Get unique lines and its maximum value using shell tools - bash

how can I get unique lines with its max value using shell tool? I want to sort -r by pattern like /path/package_t-CH1- and then use "uniq" tore remove the other lines that matches the first pattern, and also get the max value of the matches lines
Something like sort -r -n "/CH1-pattern.txt" | uniq
Expected result:

The shell tools you mentioned won't do that in a single command. You could either use perl, or write a small script like this:
packages=`cat list.txt|cut -f1 -d- |sort -u`
for p in $packages; do grep $p list.txt |sort -r |head -1; done


Shell cut delimiter before last

I`m trying to cut a string (Name of a file) where I have to get a variable in the name.
But the problem is, I have to put it in a shell variable, until now it is ok.
Here is the example of what i have to do.
The position of the variable I want always can change, but it will be always 1 before last. The delimiter is the "_".
Is there a way to count the size of the array to get size-1 or something like that?
OBS: when i cut strings I always use things like that:
VARIABLEiWANT=`echo "$FILENAME" | cut 1 -d "_"`
awk -F'_' '{print $(NF-1)}' file
or you have a string
awk -F'_' '{print $(NF-1)}' <<< "$FILENAME"
save the output of above oneliner into your variable.
IFS=_ read -a array <<< "$FILENAME"
It's a bit of a mess visually, but it's more efficient than starting a new process. ${#array[#]} is the number of elements read from FILENAME, so the indices for the array range from 0 to ${#array[#]}-1.
As of bash 4.3, though, you can use a negative index instead of computing it.
If you need POSIX compatibility (no arrays), then
tmp=${FILENAME%_${FILENAME##*_}} # FILENAME with last field removed
variable_i_want=${tmp##*_} # last field of tmp
Just got it... I find someone using a cat function... I got to use it with the echo... and rev. didn't understand the rev thing, but I think it revert the order of the delimiter.
CODIGO=`echo "$ARQ_NAME" | rev | cut -d "_" -f 2 | rev `

awk/sed extract string from between patterns

I know there has probably been a few hundred forms of this question asked on stackoverflow, but I can't seem to find a suitable answer to my question.
I'm trying to parse through the /etc/ldap.conf file on a Linux box so that I can specifically pick out the description fields from between (description= and ):
*-bash-3.2$ grep '^nss_base_passwd' /etc/ldap.conf
nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=ca,dc=somecompany,dc=com?one?|(description=TD_FI)(description=TD_F6)(description=TD_F6)(description=TRI_142)(description=14_142)(description=REX5)(description=REX5)(description=1950)*
I'm looking to extract these into their own list with no duplicates:
(or all on one line with a proper delimiter)
I had played with sed for a few hours but couldn't get it to work - I'm not entirely sure how to use the global option.
You could use grep with -P option,
$ grep '^nss_base_passwd' /etc/ldap.conf | grep -oP '(?<=description\=)[^)]*' | uniq
A positive lookbehind is used in grep to print all the characters which was just after to the description= upto the next ) bracket. uniq command is used to remove the duplicates.
perl -nE 'say join(",", /description=\K([^)]+)/g) if /^nss_base_passwd/' /etc/ldap.conf
Try this:
grep '^nss_base_passwd' /etc/ldap.conf |
grep -oE '[(]description=[^)]*' | sort -u |
cut -f2- -d=
With bash, if you end a line with | (or || or &&), the shell knows that the command continues on the next line, so you don't need to use \.
The second grep uses the -o flag to indicate that the matching expressions should be printed out, one per line. It also uses the -E flag to indicate that the pattern is an "Extended" (i.e. normal) regular expression.
Since -o will print the entire match, we need to extract the part after the prefix, for which we use cut, specifying a delimiter of =. -f2- means "all the fields starting with the second field", which we need in case there is an = in the description.
Avinash's answer was very close. Here is my improved version:
grep '^nss_base_passwd' /etc/ldap.conf | grep -Po '\(description=\K[^)]+' | sort -u
There is no need to use lookaround syntax when you can simply use \K (which is actually a shortcut for a corresponding zero-width assertion).
Also, you said that you want NO duplicates, but uniq will only remove duplicate adjacent lines, it will not remove duplicates if there is something in between. That's why I am using sort -u instead.

Counting commas in a line in bash

Sometimes I receive a CSV file which has a carriage return inside a cell. This is not an acceptable format to a program that will use it as input.
In order to detect if an input line is split, I determined that a bad line would not have the expected number of commas in it. Is there a bash or other common unix command line tool that would allow me to count the commas in the line? If necessary, I can write a Python or Perl program to do it, but if possible, I'd like to add a line or two to an existing bash script to cause it to fail if the comma count is wrong. Any ideas?
Strip everything but the commas, and then count number of characters left:
$ echo foo,bar,baz | tr -cd , | wc -c
To count the number of times a comma appears, you can use something like awk:
string=(line of input from CSV file)
echo "$string" | awk -F "," '{print NF-1}'
But this really isn't sufficient to determine whether a field has carriage returns in it. Fields can have commas inside as long as they're surrounded by quotes.
What worked for me better than the other solutions was this. If test.txt has:
Then cat test.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo % | tr -cd , | wc -c' produces
This works very well for streaming sources, or tailing logs, etc.
In pure Bash:
while IFS=, read -ra array
echo "$((${#array[#]} - 1))"
done < inputfile
while read -r line
echo "${#count}"
done < inputfile
Try Perl:
$ perl -ne 'print 0+#{[/,/g]},"\n"'
Depending on what you are trying to do with the CSV data, it may be helpful to use a wrapper script like csvquote to temporarily replace the problematic newlines (and commas) inside quoted fields, then restore them. For instance:
csvquote inputfile.csv | wc -l
csvquote inputfile.csv | cut -d, -f1 | csvquote -u
may be the sort of thing you're looking for. See [][1] for the code and more information
An example Python command you could run (since it's going to be installed on most modern shells) is:
python -c "import pathlib; print({l.count(',') for l in pathlib.Path('my_file.csv').read_text().splitlines()})"
This counts the number of commas per line, then makes a set from them (so if your lines all have the same number of commas in, you'll get a set with just that number in).
Just remove all of the carriage returns:
tr -d "\r" old_file > new_file

Get the newest file based on timestamp

I am new to shell scripting so i need some help need how to go about with this problem.
I have a directory which contains files in the following format. The files are in a diretory called /incoming/external/data
As you can see the filename of the file includes a timestamp. i.e. [RANGE]_[YYYYMMDD].dat
What i need to do is find out which of these files has the newest date using the timestamp on the filename not the system timestamp and store the filename in a variable and move it to another directory and move the rest to a different directory.
For those who just want an answer, here it is:
ls | sort -n -t _ -k 2 | tail -1
Here's the thought process that led me here.
I'm going to assume the [RANGE] portion could be anything.
Start with what we know.
Working Directory: /incoming/external/data
Format of the Files: [RANGE]_[YYYYMMDD].dat
We need to find the most recent [YYYYMMDD] file in the directory, and we need to store that filename.
Available tools (I'm only listing the relevant tools for this problem ... identifying them becomes easier with practice):
awk (or nawk)
I guess we don't need sed, since we can work with the entire output of ls command. Using ls, awk, sort, and tail we can get the correct file like so (bear in mind that you'll have to check the syntax against what your OS will accept):
NEWESTFILE=`ls | awk -F_ '{print $1 $2}' | sort -n -k 2,2 | tail -1`
Then it's just a matter of putting the underscore back in, which shouldn't be too hard.
EDIT: I had a little time, so I got around to fixing the command, at least for use in Solaris.
Here's the convoluted first pass (this assumes that ALL files in the directory are in the same format: [RANGE]_[yyyymmdd].dat). I'm betting there are better ways to do this, but this works with my own test data (in fact, I found a better way just now; see below):
ls | awk -F_ '{print $1 " " $2}' | sort -n -k 2 | tail -1 | sed 's/ /_/'
... while writing this out, I discovered that you can just do this:
ls | sort -n -t _ -k 2 | tail -1
I'll break it down into parts.
Simple enough ... gets the directory listing, just filenames. Now I can pipe that into the next command.
awk -F_ '{print $1 " " $2}'
This is the AWK command. it allows you to take an input line and modify it in a specific way. Here, all I'm doing is specifying that awk should break the input wherever there is an underscord (_). I do this with the -F option. This gives me two halves of each filename. I then tell awk to output the first half ($1), followed by a space (" ")
, followed by the second half ($2). Note that the space was the part that was missing from my initial suggestion. Also, this is unnecessary, since you can specify a separator in the sort command below.
Now the output is split into [RANGE] [yyyymmdd].dat on each line. Now we can sort this:
sort -n -k 2
This takes the input and sorts it based on the 2nd field. The sort command uses whitespace as a separator by default. While writing this update, I found the documentation for sort, which allows you to specify the separator, so AWK and SED are unnecessary. Take the ls and pipe it through the following sort:
sort -n -t _ -k 2
This achieves the same result. Now you only want the last file, so:
tail -1
If you used awk to separate the file (which is just adding extra complexity, so don't do it sheepish), you can replace the space with an underscore again with sed:
sed 's/ /_/'
Some good info here, but I'm sure most people aren't going to read down to the bottom like this.
This should work:
newest=$(ls | sort -t _ -k 2,2 | tail -n 1)
others=($(ls | sort -t _ -k 2,2 | head -n -1))
mv "$newest" newdir
mv "${others[#]}" otherdir
It won't work if there are spaces in the filenames although you could modify the IFS variable to affect that.
$ ls -lr
Hope it helps.
ls -r -1 AA_*.dat | head -n 1
(assuming there are no other files matching AA_*.dat)
ls -1 AA* |sort -r|tail -1
Due to the naming convention of the files, alphabetical order is the same as date order. I'm pretty sure that in bash '*' expands out alphabetically (but can not find any evidence in the manual page), ls certainly does, so the file with the newest date, would be the last one alphabetically.
Therefore, in bash
mv $(ls | tail -1) first-directory
mv * second-directory
Should do the trick.
If you want to be more specific about the choice of file, then replace * with something else - for example AA_*.dat
My solution to this is similar to others, but a little simpler.
ls -tr | tail -1
What is actually does is to rely on ls to sort the output, then uses tail to get the last listed file name.
This solution will not work if the filename you require has a leading dot (e.g. .profile).
This solution does work if the file name contains a space.

How to reverse lines of a text file?

I'm writing a small shell script that needs to reverse the lines of a text file. Is there a standard filter command to do this sort of thing?
My specific application is that I'm getting a list of Git commit identifiers, and I want to process them in reverse order:
git log --pretty=oneline work...master | grep -v DEBUG: | cut -d' ' -f1 | reverse
The best I've come up with is to implement reverse like this:
... | cat -b | sort -rn | cut -f2-
This uses cat to number every line, then sort to sort them in descending numeric order (which ends up reversing the whole file), then cut to remove the unneeded line number.
The above works for my application, but may fail in the general case because cat -b only numbers nonblank lines.
Is there a better, more general way to do this?
In GNU coreutils, there's tac(1)
There is a command for your purpose:
tail -r file.txt
Prints the lines of file.txt in reverse order!
The -r flag is non-standard, may not work on all systems, works e.g. on macOS.
Beware: Amount of lines limited. Works mostly, but when working with huge files be careful and check.
Answer is not 42 but tac.
Edit: Slower but more memory consuming using sed
sed 'x;1!H;$!d;x'
and even longer
perl -e'print reverse<>'
Similar to the sed example above, using perl - maybe more memorable (depending on how your brain is wired):
perl -e 'print reverse <>'
cat -b only numbers nonblank lines"
If that's the only issue you want to avoid, then why not use "cat -n" to number all the lines?
: "#(#)$Id:,v 1.2 1997/06/02 21:45:00 johnl Exp $"
# Reverse the order of the lines in each file
awk ' { printf("%d:%s\n", NR, $0);}' $* |
sort -t: +0nr -1 |
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*://'
Works like a charm for me...
In this case, just use --reverse:
$ git log --reverse --pretty=oneline work...master | grep -v DEBUG: | cut -d' ' -f1
rev <name of your text file.txt>
You can even do this:
echo <whatever you want to type>|rev
awk '{a[i++]=$0}END{for(;i-->0;)print a[i]}'
More faster than sed and compatible for embed devices like openwrt.
