How to activate/run another processing script using controlp5 button - processing

My current folder structure is like
- Parent
- Child1
- Child1.pde
- controlp5_GUI
- controlp5_GUI.pde
I plan to use controlp5 inside controlp5_GUI.pde. My final objective is to run child1.pde when the user clicks "Activate Script" button. Is this doable in controlp5? If so, how?

You can use exec() to call the processing-java command line utility to launch Child1.pde.
Process sketch = exec("processing-java","--sketch=/absolute/path/to/yourSketch.pde","--run");
In your case controlp5_GUI.pde would call something like:
Process sketch = exec("processing-java","--sketch=/Users/mac/Desktop/xxx/Child1","--run");
There are a couple of caveats to take into account:
You need processing-java to be included into the PATH environment variable (otherwise you will need provide the absolute path to processing-java which lives in the same folder as the processing executable (in the folder where you've installed Processing).
The --sketch path needs to be absolute.
This similar answer might be helpful too.
If you need to control a sketch from another sketch using P5 you might find ControlP5's frame example useful.


Providing a meaningful default directory name in GIMP Scheme (script-Fu)

I'm a total newbie to Scheme (about 1 week).
I'm registering a script for which the second parameter is an output directory name - via SF-DIRNAME. How do I supply a meaningful default to the front-end widget that does not use host platform-specific names? Ideally, I'd like it to be '/Users/[username]' - or if possible - the Scheme equivalent of ${PWD}. As an illustration, when you create a new image and hit 'Save' for the first time, the default directory there is '/Users/[username]/Documents' - so it must be possible. How does the widget know what your user home directory is? How can this be referred to in the default field of the registration statement? Finally, it would be really nice if Gimp could 'remember' which output directory was selected last time (within the scope of the lifetime of the Gimp instance) and offer that up as the default on the second and subsequent invocations of the script. I've scoured hundreds of other people's scripts, the Gimp community pages and the Scheme documentation and I've found, literally, nothing on this requirement. Thanks in advance. VV
Gimp uses the GTKFileChooser widget, and there is nothing you can do in your script to make it different from the other instances of GTKFileChooser used in Gimp.
But what you supply as a default name can be a variable, it doesn't need to be a static string, and it can be set by any means available in to your Scheme interpreter at the time of registration (looking for the HOME environment variable, for instance).
Btw, if you are new to this, write your scripts in Python, it is both easier and more powerful.

Set path in Visual Foxpro

I want to set path in Visual Foxpro. In such a way that I want to keep exe file on local machine and data\tables on server. How can I do so?
I personally have never liked using SET PATH, especially if you have many "paths" that your application is expecting to use.. If you have a given table / file in multiple locations that are visible with multiple paths that qualify, you may be getting the wrong table, but you won't necessarily know it since the application just runs as normal, finds a table and continues.
Instead, I would suggest one of a few things. Yes, have your application on each user's local machine, but have the person's shortcut have the "START IN" folder pointing to the path on the server where your data is. This way, your application will BE in the folder where the data resides and processes without issue. If no data is on the local machine, during your startup, you could add a messagebox about ... hey... your shortcut should be set to "Start In" setting to X:\SomeShareOnServer\MyVFPDataPath...
If not that, then another avenue I have used is to have your application during startup, add a property to the "_Screen" object which will NEVER loose scope, and set that property to the path you have the data located such as...
_Screen.AddProperty( "cDataPath" )
_Screen.cDataPath = "X:\SomeShareOnServer\MyVFPDataPath\"
Then, in your code, any of your opening tables or SQL queries, use the path variable PLUS the table... something like
if not used( "SomeTable" )
select 0
use ( _Screen.cDataPath + "SomeTable" )
if doing a query, use similar approach
select ST.* ;
from ( _Screen.cDataPath + "SomeTable" ) ST ;
where ST.SomeID = 123;
into cursor C_TmpResult readwrite
So, although the second option may take more effort, especially on an existing application, the first option to make sure the "Start In" path is where the data is might help.
Again, this is my suggestion as I hate chasing down ambiguous -- sometimes it works, but not others. If I can't find a file, I WANT TO KNOW about it and fail outright.
Your call, your app, your environment. But if you DO use the "SET PATH" command, you might want to make sure you use the ADDITIVE command, just in case there are other settings, such as pointing to the a path for forms, classes, report folders... You run a SET PATH without it, and you kill your other paths...
SET PATH TO "X:\SomeShareOnServer\MyVFPDataPath\" ADDITIVE
Also, if you have any spaces in your path in question, MAKE SURE you use quotes around it, otherwise it will fail finding the path you expect and may cause compile error, such as
SET PATH TO X:\Some Share On Server\MyVFPDataPath\ ADDITIVE
You can use VFP's Set Path command
Set Path To m.lcDataFolder
early in your client startup code, i.e. in your project's "main.PRG".
Where the content of the m.lcDataFolder could for example come from something like a custom "myConfig.XML/INI/TXT" containing the desired string, e.g. \\fileServerNameOrIP\sharedDataFolder
Use 'SET DEFAULT TO' to change the current working directory or use explicit full paths as per the answer by #DRapp.

Rstudio difference between run and source

I am using Rstudio and not sure how options "run" and "source" are different.
I tried googling these terms but 'source' is a very common word and wasn't able to get good search results :(
Run and source have subtly different meanings. According to the RStudio documentation,
The difference between running lines from a selection and invoking
Source is that when running a selection all lines are inserted
directly into the console whereas for Source the file is saved to a
temporary location and then sourced into the console from there
(thereby creating less clutter in the console).
Something to be aware of, is that sourcing functions in files makes them available for scripts to use. What does this mean? Imagine you are trying to troubleshoot a function that is called from a script. You need to source the file containing the function, to make the changes available in the function be used when that line in the script is then run.
A further aspect of this is that you can source functions from your scripts. I use this code to automatically source all of the functions in a directory, which makes it easy to run a long script with a single run:
# source our functions
code.dir <- "c:\temp"
code.files = dir(code.dir, pattern = "[.r]")
for (file in code.files){
source(file = file.path(code.dir,file))
Sometimes, for reasons I don't understand, you will get different behavior depending on whether you select all the lines of code and press the run the button or go to code menu and chose 'source.' For example, in one specific case, writing a gplot to a png file worked when I selected all my lines of code but the write failed to when I went to the code menu and chose 'source.' However, if I choose 'Source with Echo,' I'm able to print to a png file again.
I'm simply reporting a difference here that I've seen between the selecting and running all your lines and code and going to code menu and choosing 'source,' at least in the case when trying to print a gplot to a png file.
An important implication of #AndyClifton's answer is:
Rstudio breakpoints work in source (Ctrl-Shift-S) but not in run (Ctrl-Enter)
Presumably the reason is that with run, the code is getting passed straight into the console with no support for a partial submission.
You can still use browser() though with run though.
print() to console is supported in debugSource (Ctrl-Shift-S) as well as run.
The "run" button simply executes the selected line or lines. The "source" button will execute the entire active document. But why not just try them and see the difference?
I also just discovered that the encoding used to read the function sourced can also be different if you source the file or if you add the function of the source file to your environment with Ctrl+Enter!
In my case there was a regex with a special character (ยต) in my function. When I imported the function directly (Ctrl+Enter) everything would work, while I had an error when sourcing the file containing this function.
To solve this issue I specified the encoding of the sourced file in the source function (source("utils.R", encoding = "UTF-8")).
Run will run each line of code, which means that it hits enter at the beginning of each line, which prints the output to the console. Source won't print anything unless you source with echo, which means that ggplot won't print to pngs, as another posted mentioned.
A big practical difference between run and source is that if you get an unaccounted for error in source it'll break you out of the code without finishing, whereas run will just pass the next line to the console and keep going. This has been the main practical difference I've seen working on cleaning up other people's scripts.
When using RSTudio u can press the run button in the script section - it will run the selected line.
Next to it you have the re - run button, to run the line again. and the source button next to it will run entire chuncks of code.
I found a video about this topic:
Source/Source with echo is used to execute the whole file whereas Run as far as my personal experience goes executes the line in which your cursor is present.
Thus, Run helps you to debug your code. Watch out for the environment. It will display what's happening in the stack.
To those saying plots do not show. They won't show in Plots console. But you can definitely save the plot to disc using Source in RStudio. Using this snippet:
I can confirm plots are written to disc. Furthermore print statements are also outputted to the console

Getting started with Mathematica packages

Can someone offer some advice on how to get started with mathematica packages?
I can save the following in a file named "Foo.m". When I run the input cell in that file, I can see the effects reflected in $ContextPath variable.
bar::usage = "barfunction";
bar[w_] := w;
However, in my notebook I have the following:
SetDirectory[ToFileName[{$HomeDirectory, "My Documents", "mathematica"}]];
But the needs call is failing for some reason, and the $ContextPath remains unchanged.
I believe that I've got a partial solution working now, the cell in my file wasn't marked as an initialization cell - and whilst I can now <<Foo', Needs["Foo"]` still isn't working correctly.
Check to make sure the saved file, "Foo.m", is on your $Path, which tells Mathematica which directories to look in when trying to load packages, much like the PATH environment variable in Unix or Windows.
EDIT: $ContextPath won't be changed unless there's an actual BeginPackage statement (or you manipulate it directly using Set or Block or something).
EDIT the second: One thing to check is what
FileNames["Foo.m", $Path]
returns. What you're describing does sound a little strange, though.
Either form should work. When a file is loaded using Get (or <<) or Needs, the directory on the top of the DirectoryStack[] is searched first, and then the $Path is searched. (SetDirectory does not change $Path, so FileNames["Foo.m", $Path]won't find Foo.m.) However, FindFile by default searches Directory[] and $Path. You can test it by doing the following:
SetDirectory[<Foo dir>]
it should return
<Foo dir>
<Foo dir>/foo.m
If FindFile can find Foo.m then Needs should be able to find it. In general, I put my packages in $UserBaseDirectory/Applications, and Needs picks them up just fine.

General Purpose Filter As You Type (aka typeahead, Incremental find, autocomplete) is it out there?

Lately I've become a fanatic that everything I type while working on a computer should be compatible with "DRY". If there's anything I have to type more than once in any context, I want some kind of user-aware auto-complete option to do some of the work for me -- always -- no exceptions.
Having to work under Windows, I've looked at GUI solutions to make this insane goal a reality.
The (almost) optimal solution
If you have a moment, open up Firefox 3.0 and type a few keystrokes into the address bar. You will notice that it performs a kind of Incremental Autocomplete based on space-separated sub-strings of whatever you type. Another place in Firefox that does something similar is the about:config URL.
This is sub-optimal, because I don't want this in Firefox only. I want to use this everywhere.
The Question
Does anyone out there know of a widget or app that does nothing but insanely good incremental auto-complete that can be used as a general purpose "run everywhere" tool? Something that allows the user to: 1) maintain one or more "completion candidate files"; 2) pick one of those files as the source for Firefox 3.0 style completion; 3) return the result (or blank if the user canceled), and do those three things only?
Here's how it should work:
STEP1: user saves or more csv file(s) (or other easy-edit format) somewhere in his hard-drive
STEP2: user creates a Windows Script Host script or a batch file (or whatever) instantiates the FilterAsYouType GUI
STEP3: user runs the script file, and the script file instantiates the GUI, telling it which CSV file to use as the source of all potential completions
STEP4: the user either chooses one of the completions, supplies his own text that is not in the list, or cancels out without supplying anything
STEP5: when the user is done the script saves the result to a variable and does something with it
Here is some pseudo-code for the script:
include "GenericTypeaheadWidget";
var gengui = new GenericTypaheadWidget('c:\docs\favorite_foods.csv');
var fave_food = gengui.get_user_input();
if(fave_food != ''){
alert('you chose '+fave_food+'!');
The rationale
The goal is to just have a way to always be able to do auto-completions from a list of arbitrary items, even if the list is a couple thousand items, and not have to rely on it being built into some IDE or standalone application that only accepts certain kinds of input or has an overly-complicated API relative to the simplicity of this task.
CSV (or text or sqlite database) would provide a way for me to self-generate "candidate lists" or "history logs" and then just use those logs as the source of the possible completions.
The disclaimer
I've tried several GUI "launcher" programs, command-line engines like power-shell and scripting shells, the regular plain old command-line history with varying degrees of satisfaction. The problem with these is they all do extra superfluous stuff like searching directories or built-in commands. I just want nothing but whatever is in the CSV file I happen to be pointing at.
I'm wondering if there is any simple tool that does nothing but what I'm describing above.
UPDATE: It looks like this question is very closely related to Graphical Command Shell, which captures the essential idea presented here.
You should really try Launchy - it's exactly what you're looking for, a "run anything" with intelligent autocompletion. It completely changes the way you interact with a Windows PC.
And it has open source-code, so you can borrow its autocompletion code if you want to roll your own interface.
