Very new to coding and Im following a course on three.js using cannon-es, I have quickly come to understand the need to keep things organized in classes using constructor, (my project is currently all in one or two files and is getting messy.) But still confused as to how to convert existing code into a class. I would like to see an example of basic cannon physics setup as a class or how I can make one.
I was in the same situation and was able to make parts as classes but seems buggy as when I add new objects to the Cannon world,the objects before disappear,don't know what causes this but I can share my code with you so we can solve this issue if you are willing.
This question could apply to all languages and frameworks but I'm looking for something a bit more 'cocoa specific'. I come from a Java background and I've noticed that learning objective-c is a lot more than just syntax, it's almost a completely different way of thinking.
What I've been having the most trouble with, must be the way one has to organise your classes. Sure all basic OOP(Object Oriented Programming) rules apply, and using MVC patterns where you can is recommended. But with me being used to Java I just need to set a few things straight and make sure I've got the right idea:
So for the sake of simplicity let just focus on one part of an app - Logging a user in. You'd have your .xib file for the UI (called Login.xib), you'd have your class that handles your data (connecting to a web service, called LoginModel.m) and you'd have your controller that acts as the middle man between your front-end and data (Called LoginController.m).
Is this is a pretty good example of applying MVC to a Cocoa app? And if it is, does that mean that you'd have 6 files created for this (since you have header files and implementation files). 6 files just to handle something simple as logging a user in. You can imagine how many you'd end up with for an entire app, even the most simplest of ones...
So my question is - Am I doing something wrong? Do I have the wrong idea? Or is the idea of too many files and too long method names just something I need to get used to since my brain is still working in 'Java Mode'?
Your ideas on how to handle that outlined above are fully correct. There is nothing bad about having a lot of files in the project. It does help a lot when you want to reuse code or if for example login details change and you don't want to edit multiple code locations.
Nevertheless, you may combine in such simple cases model class and controller class, especially if your model data can for example be stored in an NSDictionary and such. Only if you have complex model objects, that will run a lot of their own code, it will be better to separate them out.
Variable and method names can't be too long ;) always use a good name that especially describes the functionality or task. You usually don't have to type them often, but Xcode autocomplete will deal with that easily.
I'm currently writing an application that plays podcasts. I'm representing all the feeds and the episodes within them as QStandardItem objects within a QStandardItemModel. Right now, I don't have a way to save this model--when the application closes, the feed model goes up in smoke. I looked at using QSettings, but that only works for datatypes that fall under QVariant.
Looking at this post gave me some hope, but I think I'm doing something wrong. I've got the following code in the constructor for my application.
//Expand QVatiant to use QStandardItemModel
That, however, gives me this error at compile time.
/ [...] QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/lib/QtGui.framework/Versions/4/Headers/qstandarditemmodel.h:424: error: 'QStandardItemModel::QStandardItemModel(const QStandardItemModel&)' is private
Ah. That reminds me of this caveat from the Qt documentation for QMetaType, here.
Any class or struct that has a public default constructor, a public copy constructor and a public destructor can be registered.
So, where do I go from here? Qt is behaving exactly as it should, so this approach won't work. I'm thinking of saving off the model as an xml file, but that seems like a ton of effort. This seems like a pretty common problem--I just don't know where to look for the answer.
Here's the best solution I could come up with: Create a method that saves the model into an XML document, and call it whenever I change the model (e.g. add or remove a podcast). I don't have the actual source code on hand, but since there's no real easy way to save the data structure wholesale, this is the best solution.
I'm quite new to Prism. I'm studying QuickStarts shipped with it as well as other examples on the net. Almost all of them make modules aware of what region their view(s) get dropped into. Typically, the method Initalize of a module has a line like the the following.
I feel quite uncomfortable with that. There's a similar discussion but I think that it should be the responsibility of the shell component to define such mapping. However, I cannot find any example of such approach and I'm not sure whether the bootstrapper is the right place to put such mapping in.
Is this approach completely wrong?
Nothing is completely wrong. But it makes no sense to have the shell/bootstrapper (that by design doesn't know anything about the application it will host) knows what view goes into which region.
Consider an application that can be extended by simply adding modules into a given folder. When you follow the approach that the module knows where it's views want to reside (the mapping is done in Initialize()), this is no problem. I designed my first Prism application that way.
But if your mapping is done in your shell you always have to update your shell (which is part of the base application, not any module) when you want to add another module. This runs contrary to the loosely coupling paradigm. Besides that you have to create one base application for every module constellation. And there are (2^number of modules) permutations you have to cover. That results in loosing your flexibility you gained by using Prism.
Hey there I was just wondering is it good to use i18n inside the model files.
Though I am suspecting only controller knows what language at the moment is active.
I just wanted to ask before moving on.
Sorry if it is not so complex question!
I think i18n should be use only in the View layer (not in the model). Calling up helpers for translation inside model to translate some text or date, seems to me more like a rendering problem rathen than a data manipulation one. So try to modifie your solution to fit the way symfony does this kind of stuff.
My advise is to try to keep the MVC stack as clean and abstract in each layer as possible. Once you go inside the rabbit hole, you wont be able to come back easy :P
So thanks to the Visualization and Modeling Feature Pack , I can build a uml model diagram and generate a bunch of classes.
But what now? Presumably, my developers will add code to those classes. Useful code, valuable code, and as the templates themselves indicate:
// Changes to this file will be lost if the code is regenerated.
So what is the best solution here? Can I make the modeling project reflect changes to the actual classes? Should I generate partial classes? Modify the default templates to read class files and not auto-generate anything that has been modified? Should I tell developers not to edit model files under pain of....well, pain?
Thanks for the tips.
As far as I know, this is really the key reason for partial classes in the first place. The custom code goes in one file, the auto-generated in another.
You could also create classes derived from the generated ones, and put any changes in there. I also agree with above poster that partial classes could be the way to go.
Although the tools generate basic skeleton classes out of the box, that's really just a starting point. You can easily adapt the generator templates to create your own stuff. Different people want to generate different code from the classes - some even generate XML or SQL. And yep, in C#, partial classes are good to generate, so's to keep the hand-written code separate from the generated bits.
It's good to put lots of extension points in the generated code, where you fill in the details by hand code.
Another neat idea is "double derived": from each UML class, generate a base class and a derived class. The derived one has only constructors. The base class has any methods you generate. So your hand code can easily override generated methods where you need that.
There are several options in the tool and recommending what is best is hard without knowing your scenario. Partial classes are great for some, but not all applications. If you want your UML class to generate a partial class, you can set it's C# stereotype's property to "Partial" and it will do so, and custom code can then be added in a partial class that won't be overwritten. If you want to prevent code from being overwritten, you can do this by setting the overwrite property to False on the template binding that corresponds to the package you are working on. This lets you set your extension code to be in a package that is not overwritten, while your model mastered code is overwritten with the latest model changes. Finally, if you want your code to be the master for your model so it always reflects the latest code, then you can reverse engineer your code by using the architecture explorer to select your classes and then dragging them in to a UML diagram. So for a given gesture, either the model is the master or the code is the master. In this version, we did not implement automated merge capabilities between the two.