how to disable all smileys and char combinations in teams? - microsoft-teams

MS Teams was selected as a communication tool in our company. We do post code into it. And that code contains asterisks, underscores and even numbers! I understand it's business critical feature, but will never, ever, ever need smiley face, smiley face with sunglasses, or part of my code arbitrarily missing stars/underscores and get arbitrarily boldened/empahsized. Even if I write message as code, the asterisks still mingles the text.
Is it somehow possible to turn all these off? Settings or some message header? To send message 'as it was written', without any teenage beautifications?
UPDATE: regarding pressing > to enter verbatim text:
I entered "does not", shift enter, then "really work", go up and created section for text supposed to be verbatim. It really does not work. Then I tried to start immediately with "> " and it equally does not work. On 3rd attempt I noticed some glitching, as I was able to enter bold text, but smiley face did not replace :) To conclude, I'd say "> " unlocks new layer of MS Teams instability and bugs, but cannot be used to enter verbatim text.

If you just need a simple code block, you can send text as code by starting the line with > (enter > then press Space).
Typing in this code block will still replace matching patterns with smilies/emoji, but pasting will not. You should be able to paste your code without issue.
Press Enter twice to escape the code block.
Formatting is retained after sending the message (including leading whitespace which would have been stripped without the code block).
If you need more advanced features, there's a code snippet button hidden in the advanced editor.
After clicking the code snippet button, a modal will open.
You can name the snippet, choose whether or not to wrap text in the snippet, and pick a language to provide highlighting in the snippet. Under these options is a field to paste your code.
Once you finish setting up the snippet, click the Insert button to add the snippet to the current message. You can continue editing the message.
Click the "Send Message" (arrow) button as normal to send the message.
Click the "Expand Preview" link to show the whole code block with the chosen language syntax applied.


How to sort emails data using its color codes in emeditor

I have this little challenge.
I want to ask, how do i sort the emails using the color code (light green) as stated in this picture here
I have tried to remove the non emails by scrolling through, but i need a solution that can make it a one click through sorting.
I will appreciate your kind response.
Open the Replace dialog box and enter the following regex in the Find field:
Change the radio button to Regular Expressions. This regex pattern finds any line without a dot after # or any line without a #. Note that you need the last line of the document to be empty as shown in line 7 of your document.
Since we are deleting those lines, the "Replace with" field is blank. Now click Replace All.

Regarding shift + enter with ckeditor inserting invisible character

I am using CK editor 4.4.6.
It seem on the first instance of pressing shift + enter, the editor inserts an invisible character. Upon submission, the character saves as a question mark. I can't see the character in the form submission when viewing the debug in the browser or the source code in the WYSIWYG editor itself. I do however notice when I press the right arrow that the cursor pauses at this character even though I can't see it. The page is being served in UTF-8.
This character is zero-width-space and is used by CKEditor to workaround Safari's and Blink's problems with placing selection inside empty inline tags or around them or in couple of other positions.
However, this character should never end up in data. It's used only internally and it is removed when getting data from editor. So, if you can find it in your database it means that you either get data from editor incorrectly, or you encounter some bug in the mechanism I described. In the latter is true please report a bug on, but please also describe how you reproduce it.
Looks like the editor is inserting character 8203.
What's HTML character code 8203?
I don't want to mess with the editor script at the moment so I'm just stripping out that character in the future on form/ajax post.

Is there a way to indent lines (not format them) in Visual Studio?

In Eclipse, there are two distinct features: one to format a selection, one to just indent the lines, see e.g. Difference between Ctrl+Shift+F and Ctrl+I in Eclipse. I found the format feature in Visual Studio but how can I actually just indent the lines? Is there some built-in command for that or possibly a 3rd party add-on?
Note: I have asked a couple of friend that use VS daily and they all tried to persuade me that I am looking for the format feature. No I'm not. I tried to live with it for a while and it is just a different feature. I am after the indent/reindent only.
EDIT: I am looking for a clever indent, sometimes called reindent, which is different to just pressing Tab or Shift+Tab (increase/decrease indent level). The indent feature in Eclipse behaves like this:
It places a beginning of current line at the right position, no matter where that line was starting before. So instead of thinking whether you need to increase or descrease the indent level (Tab or Shift+Tab), you just invoke the indent command and it will do the right thing.
Invoking the indent command on an empty line places the caret at the right position for the user to start typing.
It never influences any character beyond the first non-whitespace character.
If you just want to indent some lines, you can
Select them.
Press Tab.
To un-indent them, replace the second step to: Shift+Tab.
You can find more VS shortcuts here.
There are toolbar buttons for this, with wonderfully inconsistent labels (at least in the Visual Studio 2013 I'm using)...
In the "Text Editor" toolbar (in my default setup), I have to buttons whose tooltips are:
"Decrease Line Indent"
"Increase Line Indent"
In the "Customize" dialog, on the "Commands" tab (with "Toolbar" set to "Text Editor") they appear in the list as:
"Line Unindent"
"Line Indent"
And finally, if you press the "Add Command..." button (on the "Customize" dialog) to produce the "Add Command" dialog and select the "Edit" category, you'll see these two entries:
As far as I can tell, these are all the same two commands, which should do what you want.
They also appear in the Edit -> Advanced menu, at the very bottom.
----- Edit -----
I believe you might be able to turn off all of the "formatting" actions except for indentation, so that when you use the "auto-format" command, only the indentation is "formatted" for you. (Of course this prevents you from ever using the rest of the formatting features without turning them on again, but if you don't use them, this might work!)

Smart indent effect on completion (intelliSense) sessions

I am writing a Visual Studio extension which provides intelliSense for a certain content type.
The problem that I am facing now is the effect of "Auto Indent" that Visual Studio provides on empty lines when user types a character.
Here a completion session started on an empty line (over virtual spaces):
Notice the tab symbols on the other lines and no tab on the line with caret on it.
Now when use starts typing, VS automatically and correctly adds necessary tab characters to the line:
Now the problem is those Added tabs apparently become part of the user input and as a result CurrentSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectBestMatch() or Filter() method cannot find the current item which starts with "C" here (thinking user has typed \t\tC instead).
If I start the session on anywhere else which does not require auto indent everything works fine.
Any idea?
Edit (more information): I used a code flow very similar to:
Ook here
vsLua here
vsClojure here
In Lua and Clojure you wouldn't face this problem because they never provide intelliSense on virtual spaces (meaning they always start after a certain set of characters) and if you start after a character virtual spaces are already turned into real spaces.
Ook on the other had has the same problem.
Revised Answer:
Ah, I see. I interpreted your question thinking that you were referring to completion triggering via typing, not from the explicit command. If you enable "show whitespace" for the C# editor, you can see what we do here: when you trigger the "show completion" command, we explicitly realize the whitespace so you're no longer floating around in virtual space. You should probably do this as well. (Alternatively, you could detect the scenario and fix it up on the first typing by adjusting your ApplicableTo span, but that's probably not worth the trouble.)
You can get the whitespace that should be inserted from IEditorOperations. So MEF import an IEditorOperationsFactoryService, and then do:
var editorOperations = editorOperationsFactoryService.GetEditorOperations(textView);
var whitespace = editorOperations.GetWhitespaceForVirtualSpace(textView.Caret.Position.VirtualBufferPosition);
if (whitespace.Length != 0)
textView.TextBuffer.Insert(textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition, whitespace);
(Funny aside: as I answered this, I was curious to see how we handled this in the Roslyn C# and VB editors. The answer was "not", but filtering still worked by pure luck later in the code.)
Original Answer:
I suspect by your description of the problem that you are implementing your completion like this: you know a character is about to be typed (either via a keyboard filter or IOleCommandTarget) and you trigger an ICompletionSession, where the tracking span is an empty span on the current caret position.
The best approach to fixing this is to not trigger the session before the key is pressed and goes into the editor, but rather after it. This is what we do in the Roslyn implementation for C# and VB completion. Then, when you are in your AugmentCompletionSession call and creating your CompletionSet, compute the "applicable to" span which consists of the non-whitespace characters around your caret. The easiest way to compute this might just be to call GetWordExtent from the text structure navigator.
This allows for other scenarios to work right. Consider scenarios where the user types C, presses escape, and then continues to type your identifier. If you want to trigger completion again, you'd have to do the math to ensure that the "C" is counted as part of your span anyways.

When should I use a ellipsis in a Menu Item

When should I put ... at the end of a menu item? I seem to remember reading some rules but can't for the life of me find them.
For context - I'm adding a properties option to a right click menu and am wondering if it is appropriate to add them.
As I understand it it indicates that the option will ask you something else before actually doing anything. The 3 dots are actually called an ellipsis, and if you check out the English use it kind of makes sense:
BTW I've noticed OpenOffice breaks this convention sometimes!
When the option will send the user to some sort of dialog where the user has to do something before a real change is made. Options without the ellipse take effect immediately.
For example, 'Save' doesn't have an ellipsis, while 'Save As...' does because the user has to input the new name/location of the file.
One exception to the first two answers: if the whole point of the menu command is to open a window or dialog, then you don't need an ellipsis. For example, a "Get Info" or "Properties" command shouldn't have it, even though it's opening a window which lets you edit things.
It's only when the menu command's purpose is to do something else, but it needs a dialog or confirmation in order to do it.
It means that there will be another dialog box after you select that option, it won't actually 'do' anything. There will be another prompt.
To be exact, the rule is that if more information is required from the user to complete an action, then include an ellipsis. In the MS Vista User Experience Guidelines, getting a confirmation qualifies as "more information" (see Commands to show Properties, About, Help, Options do not get ellipsis because no further information is needed to execute the command, which is "Show Properties" or "Show Documentation" or "Show Options." The File Open command gets an ellipsis because additional information is needed to open the file, namely the file name.
If the menu is an action that the user will be doing, but the action won't be completed until we get more information from the user, you show an ellipsis, e.g.:
Format Hard Drive… (we need to know which one, and the file system type)
Save As… (we need to know what filename and type to save as)
Print… (we need to know what printer and quality settings)
Find… (we show a text box asking for the text to search for, and where)
Rename… (rename to what)
As opposed to actions that will happen the moment you click the menu item, e.g.:
Select All
Ellipses don't just indicate that a dialog will appear. i.e. if it's not an "action", then there's no ellipses, e.g.:
About Gizmo
Page Setup
Print Preview
File Properties
And asking the user if they want to do something does not count as "getting more information from the user", e.g.:
Delete File
Recycle File
New Text Document
Whenever selecting that item results in another dialog box appearing. For actions that happen immediately (think Save vs. Save As), no ellipsis.
Originally, it meant:
An ellipsis (...) after a menu item means that after the item is chosen, the user will be asked for more information before the operation is carried out. Usually, the user must fill in a dialog box and click and OK button or its equivalent. Don't use the ellipsis when the dialog box that will appear is merely a confirmation or warning (for example, 'Save changes before quitting?').
(Apple Human Interface Guidelines, page 69)
Note that it did not mean "show a dialog box", even though that was often the consequence of this. For example, on Mac OS (not X), the "Options" button in the Page Setup window had no ellipsis, even though it showed a modal dialog box. No ellipsis is used because showing the options window is the operation.
(Tog on Interface, pages 46-47)
Of course, these days nobody cares about such things as human interface guidelines, not even Apple, so you can pretty much do what you want and still be more consistent than most any other application out there.
I've usually seen it in places where more input is required from the user before completing an operation. If your properties dialog is allowing the user to change properties, I would include the ellipses. If it's just displaying the information, don't include it.
It generally means that a Dialog will be shown when the item is clicked.
They usually signify that clicking on that entry will open a dialog window.
You should add ellipses to the end of text only if you're truncating the text (this applies anywhere). You should truncate the text if it's too long to reasonably fit where you're putting it.
Edit: interesting, I never noticed that menus in Windows use the ellipses to indicate truncated text, but also use the ellipses on short text to indicate that more information will be collected before the action is taken. This is inconsistent interface design, but since menus are under the control of individual programmers it's unavoidable.
It usually means it'll take your focus away from the current window. Like for example, notepad has a "Find..." which means you're going to focus on another window (ie dialog box) to enter something. But in firefox, it has just "Find" which then focuses on a text input on the same window.
