Extract a substring on Mac command line - macos

After performing a request using curl and passing the response through jq I have this output:
I want to tokenise those strings and get the last part, i.e. I want to return:
How can I do that in a one-liner (i.e. via piping)

I figured it out, piping to cut does the job
echo projects/123456789/locations/europe-west2/featurestores/p013600 | cut -d'/' -f6


Get unique lines and its maximum value using shell tools

how can I get unique lines with its max value using shell tool? I want to sort -r by pattern like /path/package_t-CH1- and then use "uniq" tore remove the other lines that matches the first pattern, and also get the max value of the matches lines
Something like sort -r -n "/CH1-pattern.txt" | uniq
Expected result:
The shell tools you mentioned won't do that in a single command. You could either use perl, or write a small script like this:
packages=`cat list.txt|cut -f1 -d- |sort -u`
for p in $packages; do grep $p list.txt |sort -r |head -1; done

How do I seperate a link to get the end of a URL in shell?

I have some data that looks like this
"thumbnailUrl": "http://placehold.it/150/adf4e1"
I want to know how I can get the trailing part of the URL, I want the output to be
I was trying to grep when starting with / and ending with " but I'm only a beginner in shell scripting and need some help.
I came up with a quick and dirty solution, using grep (with perl regex) and cut:
$ cat file
"thumbnailUrl": "http://placehold.it/150/adf4e1"
"anotherUrl": "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3979680"
"thumbnailUrl": "http://facebook.com/12f"
"randortag": "http://google.com/this/is/how/we/roll/3fk19as1"
$ cat file | grep -o '/\w*"$' | cut -d'/' -f2- | cut -d'"' -f1
We could kill this with a thousand little cuts, or just one blow from Awk:
awk -F'[/"]' '{ print $(NF-1); }'
$ echo '"thumbnailUrl": "http://placehold.it/150/adf4e1"' \
| awk -F'[/"]' '{ print $(NF-1); }'
Filter thorugh Awk using double quotes and slashes as field separators. This means that the trailing part ../adf4e1" is separated as {..}</>{adf4e1}<">{} where curly braces denote fields and angle brackets separators. The Awk variable NF gives the 1-based number of fields and so $NF is the last field. That's not the one we want, because it is blank; we want $(NF-1): the second last field.
"Golfed" version:
awk -F[/\"] '$0=$(NF-1)'
If the original string is coming from a larger JSON object, use something like jq to extract the value you want.
For example:
$ jq -n '{thumbnail: "http://placehold.it/150/adf4e1"}' |
> jq -r '.thumbnail|split("/")[-1]'
(The first command just generates a valid JSON object representing the original source of your data; the second command parses it and extracts the desired value. The split function splits the URL into an array, from which you only care about the last element.)
You can also do this purely in bash using string replacement and substring removal if you wrap your string in single quotes and assign it to a variable.
string='"thumbnailUrl": "http://placehold.it/150/adf4e1"'
echo "${string##*/}"
adf4e1 #output
You can do that using 'cut' command in linux. Cut it using '/' and keep the last cut. Try it, its fun!
Refer http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2013/06/cut-command-examples

What is the proper method to pipe the output of the cut command into a grep command?

I am currently learning a little more about using Bash shell on OSX terminal. I am trying to pipe the output of a cut command into a grep command, but the grep command is not giving any output even though I know there are matches. I am using the following command:
cut -d'|' -f2 <filename.txt> > <temp.txt> | grep -Ff <temp.txt> <searchfile.txt> > <filematches.txt>
I was thinking that this should work, but most of the examples I have seen normally pipe grep output into the cut. My goal was to cut field 2 from the file and use that as the pattern to search for in . However, using the command produced no output.
When I generated the temp.txt first with the cut command and then ran the grep on it manually with no pipe, the grep seemed to run fine. I am not sure why this is?
You can use process substitution here:
grep -Ff <(cut -d'|' -f2 filename.txt) searchfile.txt > filematches.txt
<(cut -d'|' -f2 filename.txt) is feeding cut command's output to grep as a file.
Okay, a reason this line doesn't behave as you expect
cut -d'|' -f2 <filename.txt> > <temp.txt> | grep -Ff <temp.txt> <searchfile.txt> > <filematches.txt>
is that the output of your cut is going to temp.txt. You're not sending anything to the pipe. Now, conveniently pipe also starts a new commend, so it doesn't matter much -- grep runs and reads searchfile.txt.
But what are you trying to do? Here's what your command line is trying to do:
take the second pipe-delimited field from filename.txt
write it to a file
run grep ...
... using the contents of the file from 2 as a grep search string (which isn't going to do what you think either, as you're effectively asking grep to look for the pattern match1\nmatch2...)
You'd be closer with
cut ... && grep ...
as that runs grep assuming cut completes effectively. Or you could use
grep -f `cut ...`
which would put the results on the command line. You need to mess with quoting, but you're still going to be looking for a line containing ALL of your match fields from cut.
I'd recommend maybe you mean something like this:
for match in `cut ...`
grep -f $match >> filematches.txt

Extract value via OSX Terminal from .html for "curl" submission within a single script

How do I extract the variable value of the following line of an html page via Terminal to submit it afterwards via "curl -d" in the same script?
<input type="hidden" name="au_pxytimetag" value="1234567890">
Edit: how do I transfer the extracted value to the "curl -d" command within a single script? might be a silly question, but I'm total noob. =0)
I cannot tell from your question what you are actually trying to do. I originally thought you were trying to extract a variable from a file, but it seems you actually want to firstly, get that file, secondly extract a variable, and thirdly, use variable for something else... so let's address each of those steps:
Firstly you want to grab a page using curl, so you will do
curl www.some.where.com
and the page will be output on your terminal. But actually you want to search for something on that page, so you need to do
curl www.some.where.com | awk something
curl www.some.where.com | grep something
But you want to put that into a variable, so you need to do
var=$(curl www.some.where.com | awk something)
var=$(curl www.some.where.com | grep something)
The actual command I think you want is
var=$(curl www.some.where.com | awk -F\" '/au_pxytimetag/{print $(NF-1)}')
Then you want to use the variable var for another curl operation, so you will need to do
curl -d "param1=$var" http://some.url.com/somewhere
Original answer
I'd use awk like this:
var=$(awk -F\" '/au_pxytimetag/{print $(NF-1)}' yourfile)
to take second to last field on line containing au_pxytimetag using " as field separator.
Then you can use it like this
curl -d "param1=$var&param2=SomethingElse" http://some.url.com/somewhere
You can use xmllint:
value=$(xmllint --html --xpath "string(//input[#name='au_pxytimetag']/#value)" index.html)
You can do it with my Xidel:
xidel http://webpage -e "//input[#name='au_pxytimetag']/#value"
But you do not need to.
xidel http://webpage -f "(//form)[1]" -e "//what-you-need-from-the-next-page"
you can send all values from the first form on the webpage to the form action and then you can query something from the next page
You can try:
grep au_pxytimetag input.html | sed "s/.* value=\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/"
If you need this on a script:
DATA=$(grep au_pxytimetag input.html | sed "s/.* value=\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/")
curl http://example.com -d $DATA

cut command to retrieve 2nd part of words

i have a few name that I need to cut out and get the 2nd part of the name
I used cut -d "-" -f2
I only manage to get "tom", "harry" and "disk"
question: how do I use the cut command in order to cut the 3rd agent so that i could get "disk-see" ??
cut -d '-' -f 2-
Cuts from 2nd column to end and will get all regardless of dash count.
Adapted from Wikipedia:
To output the second field through the end of the line of each line using the "-" character as the field delimiter:
cut -d "-" -f 2- file
If you're willing to consider tools other than cut:
pax> sed 's/^[^-]*-//' inputFile
This command uses the stream editor sed to remove the part of the line from the start up to the first - character. I generally prefer sed for tasks like these since it's more adaptable when doing things other than simple one-level-deep field manipulations.
Having said that, this is a fairly simple task so a slight modification to your cut command will suffice. Simply use -f2- (field 2 onwards) in place of -f2 (field two only):
pax> cut -d'-' -f2- inputFile
