Pivot (Oracle), PL/SQL - oracle
select customer_no, account_no, sum(accounted_dr), sum(accounted_cr), to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY-MM') as "Effective Months and Years"
group by account_no, customer_no, to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY-MM')
order by to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY-MM') asc
The Table:
I was asked to pivot this table in a way that it showed the sums of all debits and credits divided by month.
"CUSTOMER_NO";"ACCOUNT_NO";"SUM(ACCOUNTED_DR)2021-01";"SUM(ACCOUNTED_CR)2021-01";"SUM(ACCOUNTED_DR)2021-02";"SUM(ACCOUNTED_CR)2021-02" etc. the columns should be like this.
This is what i wrote:
select * from(select customer_no, account_no, sum(accounted_dr), sum(accounted_cr), to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY/MM') as "Effective Months and Years" from GL_JOURNAL_LINES)
pivot(sum(accounted_dr), sum(accounted_cr) for to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY-MM') in ("2021/01", "2021/02", "2021/03", "2021/04", "2021/05", "2021/06"));
order by to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY-MM')
It shows missing In keyword. What should i do?
You can't apply a function as part of the for - which is causing the initial ORA-01738 error - and should be using a value form the subquery instead. You're also aggregating inside the subquery, which you shouldn't be doing, and referring to columns form the base table outside the subquery, where they won't be recognised. And using double quotes when they should be single quotes to represent literals.
So you want something like this, truncating the effective date to the start of the month and treating that as a date:
select * from (
select customer_no, account_no, accounted_dr, accounted_cr,
trunc(effective_date, 'MM') as effective_month
pivot (
sum(accounted_dr) as dr, sum(accounted_cr) as cr
for effective_month
in (
date '2021-01-01' as "2021/01", date '2021-02-01' as "2021/02",
date '2021-03-01' as "2021/03", date '2021-04-01' as "2021/04",
date '2021-05-01' as "2021/05", date '2021-06-01' as "2021/06"
or converting to a string in the subquery as you already were:
select * from (
select customer_no, account_no, accounted_dr, accounted_cr,
to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY-MM') as effective_month
pivot (
sum(accounted_dr) as dr, sum(accounted_cr) as cr
for effective_month
in (
'2021-01' as "2021/01", '2021-02' as "2021/02", '2021-03' as "2021/03",
'2021-04' as "2021/04", '2021-05' as "2021/05", '2021-06' as "2021/06"
(I changed the format of the string slightly to show the literal value being used in the in, and that the result uses the alias - so the string format doesn't matter as long as it's representative.)
Double quotes "" are for identifier (column and table aliases) and single quotes '' are for string literals.
You do not need to aggregate in the inner sub-query, leave that to the PIVOT in the outer query.
Like this:
select *
from (
select customer_no,
to_char(effective_date, 'YYYY/MM') as yyyy_mm
sum(accounted_dr) AS dr,
sum(accounted_cr) AS cr
for yyyy_mm in ( -- use the alias from the sub-query
'2021/01' AS "2021/01", -- literal AS identifier
'2021/02' AS "2021/02",
'2021/03' AS "2021/03",
'2021/04' AS "2021/04",
'2021/05' AS "2021/05",
'2021/06' AS "2021/06"
Oracle ORA -932 expected Number got CHAR
I am running the following query and can't seem to figure out where the error is- select case when month>=7 then substr(year,3,2)|| '/'||TO_NUMBER( substr(year,3,2))+1 else to_number(substr(year,3,2))-1 || '/'|| substr(year,3,2) end as fiscal_year FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT to_Char(extract( year from date)) as year, extract( month from date)as MONTH FROM TABLE ) I want to convert year to fiscal year like 19/20, 20/21 etc
The operator precedence rules means the string concatenation is happening before the addition; this expression: substr(year,3,2)|| '/'||TO_NUMBER( substr(year,3,2))+1 is evaluated as substr(year,3,2)|| '/'||TO_NUMBER( substr(year,3,2)) and then it tries to add 1 to that string result. Hence the error you get. You can add parentheses to make it add 1 to the year number before then concatenating that: substr(year,3,2)|| '/'|| (TO_NUMBER( substr(year,3,2))+1) You could also do this without so much string manipulation: select case when extract (month from your_date) >= 7 then to_char(your_date, 'YY') || '/' || to_char(add_months(your_date, 12), 'YY') else to_char(add_months(your_date, -12), 'YY') || '/' || to_char(your_date, 'YY') end as fiscal_year FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT trunc(your_date, 'MM') as your_date FROM your_table ) db<>fiddle and there are other options, of course.
exclude part of the select not to consider date where clause
i have a select(water readings, previous water reading, other columns) , a "where clause" that is based on date water reading date. however for previous water reading it must not consider the where clause. I want to get previous meter reading regardless where clause date range. looked at union problem is that i have to use the same clause, SELECT WATERREADINGS.name, WATERREADINGS.date, LAG( WATERREADINGS.meter_reading,1,NULL) OVER( PARTITION BY WATERREADINGS.meter_id,WATERREADINGS.register_id ORDER BY WATERREADINGS.meter_id DESC,WATERREADINGS.register_id DESC,WATERREADINGS.readingdate ASC,WATERREADINGS.created ASC ) AS prev_water_reading, FROM WATERREADINGS WHERE waterreadings.waterreadingdate BETWEEN '24-JUN-19' AND '24-AUG-19' and isactive = 'Y' The prev_water_reading value must not be restricted by the date BETWEEN '24-JUN-19' AND '24-AUG-19' predicate but the rest of the sql should be.
You can do this by first finding the previous meter readings for all rows and then filtering those results on the date, e.g.: WITH meter_readings AS (SELECT waterreadings.name, waterreadings.date dt, lag(waterreadings.meter_reading, 1, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY waterreadings.meter_id, waterreadings.register_id ORDER BY waterreadings.readingdate ASC, waterreadings.created ASC) AS prev_water_reading, FROM waterreadings WHERE isactive = 'Y') -- the meter_readings subquery above gets all rows and finds their previous meter reading. -- the main query below then applies the date restriction to the rows from the meter_readings subquery. SELECT name, date, prev_water_reading, FROM meter_readings WHERE dt BETWEEN to_date('24/06/2019', 'dd/mm/yyyy') AND to_date('24/08/2019', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
Perform the LAG in an inner query that is not filtered by dates and then filter by the dates in the outer query: SELECT name, "date", prev_water_reading FROM ( SELECT name, "date", LAG( meter_reading,1,NULL) OVER( PARTITION BY meter_id, register_id ORDER BY meter_id DESC, register_id DESC, readingdate ASC, created ASC ) AS prev_water_reading, waterreadingdate -- FROM WATERREADINGS WHERE isactive = 'Y' ) WHERE waterreadingdate BETWEEN DATE '2019-06-24' AND DATE '2019-08-24' You should also not use strings for dates (that require an implicit cast using the NLS_DATE_FORMAT session parameter, which can be changed by any user in their own session) and use date literals DATE '2019-06-24' or an explicit cast TO_DATE( '24-JUN-19', 'DD-MON-RR' ). You also do not need to reference the table name for every column when there is only a single table as this clutters up your code and makes it difficult to read and DATE is a keyword so you either need to wrap it in double quotes to use it as a column name (which makes the column name case sensitive) or should use a different name for your column.
I've added a subquery with previous result without filter and then joined it with the main table with filters: SELECT WATERREADINGS.name, WATERREADINGS.date, w_lag.prev_water_reading FROM WATERREADINGS, (SELECT name, date, LAG( WATERREADINGS.meter_reading,1,NULL) OVER( PARTITION BY WATERREADINGS.meter_id,WATERREADINGS.register_id ORDER BY WATERREADINGS.meter_id DESC,WATERREADINGS.register_id DESC,WATERREADINGS.readingdate ASC,WATERREADINGS.created ASC ) AS prev_water_reading FROM WATERREADINGS) w_lag WHERE waterreadings.waterreadingsdate BETWEEN '24-JUN-19' AND '24-AUG-19' and isactive = 'Y' and WATERREADINGS.name = w_lag.name and WATERREADINGS.date = w_lag.date
How to generate diff between TIMESTAMP and DATE in SELECT in oracle 10
I need to query 2 tables, one contains a TIMESTAMP(6) column, other contains a DATE column. I want to write a select statement that prints both values and diff between these two in third column. SB_BATCH.B_CREATE_DT - timestamp SB_MESSAGE.M_START_TIME - date SELECT SB_BATCH.B_UID, SB_BATCH.B_CREATE_DT, SB_MESSAGE.M_START_TIME, to_date(to_char(SB_BATCH.B_CREATE_DT), 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS') as time_in_minutes FROM SB_BATCH, SB_MESSAGE WHERE SB_BATCH.B_UID = SB_MESSAGE.M_B_UID; Result: Error report - SQL Error: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string 01830. 00000 - "date format picture ends before converting entire input string"
You can subtract two timestamps to get an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, from which you calculate how many minutes elapsed between the two timestamps. In order to convert SB_MESSAGE.M_START_TIME to a timestamp you can use CAST. Note that I have also removed your implicit table join with an explicit INNER JOIN, moving the join condition to the ON clause. SELECT t.B_UID, t.B_CREATE_DT, t.M_START_TIME, EXTRACT(DAY FROM t.diff)*24*60 + EXTRACT(HOUR FROM t.diff)*60 + EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM t.diff) + ROUND(EXTRACT(SECOND FROM t.diff) / 60.0) AS diff_in_minutes FROM ( SELECT SB_BATCH.B_UID, SB_BATCH.B_CREATE_DT, SB_MESSAGE.M_START_TIME, SB_BATCH.B_CREATE_DT - CAST(SB_MESSAGE.M_START_TIME AS TIMESTAMP) AS diff FROM SB_BATCH INNER JOIN SB_MESSAGE ON SB_BATCH.B_UID = SB_MESSAGE.M_B_UID ) t
Convert the timestamp to a date using cast(... as date). Then take the difference between the dates, which is a number - expressed in days, so if you want it in minutes, multiply by 24*60. Then round the result as needed. I made up a small example below to isolate just the steps needed to answer your question. (Note that your query has many other problems, for example you didn't actually take a difference of anything anywhere. If you need help with your query in general, please post it as a separate question.) select ts, dt, round( (sysdate - cast(ts as date))*24*60, 2) as time_diff_in_minutes from (select to_timestamp('2016-08-23 03:22:44.734000', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff') as ts, sysdate as dt from dual ) ; TS DT TIME_DIFF_IN_MINUTES -------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- 2016-08-23 03:22:44.734000000 2016-08-23 08:09:15 286.52
encountered an invalid number error calling the below oracle stored procedure
SELECT Ticket, ETRs, "Last ETR","Last ETR Time Change","STAR Restore Time","Restore Time - Last ETR" FROM( SELECT e.xsystemjob Ticket, a.eventkey Event, (select count(generatedtime) from obvwh.ops_ertchangelog_fact where eventkey = a.eventkey) ETRs, to_char(a.ERT, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Last ETR", --GENERATEDTIME, to_char(generatedtime, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as "Last ETR Time Change", to_char(e.restdate,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as "STAR Restore Time", round(((e.restdate - a.generatedtime) * 1440),0) as "Restore Time - Last ETR" FROM obvwh.ops_ertchangelog_fact a join obvwh.ops_event_dim e on a.eventkey = e.eventkey where a.generatedtime = (select max(generatedtime) from obvwh.ops_ertchangelog_fact where eventkey = a.eventkey) ) WHERE Substr(Ticket,0,1) = region AND to_char("Last ETR", 'MM/DD/YYYY') between to_char(start_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') and to_char(end_date,'MM/DD/YYYY');
From you inner query, Last ETR is a string, representing the column value in format MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS. You're trying to convert that string to a string, passing a single format mask, and that is throwing the error. You can see the same thing with a simpler demo: select to_char('07/18/2016 12:13:14', 'MM/DD/YYYY') from dual; Error report - SQL Error: ORA-01722: invalid number You could explicitly convert the string to a date and back again: select to_char(to_date('07/18/2016 12:13:14', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'MM/DD/YYYY') from dual; TO_CHAR(TO ---------- 07/18/2016 ... but in the context of your comparison that doesn't really make sense anyway if the range you're comparing with can span a year end - the format mask you're using doesn't allow for simple comparison. Assuming start_date and end_date are dates (with their times set to midnight) you could do: AND to_date("Last ETR", 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') between start_date and end_date; or even simpler, use the original raw ERT value (which is presumably already a date), and convert it to a string - if that is actually the right thing to do - in the outermost select list. I'm not quite sure why you have an inline view here at all though, or why you're using a subquery to get the count since you're already querying ops_ertchangelog_fact - maybe you want to be using analytic functions here.
Oracle Recursive Query - Dates
I've got two sets of dates being passed into a query and I would like to find all the months/years between both sets of dates. When I try this: WITH CTE_Dates (cte_date) AS ( SELECT cast(date '2014-01-27' as date) from dual UNION ALL SELECT cast(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(cte_date, 'MONTH'),1) as date) FROM CTE_Dates WHERE ( TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(cte_date, 'MONTH'), 1)) BETWEEN TO_DATE ('27-01-2014','DD-MM-YYYY') AND TO_DATE ('27-04-2014','DD-MM-YYYY')) OR ( TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(cte_date, 'MONTH'), 1)) BETWEEN TRUNC(TO_DATE('27-11-2014','DD-MM-YYYY'), 'MONTH') AND TO_DATE ('27-01-2015','DD-MM-YYYY')) ) SELECT * from CTE_Dates I get: 27-JAN-14 01-FEB-14 01-MAR-14 01-APR-14 I would also want to get: 01-NOV-14 01-DEC-14 01-JAN-15 It looks like the OR portion of the WHERE clause gets ignored. Suggestions on how to create this query? Thanks Cory
The problem with what you have now (aside from extra cast() and to_date() calls) is that on the fourth iteration both the conditions are false so the recursion stops; there's nothing to make it skip a bit and pick up again, otherwise it would continue forever. I don't think you can achieve both ranges within the recursion. You can put the latest date you want inside the recursive part, and then filter the two ranges you want afterwards: WITH CTE_Dates (cte_date) AS ( SELECT date '2014-01-27' from dual UNION ALL SELECT ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(cte_date, 'MONTH'), 1) FROM CTE_Dates WHERE ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(cte_date, 'MONTH'), 1) <= date '2015-01-27' ) SELECT * from CTE_Dates WHERE cte_date BETWEEN date '2014-01-27' AND date '2014-04-27' OR cte_date BETWEEN date '2014-11-27' AND date '2015-01-27'; CTE_DATE --------- 27-JAN-14 01-FEB-14 01-MAR-14 01-APR-14 01-DEC-14 01-JAN-15 6 rows selected You can replace the hard-coded values with your pairs of start and end dates. If the ranges might overlap or the second range could be (or end) before the first one, you could pick the higher date: WHERE ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(cte_date, 'MONTH'), 1) <= greatest(date '2015-01-27', date '2014-04-27') ... though that only makes sense with variables, not fixed values.