Difference between JMS Listener and JMS On New Message - jms

This question is related to my earlier question.
I am using Mule 4.4 community edition, and I was looking through the various components available for JMS in Mule. I'm confused about JMS On new Message and JMS Listener. All of the documentation for listener seems to be talking about On New Message however the code snippets in this link shows a listener:
<jms:listener config-ref="config" destination="#[vars.destination]"/>
So it looks like they are both one and the same. If so, then I am confused as to why they show up separately in Mule palette as individual components.
When I dragged and dropped both of these components into their respective flows the underlying XML code still is about the listener.

They are the same. The display name of jms:listener is "On New Message." That's all there is to this. It is to maintain a consistency across different modules. If you check other modules like database, emails, SFTP, or any other module the XML DSL always has "listener" as its DSL element. The display name is different as they should be more descriptive then just saying "listener." For example, if you just say listener in SFTP one might think that it is also listening to deletion of files too, but it only listens to new or updated files and therefore it is more appropriate to name it "On New or Updated File."


Re-ordering of messages - Artemis

I have to run two instances of the same application that read messages from 'queue-1' and write them back to another queue 'queue-2'. 
I need my messages inside the two queues to be ordered by specific property (sequence number) which is initially added to every message by producer. As per documentation, inside queue-1 the order of messages will be preserved as messages are sent by a single producer. But because of having multiple consumers that read, process and send the processed messages to queue-2, the order of messages inside queue-2 might be lost.
So my task is to make sure that messages are delivered to queue-2 in the same order as they were read from queue-1. I have implemented re-sequencer pattern from Apache camel to re-order messages inside queue-2. The re-sequencer works fine but results to data transfer overhead as the camel routes run locally.
Thinking about doing it in a better way, I have three questions: 
Does artemis inherently supports re-ordering of messages inside a
queue using a property such as sequence number.
Is it possible to run the routes inside the server? If yes, can you
give an example or give a link to the documentation?
Some artemis features such as divert (split) requires modifying
broker configuration (broker.xml file), is there a way to do them
programmatically and dynamically so I can decide when to start
diverting message? I know this can be accomplished by using camel,
but I want everything to be running in the server.
Does artemis inherently supports re-ordering of messages inside a queue using a property such as sequence number.
No. Camel is really the best solution here in my opinion.
Is it possible to run the routes inside the server? If yes, can you give an example or give a link to the documentation?
You should be able to do the same kind of thing in Artemis as in ActiveMQ 5.x using a web application with a Camel context. The 5.x doc is here.
Some artemis features such as divert (split) requires modifying broker configuration (broker.xml file), is there a way to do them programatically and dynamically so I can decide when to start diverting message?
You can use the Artemis management methods to create, modify, and delete diverts programmatically (or administratively) at runtime. However, these modifications will be volatile (i.e. they won't survive a broker restart).

How to send incremental updates and snapshot sync using ActiveMQ topics

Here is my use case: I am developing a trading application and i want to send incremental stock updates (bidQty etc) to active consumers instead of the whole quote and a snapshot update to a new consumer (to start with).
Now, is it possible to override any ActiveMQ's class (implementors of Topic) to achieve this behavior? Any clues on this would be helpful .
If the same is possible in any other openSource provider, please let me know.
This is NOT a case where you simply can change the implementation of topic. You should actually avoid changing the implementation of core ActiveMQ features to solve specific business requirements. Fixing bugs and adding core messaging features is another thing.
There are multiple ways to solve your use case with regular ActiveMQ features.
Separate Sync and Update channel
I would probably divide the "sync/snapshot" channel from the "incremental update" channel.
One way is to implement the "snapshot-sync" as JMS request/reply where the consumer asks the provider for a sync, then continues to rely on incremental updates pushed via the topic.
Advisory messages and Selectors
You can also implement it all using a single topic using a mix of AdvisoryMessages and JMS Selectors.
An idea (you can do this in many ways):
Introduce two message properties: MsgType and Receiver
Mark each incremental update with MsgType=inc
Mark each snapshot with some client id of the consumer, Receiver=.
Have the producer listen to advisory messages from ActiveMQ and and fire a snapshot/sync message marked with Receiver= and MsgType=snapshot when there is a new client subscribing the stock topic.
The client subscribes with a selector of something like
MsgType='inc' OR (MsgType='snapshot' AND Receiver=<me>)
This way you can trigger snapshot syncs with specific clients as well as incremental updates for all clients.
If you start think about the dynamics you already have, you can probably think of another ten or so solutions.
Retroactive Consumers
You might have some use of a Retroactive Consumer - the example actually shows a scenario similar to yours.

Apache activeMQ, creating queue dynamically from client side

Goal is, create an HTML page which can send and receive updates from server.
I created HTML page and made connection with Apache ActiveMQ via STOMP over websocket and wrote Java code at server side which will send updates to those queue. This works fine, but ideally HTML page will be used by many users, so I want each to have their separate queue( dynamically generated) and listen and send on their respective queue only. HTML client would be able to register queue but thing which I don't know is how my server side code will get notified, do we have any callback func for this? Tried with DestinationSource class which does tell how many queue's exist but not clear how to get access to that queue
Am I going on wrong path for solving this? Any help/link/info on this will be appreciated
You might want to look into ActiveMQ Advisory Message's which can fire events for various things such as Destination creation and destruction, no consumer, message expiration etc.
The ActiveMQ site has documentation on this.

Recommendation on Mule JMS queue config

I'm working on updating an existing Mule configuration and the task is to enhance it to route messages to different endpoints depending on some properties of the messages, therefore it would be nice to have some pros and cons on the two options I have at hand:
Add properties on the message, using the "message-properties-transformer" transformer which is later used by a "filtering-router" to single out the message and put it on the correct endpoint. This option allows me to use a single queue for all destinations.
Create one queue for each destination and thus instead of adding some property for later routing, I just put on on the right queue at once. I.e. this option would mean one queue per destination.
Any feedback would be welcome. Is there any "best practices" with regards to this?
I've had a great deal of success with using your first approach with a filtering-router. It reduces cohesion between your message producers and consumers. It forms a valuable abstraction, so any service can blindly drop messages within the generic "outbox".
We've come to depend on mule for filtering and routing messages so much so that we have a dedicated cluster of hardware to do only this. Using mule I was able to get far greater performance and not have to maintain connections to all queues.
The down side will be having to very carefully maintain your messaging object version globally, and having to keep a set of transformers on hands to accept and convert from different versions if you plan to upgrade only a portion of your infrastructure.
thanks, matt

Messaging Middleware - how to avoid reentrance with wildcard subscription?

Messaging middleware solutions (JMS, Tibco, etc.) allow publish/subscribe with "topic" filtering using wildcards to subscribe to all messages of a certain "topic", e.g. SUBSCRIBE("ACCOUNT.*") topic allows you to subscribe to both "ACCOUNT.WITHDRAW" message and "ACCOUNT.CHECKBALANCE" message.
The problem is that such subscription also receives my own published messages.
I'm looking for a mechanism, similar to, say, UDP multicast loopback which can be turned ON or OFF by the transport layer without messing with the data being sent.
Is there a common, declarative (no custom code, configuration only) way to configure the middleware not to receive messages which that very same service instance has published? Ideally, this should also be able to filter out everything published by ALL servers (nodes) of the same "kind".
Thanks in advance.
The JMS API contains this option for TopicSubscribers, e.g. TIBCO EMS let's you create a consumer with the "noLocal" property. That means no messages published over the same connection, get consumed by clients on the same connection.
e.g. take a look here how to create a topic subscriber with the "noLocal" option:
No one is answering, so I'll chime in (in a hand-wavey way).
I believe there's nothing in the JMS spec around controlling whether you get your own sent messages back on a topic receiver. So any capability like this would be a non-portable vendor feature. Especially for your second requirement (based on "kind" of JMS client versus some control based on the same connection doing the sending/receiving).
If you've got no flexibility to modify code or message content (properties), I think you've got no portable solutions. And likely no solution at all for that second "kind" requirement.
If you want to investigate vendor-specific options, you'll need to tell us which vendor you're interested in. You may get nothing, but there's no way to know without asking.
