Post message to MS Teams channel using Graph API - botframework

I'm trying to send a message to MS Teams using Graph API. I'm passing access token (AAD token) with it but still, it's giving me below error. I have given all the required permissions in Azure API permissions.
"error": {
"code": "UnknownError",
"message": "",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "53a5aaff-3d39-42ce-bdc6-74d02a756be2",
"date": "2019-12-23T06:42:27"

Oh, if this is from a bot (not clear from the original question, but clarified in your later comment) then you don't need to use the Graph API at all - there's another way to send the message using the Bot Framework tools instead. You can do this either from within your bot, or from a different application altogether. I've got a few bots where the user schedules something, like when they want a message sent, where the bot saves it to a database and I have another application (mostly I use Azure Functions right now) to send the item on that schedule.
There are some important pieces of information you need to store though, which you can get any time the users sends your bot a message - it's the information you need to store so that you know how to connect directly to that user and that conversation. It's called Pro-active Messaging, and to see how to do this, see the answer I posted at Programmtically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams
If you DON'T have any conversation history with the user ever (as in they have never spoken with your bot before, and you're trying to send the first message) then it gets more complicated... Let me know if that's the case though.

Sending message to a channel using graph api is a protected api and it needs access permission from Microsoft.
Access can be requested from Microsoft access reuqest form.
Once access is given from Microsoft add graph api in api permissions of your web app, and bingo you can get the response.


Time out, Image send, Email track adding to bot framework composer

I have developed a chatbot for IT Support team in our company, running on MS Teams using Bot Framework Composer. I have integrated it with Azure logic apps to send emails to IT Support team.
I want to know how to;
Get user's email address in MS Teams (We can get user's name using ${} telemetry track event)
Set a timeout period
Send a Image to using HTTP request in JSON format (Then users can upload the screenshot of their issue)
Yes, you can get the user's email address in MS teams by making fetching the roster or user profile or make use of get single member detail from this documentation.
Not sure if you want to restart a conversation or track the last time a message was received from a user, but you can refer to Expire a conversation documentation to get started with.
MS Teams makes use of webhooks to integrate with external apps and makes use of Standard HTTP message exchange feature where responses appear in the same chain as the original request message and can include any bot framework message content, for example, rich text, images, cards, and emojis.

Message sent by Microsoft Teams bot is not displayed in the conversation

I have tried to send MS Teams bot message request via rest api:
End point:{conversation id}/activities
And got empty response:
The message i sent did not appear in the conversation.
Any idea where i could have misconfigured?
It is possible that trustServiceUrl needs to be run before a message is sent, i can't find equivalent rest api to call.
You definitely do need call trustServiceUrl before sending the message. In addition, you need to have additional properties on your activity, like the destination user or tenant id. Please refer to the documents on this, and good starting places are here and here.

Sending a message to users as a bot in bot channel of Microsoft Teams using the Graph API

I have created a bot by following the steps mentioned in the doc.I have authenticated user using oauth 2.0 (auth code grant) as mentioned in the doc and in reverse I got a access token. But when I send message to channel in the teams using (/teams/{id}/channels/{id}/messages) API the message was sent on behalf of me. But I want my bot as the sender of message. Here is the image of the message that I have sent using the above API. and is there any way to send direct message to user as a bot?
Instead of using the Graph, there's another approach using the Bot Framework itself, to send a message to a team channel, a group chat, or a 1-1 conversation. The code doesn't even need to live inside the bot itself, it just needs to leverage the bot framework under the covers (for example, I have several Azure Functions that pro-actively message users). This idea is called "Proactive messaging" and you can read more about it in the docs here.
You do need to get certain fields when the user first installs the bot though, or any time the bot receives a message. I've described that more at Programmatically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams. You haven't said what language you're using, but there are examples for a bunch of them - I can send you links if you let me know what you're using.

Unable to assign LUIS az accounts to LUIS apps via REST

The luis resources that I created aren't showing up in the Luis portal (posted a question here) so decided to use the REST APIs to configure things manually. With the REST endpoints I was able to import apps. However, I wasn't able to add LU resource to the imported apps despite that the APIs return success.
Below is the call.
"azureSubscriptionId": "<id>",
"resourceGroup": "<rg name>",
"accountName": "<resource name>"
returns 201 CREATED
"code": "Success",
"message": "Operation Successful"
However, a subsequent GET call returns empty result.
tried the GET call a couple hours after and it is still returning empty result. What is going on?
It sounds like there's something wrong with your azure account and/or your account. There are two places to raise support requests to handle these types of matters. First is uservoice on
While issues raised here are typically routed back to the bot framework support team, once there, they can be escalated.
Secondly, you can raise the issue in Azure:
You can follow this link HERE to get to that blade quickly.

Programmatically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams

I have created a proactive bot that basically asks certain questions to a user when a user starts conversation with the bot. The bot is deployed in Microsoft Teams environment. Is there any way that i can send automated message to a bot in a channel? I know messages can be sent using powershell by utilizing webhook url exposed by a particular team or using MS Flow. But I want to mention bot (e.g. #mybothandle) in the message so the bot starts asking questions by itself than requiring the user to start the conversation (by mentioning the bot manually) but not finding the way to mention.
Your suggestions are welcome.
Basically you want to message the user directly at a specific point in time (like 24 hours later). I'm doing this in a few different bots, so it's definitely possible. The link that Wajeed has sent in the comment to your question is exactly what you need - when the user interacts with your bot, you need to save important information like the conversation id, conversation type, service url, and To and From info. You can store this, for instance, in a database, and then you can actually have a totally separate application make the call AS IF IT WAS your bot. In my bots, for example, I have the bot hosted in a normal host (e.g. Azure Website) but then have an Azure Function that sends the messages, for example, 24 hours later. It just appears to the user as if it was a message from the bot, like normal.
You will also need the Microsoft App ID and App Password for your bot, which you should have already (if not, it's in the Azure portal).
In your "sending" application, you're going to need to create an instance of Microsoft. Bot.Connector.ConnectorClient, like follows:
var Connector = new ConnectorClient(serviceUrl, microsoftAppId: credentialProvider.AppId, microsoftAppPassword: credentialProvider.Password);
You also need to "trust" the service url you're calling, like this:
Then you create an instance of Microsoft.Bot.Schema.Activity, set the required properties, and send it via the connector you created:
var activity = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
activity.From = new ChannelAccount([FromId], [FromName];
activity.Recipient = new ChannelAccount([ToId], [ToName]);
activity.Conversation = new ConversationAccount(false, [ConversationType], [ConversationId]);
activity.Conversation.Id = [ConversationId];
activity.Text = "whatever you want to send from the bot...";
Connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync((activity as Activity)).Wait();
All the items in square braces are what you get from the initial conversation the user is having with the bot, except that the From and To are switched around (when the user sends your bot a message, the user is the FROM and your Bot is the TO, and when the bot is sending you switch them around.
Hope that helps
To all Future Visitors, Microsoft Graph API (Beta) now provides a way to send message and mention the bot/user using following endpoint:{group-id-for-teams}/channels/{channel-id}/messages
Method: POST
"body": {
"contentType": "html",
"content": "Hello World <at id=\"0\">standupbot</at>"
"mentions": [
"id": 0,
"mentionText": "StandupBot",
"mentioned": {
"application": {
"id": "[my-bot-id]",
"displayName": "StandupBot",
"applicationIdentityType": "bot"
However, there is a bug that bot doesn't respond when receives the message:
Bot is not responding to #Mention when sending message using Graph API
