain the routes to match for example: ?price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red? (the item order can change)
It means: call all the routes at the same time and keep the ie backwards compatibility?
Your best bet would be to have a query portion of the URL rather than using GET parameters to denote the search criteria. For example:
Push state: /search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Hash based: #search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Your backend would of course need to change a bit to be able to parse the new URL structure.

Automating filling Forms

Renting houses can be nasty so I need to automate it. Please, have a look at here. If you make a mistake, all of your changes are gone. I tried to insert the values in the url like:
but it does not work. What is the problem?
Firstly, your query string is incorrect. It should be:
Secondly, in order to pre-populate the page with the results of the query string, the developer of the page would have had to added logic to extract the query string values and pre-populate the page with those values. In this case, it does not appear that they have done that.
You could try saving the page locally as HTML. Then you could modify the HTML to include your default values. You would also need to update any relative paths to point to the server as a full URL. Then you could open the page on your machine and hopefully post to the server. This assumes that they are not injecting any session or other temporary information in the page that they validate.
