Problem with synchronization of Potree viewer / camera with Cesium camera - three.js

Im trying to synchronize Potree camera with Cesium camera, like in this briliant example, but in oposite way (moves of Cesium camera control Potree camera).
function syncPotreeWithCesium() {
//lets get camera position and direction in Cesium
var newCamCoordinatesWC =;
var newDirectionCoordinatesWC =;
//as potree works in declaredEPSG, lets transform Cesium WC to declaredEPSG
var positionCartographicWC = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianToCartographic(newCamCoordinatesWC);
var directionCartographicWC = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianToCartographic(newDirectionCoordinatesWC);
var camPosXY = proj4(declaredEPSG,[(positionCartographicWC.longitude * (180/Math.PI)),(positionCartographicWC.latitude * (180/Math.PI))]);
var camDirXY = proj4(declaredEPSG,[(directionCartographicWC.longitude * (180/Math.PI)),(directionCartographicWC.latitude * (180/Math.PI))]);
//set Potree camera coordinates and direciton
potreeViewer.scene.view.position.set(camPosXY[0], camPosXY[1], positionCartographicWC.height);
potreeViewer.scene.view.lookAt(camDirXY[0], camDirXY[1], directionCartographicWC.height);
//"aspect" part from mentioned example seems to be applicable almost 1:1
var cesiumAspect =;
if(cesiumAspect < 1){
let fovy = Math.PI * ( / 180);
potreeViewer.scene.getActiveCamera().fov = fovy;
let fovy = Math.PI * ( / 180);
let fovx = Math.atan(Math.tan(0.5 * fovy) * cesiumAspect) * 2
potreeViewer.scene.getActiveCamera().fov = fovx;
//not sure if this part is needed in this simplified example
let camera = potreeViewer.scene.getActiveCamera();
As a result point cloud "dances" around desirable place in closeup, and gets even worse when zoomed out.
Except position and direction Cesium also needs „up” vector to set camera with this method, like here:{
destination : cameraPositon,
orientation : {
direction : dirVector,
up : upVector
And I do not see such setting in Potree camera/view settings. Is that causing a problem ?
Or am I missing more pieces to do it properly ??? Any help would be appreciated.


How to *set* (not increment) OrbitControls distance from target programmatically?

I'm trying to adjust the ThreeJS OrbitControls so that I can set the distance from the target programmatically.
The goal is to be able to call it like this:
const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera);
controls.setDolly(1); // Near
controls.setDolly(10); // Far
A setDolly method doesn't exist, so I've adjusted the OrbitControls.js script, and have added:
this.setDolly = function(newDolly) {
spherical.radius = newDolly;
However, due to some way that OrbitControls has been written that I don't understand, the camera does not budge.
Does anyone know what the problem is?
You can try this custom function I wrote like this:
function setDolly(value){
let positive = Math.abs(value); //Absolute value to prevent negative increments
camera.position.set(1, 1, 1); //Default of 1 so it dollys to the desired position
//Moving camera.
camera.position.x *= positive;
camera.position.y *= positive;
camera.position.z *= positive;
It would be easier to add this to your code instead of OrbitControls.js, because then you would need to make some substantial changes.
That should do it~

object.updateWorldMatrix is not a function

As documentation of Three.js said, after changing the position of the camera, we must call the updateProjectionMatrix() method.
I'm doing the same. But it gives me an error like this:
TypeError: object.updateWorldMatrix is not a function
at Box3.expandByObject (three.module.js:6329)
at Box3.setFromObject (three.module.js:6233)
at index.js:66
at GLTFLoader.js:147
at GLTFLoader.js:1639
My goal is to put my loaded GLTF object, in the center of the screen.
And this is the code I'm using for it:
this.gltfLoader.load("/corolla.gltf", (object) => {
const box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(object);
const size = box.getSize(new THREE.Vector3()).length();
const center = box.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3());
// reset OrbitControl
object.position.x += (object.position.x - center.x);
object.position.y += (object.position.y - center.y);
object.position.z += (object.position.z - center.z);
this.controls.maxDistance = size * 10; = size / 100; = size * 100;;; += size / 2.0; += size / 5.0; += size / 2.0;;
this.gltf = object.scene;
For the record, I'm using the last version of Three.js, it's 0.110.0;
It looks like the errors is occurring here:
const box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(object);
Where object is the object coming back from the call to GLTFLoader.load.
According to the docs, object is not an Object3D (which is what Box3.setFromObject expects).
Instead, object is a JSON structure containing information about the GLTF data. The three.js example suggests object.scene would be a renderable entity (if it exists).
Take a look at the code for the GLTFLoader example, here. Compare it against your implementation. You can also debug your code to see exactly what is object contains. Once you have a handle on that, if you're still having problems, come back and ask more questions!
Short solution:
var hollowCylinderGeom = new THREE.LatheBufferGeometry([
new THREE.Vector2(1, 0),
new THREE.Vector2(2, 0),
new THREE.Vector2(2, 2),
new THREE.Vector2(1, 2),
new THREE.Vector2(1, 0)
], 90).toNonIndexed();
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(hollowCylinderGeom);
console.log(new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh));

Get mouse clicked point's 3D coordinate in three.js

I'm new in THREE.js.
I'm trying to get 3D coordinates of point on mouse click on the object (not simple objects: Box, Sphere,..) in Canvas.
In detail, I'm working with 3D objects viewer - I have camera (THREE.PerspectiveCamera), mouse controls (rotate, zoom, move), add/remove objects (my own object, loaded using loaders for THREE.js) in scene,.. And I want to add a function, which gets 3D coordinates for clicked point in 3D.
Exactly, I want coordinates of the end point of a ray - begining from mouse click on the camera_near_window and ending to the object's point, I've clicked on..
I tried a lot of ways to do it:
Getting coordinates of point on z=0 plane -- It works fine, but it is on z=0 plane and it is not that I need, cause I have OrbitControls..
THREE.js example - clickable objects -- It uses CanvasRenderer (not WebGLRenderer) and works for a little objects (but works for my project): browser crashes when I load many objects (CanvasRenderer needs 5x more memory then WebGLRenderer).
"How to get object in WebGL 3d space from a mouse click coordinate" - I tried this one too, but raycaster.intersectObjects found nothing, intersects was an empty array (maybe it works for only simple objects like box, sphere,..).
Can anyone show me the demo code which gets 3D point coords for clicked point of clicking object in 3D, please..?
So, as I think this question is useful for someone, I'll answer it myself (I'll write my resolve):
var renderer, canvas, canvasPosition, camera, scene, rayCaster, mousePosition;
function init() {
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: false });
canvas = renderer.domElement;
canvasPosition = $(canvas).position();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(20, $(canvas).width() / $(canvas).height(), 0.01, 1e10);
scene = new THREE.Scene();
rayCaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
mousePosition = new THREE.Vector2();
var myObjects = new THREE.Object3D();
// myObjects.add( your object );
// myObjects.add( your object );
// myObjects.add( your object ); = 'MyObj_s';
function getClicked3DPoint(evt) {
mousePosition.x = ((evt.clientX - canvasPosition.left) / canvas.width) * 2 - 1;
mousePosition.y = -((evt.clientY - / canvas.height) * 2 + 1;
rayCaster.setFromCamera(mousePosition, camera);
var intersects = rayCaster.intersectObjects(scene.getObjectByName('MyObj_s').children, true);
if (intersects.length > 0)
return intersects[0].point;

ray.interstectObjects not intersecting correctly after geometry is dynamically modified

My ray.intersectObjects works really well with the objects in my scene until I dynamically modify the geometry of the object. Although the renderer is showing the objects as being modified (vertices moved and faces changed), when an intersect is tried on the modified object, it produces strange results. I need the intersect to work even on the modified geometry!
To help debug and track how the intersect is working in my scene, I've added a function: makeMiniSphere(). This makes a new sphere object in the scene at the point where the intersection occurs. Using this, you can see that after the cube is modified, sometimes the intersect hits the cube and sometimes it goes right through (mostly the faces that have been modified). It isn't a random problem, but the more you click around the modified cube, the more you can see a pattern develop. It is almost as if the renderer for the visuals of the scene know which direction the cube was modified, but the ray.intersectObjects thinks that it has been modified in a different direction!
Here is a link to the test website:
Directions to show problem:
Left click on cube to show intersect points. Mini spheres will be created wherever Three.js sees an intersect. The color of the selected object will change to yellow if not already selected.
Click on any face of the cube. This will A. Turn it yellow if it isn't already yellow. B. It will select the face of the cube, although the selected face won't look any different from the rest of the cube.
Press the "Right" arrow key to move the selected face to the right. This will dynamically change the geometry of the cube.
Now try to click on the cube--especially in the area that it has been modified. Again the Mini spheres will show where the software thinks the intersects are occurring.
Here is the intersect code:
function onDocumentMouseDown (event)
// the following line would stop any other event handler from firing
// (such as the mouse's TrackballControls)
mouse.x = ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - ( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
document.getElementById('message1').innerHTML = window.innerHeight;
var isinworkingarea = window.innerHeight-menubarh;
if (event.clientY<=isinworkingarea)
var vector = new THREE.Vector3( mouse.x, mouse.y, 1 );
projector.unprojectVector( vector, camera );
//var ray = new THREE.ReusableRay();
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster( camera.position, vector.sub( camera.position ).normalize() );
// create an array containing all objects in the scene with which the ray intersects
// use this to select anything in the scene:
var intersects = ray.intersectObjects( scene.children );
if ( intersects.length > 0 )
if (cadjectNow)
if (intersects[0].object.cadNum)
cadjectNow = intersects[0].object.cadNum;
if (cadjectNow)
cadjects[cadjectNow].material.color.setHex( selectColor );
document.getElementById('message1').innerHTML = cadjects[cadjectNum].cadNum;
///// Information about selected /////
var facestring = intersects[0].face.a + " " + intersects[0].face.b + " " + intersects[0].face.c;
if(intersects[0].face instanceof THREE.Face4)
facestring=facestring + " " + intersects[0].face.d;
makeMiniSphere(intersects[0].point.x, intersects[0].point.y, intersects[0].point.z);
document.getElementById('message1').innerHTML = facestring;
//document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.vertices[SELECTEDface.a].x + " " + cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.vertices[intersects[0].face.a].y + " " + cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.vertices[intersects[0].face.a].z;
document.getElementById('message2').innerHTML = intersects[0].point.x + " " + intersects[0].point.y + " " + intersects[0].point.z;
Here is the modify code:
if ( keyboard.pressed("right"))
document.getElementById('message1').innerHTML = mouseMode;
if(SELECTEDface instanceof THREE.Face4)
cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true;
cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
Thank you to everyone who has posted past questions and given the answers. By perusing past questions, I've been able to get this far---so you guys have already been a great help. Thanks in advance for help on this one. (As this is my first question to post here, any suggestions on how to better present a question are also more than welcome.)
Update (3/21/13)--I've migrated to r57 as suggested and the updated code is shown above. I've also debugged it so that it is working at least as well as it was before. So now the geometry is still visually being changed dynamically, but the intersect is not detecting the change properly. Thanks #WestLangley for the encouraging posts so far.
Now working correctly. Here is how I did it (thanks to Westlangley for guidance).
Upgrade Three.js to latest revision (r57 from r49).
Migrate my present code to work with r57.
Remove all former code attempting to update the object.
Added the following code to "modify object" section:
cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
cadjects[cadjectNow].geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
I was having a similar issue with a modified BufferGeometry.
I got raycasting working by calling geometry.computeBoundingSphere() and geometry.computeBoundingBox() after modifying the array with vertex positions.
Setting verticesNeedUpdate was not needed.
Running r112.

how to display a mesh in front of my camera in Three.Js?

i want to show a mesh (like gunshot) in front of my perspective camera(with first person controls) i wrote this code in the render function of my page:
var pos = camera.position;
var rot = camera.rotation;
shot.rotation.x = rot.x;
shot.rotation.y = rot.y;
shot.rotation.z = rot.z;
shot.position.x = pos.x;
shot.position.y= pos.y;
shot.position.z = pos.z + 500;
if i just change the position of my camera its good, but if i change the camera's rotation i don't see the shot in front of that.
how can i do this?
It would seem that you need to make the "shot" a child of the camera. It's not clear from your example whether you're doing that already, but this should make the shot move around with the camera properly.
