Re-ordering of messages - Artemis - jms

I have to run two instances of the same application that read messages from 'queue-1' and write them back to another queue 'queue-2'. 
I need my messages inside the two queues to be ordered by specific property (sequence number) which is initially added to every message by producer. As per documentation, inside queue-1 the order of messages will be preserved as messages are sent by a single producer. But because of having multiple consumers that read, process and send the processed messages to queue-2, the order of messages inside queue-2 might be lost.
So my task is to make sure that messages are delivered to queue-2 in the same order as they were read from queue-1. I have implemented re-sequencer pattern from Apache camel to re-order messages inside queue-2. The re-sequencer works fine but results to data transfer overhead as the camel routes run locally.
Thinking about doing it in a better way, I have three questions: 
Does artemis inherently supports re-ordering of messages inside a
queue using a property such as sequence number.
Is it possible to run the routes inside the server? If yes, can you
give an example or give a link to the documentation?
Some artemis features such as divert (split) requires modifying
broker configuration (broker.xml file), is there a way to do them
programmatically and dynamically so I can decide when to start
diverting message? I know this can be accomplished by using camel,
but I want everything to be running in the server.

Does artemis inherently supports re-ordering of messages inside a queue using a property such as sequence number.
No. Camel is really the best solution here in my opinion.
Is it possible to run the routes inside the server? If yes, can you give an example or give a link to the documentation?
You should be able to do the same kind of thing in Artemis as in ActiveMQ 5.x using a web application with a Camel context. The 5.x doc is here.
Some artemis features such as divert (split) requires modifying broker configuration (broker.xml file), is there a way to do them programatically and dynamically so I can decide when to start diverting message?
You can use the Artemis management methods to create, modify, and delete diverts programmatically (or administratively) at runtime. However, these modifications will be volatile (i.e. they won't survive a broker restart).


How can I get the same behaviour From Apache Artemis as I get from the classic ActiveMQ with wildcard JMS listener

First, let me explain what I have tried with classic ActiveMQ which worked perfectly for my requirements:
I have few Queues with naming templates and each queue represents a Tenant(customer). The naming pattern is like queue.<<tenant-id>>.event which, here, I used test1 to test5 for simplicity.
Multiple producers are putting messages on these different queues based on which tenants are requesting it.
My ActiveMQ queues look like this in the web console:
Queues in the classic ActiveMQ
Then I started the Spring JMS listener with the wildcard to be able to read from all of these queues with one listener. the code is like this:
#JmsListener(destination = "queue.>")
public void receiveMessage(Event event) {
//Process the event message
What I have observed which I cannot configure Artemis to do the same is:
Listening on ActiveMQ Queues with wildcard did not create a new queue(listener Queue)
Consuming the messages with a wildcard listener would actually reduce the number of pending messages in the actual queues.
The wildcard listener would actually quite fairly read messages from all queues. It still does respect the FIFO on each queue but would not respect it cross queues. For example, when I put 100 messages in the queue.test1.event and only then add 100 messages in queue.test2.event, then if I start the wildcard listener, it starts to read messages fairly from both queues, although all the messages in queue.test2.event queue are basically added after the 100 messages in queue.test1.event.
I need features #2 and #3. The first one is just the observation which I think is the root cause of my problem in Artemis.
Now, what happened when I moved to Artemis is:
The wildcard pattern is a little different but I did the same scenario. The listener looks like:
#JmsListener(destination = "queue.#")
public void receiveMessage(Event event) {
//Process the event message
As you see the wildcard template is changed to queue.# to be able to read from all those queues.
My Artemis queues look like this in the web console:
Queues in the Artemis,
My observation on the web console shows I cannot achieve the same here:
As you see in the picture, the number of message count in the original queues, in which I put the messages, are still kept, despite only 44 of them are remained for processing(looks at the message count of queue.#) and the rest has been already read by the wildcard listener.
This can cause a storage issue for me since all of my messages are persisted and I can't play with the message expiry too.
As you see in the picture, the listener created another Queue named queue.# which seems Artemis is internally copying the messages from the other ones into it.
Not a problem and just an observation.
It respects the FIFO across all queues, which I guess is because Artemis is doing the copy from the original queues to the wildcard one.
This creates a huge problem for me. Although I still want it to respect the FIFO inside each queue, I also want it to start consuming messages from other queues. Because, if one customer is processing huge tasks, it should not block others to continue theirs.
PS1: I restrict the listeners in both tests to just consume one message at a time to be able to test it properly.
PS2: If you wonder why I don't use classic ActiveMQ if it does exactly what I need, The answer is: Apache will make Artemis its Major version(once it reached a certain level of maturity) in the future and I would like to be aligned with the roadmap.Quote from its website:
Once Artemis reaches a sufficient level of feature parity with the "Classic" code-base it will become the next major version of ActiveMQ
PS3: I am using spring-boot and its starter packages to connect and put/consume messages.
PS4: I am using the default configuration for both solutions and installations.
Simply put, ActiveMQ Artemis doesn't support wildcard consumers. It only supports wildcard addresses which have similar but different semantics (as explained in the answer on this question of yours).
Feel free to open an issue to request this feature be implemented.

ActiveMQ - Detecting Message Duplication

I am currently exploring de-duplication strategies within Active MQ. Artemis supports duplicate detection, but I'm not sure about ActiveMQ 5
Is it possible to prevent a message from being placed on a queue if it currently exists on the queue in ActiveMQ 5?
Messages which are no longer on the queue and have been so in the past will be allowed back on the queue.
The underlying capability I am trying to achieve is flow control in which multiple messages of the same value are not placed on the queue as to remove duplicate processing.
Based on the documentation, I have tried using the message property defined _AMQ_DUPL_ID, but I am still experiencing duplication. I suspect this may not be supported in ActiveMQ 5 and am unsure what alternative option is. I'm open to suggestions.
NOTE: The Active MQ instance being used is provided by Amazon MQ.
As you suspect, ActiveMQ 5.x doesn't support automatic duplicate detection. This is only supported in ActiveMQ Artemis. That said, messages are not removed from the broker's duplicate ID cache when the message is consumed from the queue. This is because in most cases a duplicate sent after the message is consumed is still considered a duplicate.
You may be able to implement some kind of duplicate detection in a broker plugin, but I have no idea of Amazon MQ supports adding custom plugins. It's more likely that you'll have to implement duplicate detection in the clients themselves.

ActiveMQ: copy messages from broker to broker

We have a requirement to copy messages from one ActiveMQ broker to another. Here the message has to just copy and the message should exist in both broker.
I can think of a custom application that subscribes to a certain destination and read that message and re-post the messages to the destination in multiple brokers.
I do not have access to make changes in the Broker so I couldn't think of Network of Brokers option.
Is there any best practice or tools available to copy A-MQ messages from one broker to another?
Without having access to the target broker, as far as I know and I have read, I believe there is not shortcut to avoid the custom application that re-post those messages.
However, depending on the messages you want to re-post, there might be some functionalities offered by ActiveMQ that could facilitate your implementation (but they would not be for free, regarding the computational costs).
For example, in the case you want to copy ALL the messages sent through that broker to the other, then you might consider using Mirrored Queues, with a specific prefix (e.g. "copy"), that would allow you to just have a single consumer using a wildcard after that prefix (e.g. "copy.>"). That consumer would get ALL the messages sent to the broker, and it would simplify your implementation since you would just have to care about that single consumer and re-post from it. However this has costs, since as it is described in the documentation, enabling the mirrored queues will make a duplicate of each queue/topic in the system, and will post each message twice. You need to consider if this is an important inconvenient in your case, depending on the amount of messages and the available memory that your broker disposes.
In case you just wanted to copy SOME of the messages and not all, then I believe the most elegant way to handle it is by creating an abstraction of your Consumer class (or specific implementation), and use that special implementation for those queues you want to re-post. That class would be responsible of re-posting the messages to the other broker, in a way that would be transparent from the other Consumer class when using it.
I have talked above about consumers, but the same concept could apply to topics and subscribers. Hope these ideas help :)

How can you listen to multiple queues in WSO2 ESB

I am creating a hosted system where multiple customers can send messages. I am receiving thoses messages on a JMS queue.
Now, all processing is done in a similar way and I want my process to poll all incoming queues for messages and handle them. Is there a way in WSO2 ESB to subscribe to multiple queues?
If not possible, the workaround would be to create a seperate listener process for each queue and have this post the message to a central processing queue. But that seems to be a less clean solution (and I think it will scale worse than listening to multiple queues).
Any ideas on this?
If changes to activeMQ server is possible ie. if OP is able to influence the configuration to the server, something like ActiveMQ diverts could do the trick.
<divert name="prices-divert">
<divert name="prices-divert">
Basically, multiple diverts that converge the messages from multiple queues to the single queue. This method has advantage over the reading and writing to single queue-as mentioned by the OP and would in my view scale well as it is inbuilt feature.
You can define a sequence with all the required logic in it and then call it from multiple proxy services (each listening to a specific queue). Otherwise you can try something similar to this sample.

Recommendation on Mule JMS queue config

I'm working on updating an existing Mule configuration and the task is to enhance it to route messages to different endpoints depending on some properties of the messages, therefore it would be nice to have some pros and cons on the two options I have at hand:
Add properties on the message, using the "message-properties-transformer" transformer which is later used by a "filtering-router" to single out the message and put it on the correct endpoint. This option allows me to use a single queue for all destinations.
Create one queue for each destination and thus instead of adding some property for later routing, I just put on on the right queue at once. I.e. this option would mean one queue per destination.
Any feedback would be welcome. Is there any "best practices" with regards to this?
I've had a great deal of success with using your first approach with a filtering-router. It reduces cohesion between your message producers and consumers. It forms a valuable abstraction, so any service can blindly drop messages within the generic "outbox".
We've come to depend on mule for filtering and routing messages so much so that we have a dedicated cluster of hardware to do only this. Using mule I was able to get far greater performance and not have to maintain connections to all queues.
The down side will be having to very carefully maintain your messaging object version globally, and having to keep a set of transformers on hands to accept and convert from different versions if you plan to upgrade only a portion of your infrastructure.
thanks, matt
