Botframework Chat restarts after 30 minutes - botframework

I have a chatbot created using react webchat botframework. I understand after an hour the token expires and cannot be refreshed but my issue is that the conversation seems to restart after 30 minutes.
So i refresh the token within 1 hour and get a 200 response that the token is refreshed. If its within 30 minutes of the conversation original start then I can continue the conversation as expected. If it is over 30 minutes then I will see the conversation history but then it will restart from the beginning and I will see the first message.
Not sure where the issue lies or what information I can provide or how to troubleshoot so please let me know if you have any clue on how to fix this.
EDIT: Im wondering if this is possibly related to the userID. If I try to set the userID in the react component I get the message "connectSaga.js:58 Web Chat: user ID is both specified in the Direct Line token and passed in, will use the user ID from the token"
How does the user ID get set in the token? How can it be modified?

First, regarding the userID, it can be defined in either the request to the DirectLine service that generates the token or in the Web Chat rendering component as a property. As you have seen in the warning, Web Chat defaults to the userID defined with the token request. It does this for a few reasons, two being security and eliminating two differently defined userIDs from being utilized.
To 'bake' the userID into the token, it is sent in the request's body, as defined here. Here's an example:
"user": {
"id": "dl_abc123",
"name": "Steve",
"role": "user"
As for the conversation restarting, with Web Chat you don't need to manually refresh the token. Web Chat takes care of this for you by refreshing it every 15 mins. You can see this here in the BotFramework-DirectLineJS repo, which is a dependency of Web Chat. It's possible that your refreshing and Web Chat refreshing is somehow colliding. Disable/remove your refresh token implementation and try relying on Web Chat alone to take care of is. See if this makes a difference.
If it doesn't, then I would suggest you try implementing persistence in your Web Chat hosting page. This will allow you to reload the page or navigate away and come back without losing the conversation. You can follow the instructions in this SO response on how to set this up.


Google Meet integration api (like Hangouts app for Slack)

I want to utilise Google Meet api, which is used in Hangouts integration for Slack, description follows
Links such as can be generated, so a modal is shown which can ask user's confirmation and then some request is sent from user's browser (where the Google Meet page is opened) to some endpoint (probably it is determined from gid which seems to be google application id). Is there a way to configure my application to have a webhook, so I can generate these custom links?
There's Google+ Hangouts app for Slack. Here's how it works (after you add the app in your workspace):
you send /hangout command in any Slack channel
slackbot sends an "Only visible to you" message in this channel with a link to start a new hangout. it looks smth like this (I changed data in the link):
when you visit the link, a new meeting is started instantly, and the page shows modal with text "To bring others into this video call, post a link it to your Slack channel" with buttons 'Cancel' and 'Post'.
when you click 'Post', a new message is sent to the Slack channel, where the command was sent. Text is "#Suren Khorenyan has started a Google+ Hangout and would like you to join. Join Hangout." and contains a link to the meet, which was created previously
How can I utilise this integration for another app, like Mattermost (or anything else like Telegram chats via bots)?
As I see, data in the url slightly changes. Probably it's payload for Google Meet to trigger Slack to send a message with link to the channel.
gid seems to be something like google app id
gd seems to be something like google data. If I url-decode it, it becomes THTJ30X6W|U01113BD13M|D01113BDB5Z|suren||1846381238693|1|B01QFGG5GJF|E1MDm4DWcuVa0RbN5ZT9o5KF. This is some kind of payload, separated by pipes (obviously), but I don't know what any part of this means (suren is my username in the Slack workspace, probably this is used for creating an invitation message).
When I click Post, this happens:
a new POST request to is sent with form-data
hangout_id: 1812381238693
a new message is posted to the Slack channel
Google meet somehow knows where to post back! Is this configured at the Google application (application id is provided via gid)? How can I configure my application for such behaviour? Where can I setup webhook url?
If we breakdown the request, we can see that url contains some parts of the gd payload:
THTJ27X6W - this is the first part of the gd payload
B01ABCD5GJF - last but one
E1MDm4DWcuVa0RbK5ZT9o5KD - the last part of the gd payload
and form-data contains:
hangout_id - this is in the gd payload after my name
hangout_url - obviously, this is the url for the new created meeting
How can I change it for my needs?
I created a new application at Google APIs dashboard (here, but can't find any docs for this integration. There's Google+ Hangouts API in API Library, but it says Apps will continue to function until April 25, 2017..
I tried to approach it from another side:
In the API Library there's Google Calendar. I found mattermost-hangout app on GitHub (had to update it a bit, so it works with updated api). Here's how it works:
oauth2 for authorising at google (single account)
it handles POST request, which is meant to be received from Mattermost (triggered by a slash command),
creates a new calendar event using Google Calendar API (with conference),
takes hangouts url from the response and sends a new message in the Mattermost channel with invitation to join the meeting.
But it has some downsides:
you have to use one account to authorise all event creation events (yeah, it can be upgraded to authorise any number of users, but it'll be inconvenient. why to force anyone to provide access to their Google Account, when Google Meet authorisation just happens in browser, we don't need to create events)
account, used for auth, now has events in his calendar. of course, events can be deleted, but it's not the way.
Is there any documentation on utilising gid and gd params?
Generally, I want to find a way to configure a webhook in my app, so when Google Meet finds my application's ID in the gid query param, it looks at the app's config and sends a request to my app (previously configured endpoint (I assume it works this way)).
Of course there's a chance that it's some kind of internal API and it cannot be used by everyone, but I could not find any information on this.

A week old MS Teams invoke action button results in Invalid teamId and/or appId specified message

I'm developing a Teams bot app that generates a thumbnail card (application/ via unfurl or search extension. This card contains 3 buttons from which one of them invokes a task. Everything was working as expected for a while but then I noticed that if I click on that button on a card that's been posted more than a week ago, nothing happens, my server does not receive any request from MS Teams. Actually in the Teams web app you can see an error log in the JS console saying:
AppsService: getInstalledAppForTeam - Invalid teamId and/or appId
If I post a new card from the same app (same app version without updating it), the button works again, but only for a week or so.
This is the JSON definition of that invoke button I use:
"type": "invoke",
"title": "Invoke task",
"value": {
"type": "task/fetch",
"someObjectId": "123",
"command": "myCommand"
Not sure if I miss anything there but according to doc it does not seem like that.
Is there some defined period after which the invoke buttons are "retired"?
The app is installed via Teams Admin Center
I've not looked into this scenario, so I can't say 100% for sure what's going on, but what I suspect is this: Your App Id/App Password are important because they're being used to secure the payload in some way, and that process might have a time limit to ensure stale messages aren't resent (i.e. replayed by an invalid party), or something like that. As a result, it's not that the app id is per se expired, but rather that the message somehow is. Again, just a theory...

Post message to MS Teams channel using Graph API

I'm trying to send a message to MS Teams using Graph API. I'm passing access token (AAD token) with it but still, it's giving me below error. I have given all the required permissions in Azure API permissions.
"error": {
"code": "UnknownError",
"message": "",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "53a5aaff-3d39-42ce-bdc6-74d02a756be2",
"date": "2019-12-23T06:42:27"
Oh, if this is from a bot (not clear from the original question, but clarified in your later comment) then you don't need to use the Graph API at all - there's another way to send the message using the Bot Framework tools instead. You can do this either from within your bot, or from a different application altogether. I've got a few bots where the user schedules something, like when they want a message sent, where the bot saves it to a database and I have another application (mostly I use Azure Functions right now) to send the item on that schedule.
There are some important pieces of information you need to store though, which you can get any time the users sends your bot a message - it's the information you need to store so that you know how to connect directly to that user and that conversation. It's called Pro-active Messaging, and to see how to do this, see the answer I posted at Programmtically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams
If you DON'T have any conversation history with the user ever (as in they have never spoken with your bot before, and you're trying to send the first message) then it gets more complicated... Let me know if that's the case though.
Sending message to a channel using graph api is a protected api and it needs access permission from Microsoft.
Access can be requested from Microsoft access reuqest form.
Once access is given from Microsoft add graph api in api permissions of your web app, and bingo you can get the response.

Questions about saving bot state

I read through this about saving state data. I have some questions regarding the same:-
Lets take a bot exposed through the browser channel as an example here:-
What is the lifetime of the data stored? For instance when the bot saves data using context.ConversationData.SetValue(..) Is the data purged when the session is over(when the user refreshes the page)?
The From object from Activity has Id and Name. Are these generated by the channel each time a chat session begins? For instance, if I was chatting with bot then refresh the web page, now will my Id and Name have changed?
Same question about conversation. If I refresh the page and begin the conversation again, do I get a new conversation ID?
I read in some blog that if you use dialogs, the dialog stack state is automatically saved in whichever storage you have configured. Is this correct? If so, why? Say I refresh the page, will I be able to retrieve the state of the dialog stack and resume the conversation from there?
If you are giving code samples, request you to give C# samples if possible
Thanks very much in advance!
Hi, I hope below answer will find useful to you :
What is the lifetime of the data stored? For instance when the bot saves data using context.ConversationData.SetValue(..) Is the data
purged when the session is over(when the user refreshes the page)?
As per the guidelines by Bot Framework, State API is in the state of depreciation. you will have to use your own state management service to maintain the state of your Bot. Ref:
So assuming you are using Table Storage or SQL Database for storing your bot in this case the data will persist as long as your storage account and database available.
The From object from Activity has Id and Name. Are these generated
by the channel each time a chat session begins? For instance, if I
was chatting with bot then refresh the web page, now will my Id and
Name have changed?
This depends on how you initialize the chat. for instance, if you are using
Web chat : It will be empty id.
Skype : It will be skype id and user name
DirectLine : you can define your own id and name as per your need.
Same question about the conversation. If I refresh the page and begin the conversation again, do I get a new conversation ID?
Yes. Every time you refresh your webpage you will be assigned new conversationId but in case of DirectLine you can use the previous conversation id to maintain the history of your conversation. you can store the conversation id in local storage or in browser's cookies and read whenever you feel to load the chat history. If you don't need history to be preserved then I suggest let webchannel handle its own ids.
I read in some blog that if you use dialogs, the dialog stack state is automatically saved in whichever storage you have configured. Is this correct?
If so, why? Say I refresh the page, will I be able to retrieve the state of the dialog stack and resume the conversation from there?
As hinted earlier, you will need to migrate your bot to use DirectLine API instead of webchat channel. As webchat doesn't support history so DirectLine.
Please refer the guidelines provided by Microsoft and Samples provided on GitHub.
Quick answers:
As far as I know, there is no purge. And you can check the implementations of Azure DocumentDbBotDataStore or TableBotDataStore here. Based on my implementations, I saw there is a Timestamp column in the stored data so you could do cleanup based in that.
Generation of Id and Name fields (for From, but also for Recipient given the message origin / destination): yes they depend on the channel. I made a detailed answer about on SO: Bot Framework User Identification
Yes in the webchat's case
Yes, the dialog stack state is saved so that you can continue your conversation. "Say I refresh the page, will I be able to retrieve the state of the dialog stack and resume the conversation from there?": if you have the same details (channelId + conversationId, userId) you should yes. The exception is the webchat / directLine where you have to implement the fact that you keep the same IDs. For other channels like Slack, Facebook Messenger etc, these items remains the same and the dialog can continue where it stops on the previous messages exchange

Is it possible to post on an event feed on behalf of the user?

Here's the scenario:
The user has set that is attending an event, I want through my app (php sdk) to post on that event's feed on behalf of the particular user. I already have publish_stream extended permission from the user.
The post might happen at a later stage while the user is offline (but from what I understand offline permission is now depreacated).
Yes, you can post link, post or status message to Event feed via Graph API, you should issue POST request to feed connection of event
This is an example for publishing link:
As you noticed offline_access permission is deprecated (and will stop working May 1, 2012, see Developer Roadmap) you should read how to handle expired access tokens and how to extend token.
