How to edit firefox theme - firefox

I want to edit existing theme, but I'm unable to locate .css files corresponding to themes I installed.
I've looked in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox, but found nothing relevant.
I found some old questions on this topic, but none of them were up to date (I mean files were not there).
I installed the theme from mozilla's addons page, using firefox 102 on linux.

I found this on Mozilla Support:
Not sure how much this helps, but its something.


Applying third-party themes to QtCreator (dracula)

So I just downloaded the open-source QtCreator and I hoped to set the Dracula theme for this IDE, but I failed to do so, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
So far, every where I looked for third party themes, they've been telling me to put it in a map on location "$HOME.config\QtProject\qtcreator\styles" (windows). Fine, but after I've copied the file into that folder, the theme is not showing up in the theme list when I'm trying to set a new theme in QtCreator, selecting Tools > Options > Text Editor > Theme-button :/
I'm quite (90%) sure the path/location is correct, but I assume the themes have moved to somewhere else. I would like to set-up this theme, instead of the default dark-theme. Thanks in advance!
So I found out the themes were located in PathToQt\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\styles. The developpers must have changed moved the theme folder, but now between the other .xml files, the Dracula.xml file works just fine.
I hope I fixed every one else's problem, who came to ask himself where the heck they had to put that theme.

Creating custom builds of Mozilla Firefox

I am trying to build my own version of Firefox with slight UI changes and by adding some addons(extensions) to the build.
I have downloaded the source code from repo. Where would I start to achieve this?
Which all codes hold the UI structuring? Where do I put my addon xpi files?
PS: I tried to read the Mozilla documentation. Its either kinda outdated or I am not really getting it? A detailed insight would be much appreciated.
To do this, simply place the extensions in the distribution/extensions
directory in the application's distribution directory.
Here are the extension
Flags In firefox
Do more with themes
For Editing you may need XUL
Go here and customize every component you need

Sass (source maps) support in Firefox Developer Tools

With the release of Firefox 25 we saw a huge improvement in their development tools. SO much so that I'm rather excited to try them out over Firebug.
However I can't see how to turn on Sass debugging, which is currently working in Firebug. I've looked in all the settings that are offered within the development settings.
I'm hoping I'm wrong and it is currently supported.
With Firefox 29 the support for Sass and LESS files was introduced.
Taken from
You have to right-click in the Rules section and activate Show original sources option:
Now CSS rule links will show the location in the original file, and
clicking these links will take you to the source in the Style Editor.
From there you can go on to the Styles Editor and edit your Sass/LESS file. Functionality needs Source Maps enabled!
The best suitable way to debug Sass in Firefox seems to be FireSass.

Can't install Firefox extension in Firefox 13.0.1

I'm developing a firefox extension which has been working without any problems in firefox version 12.*.
Today I updated FF to version 13.0.1 and changed the install.rdf file accordingly:
But since then the extension won't be installed. The message "-Extension name- could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 13.0.1" is displayed.
I used Netbeans' foxbeans plug-in to create the first dummy version of my extension (I used to be -and still am- a beginner in Firefox extension development), so the install.rdf and install.js files are automatically generated. Feel free to ask for more code if you think it could help.
Is there anyone else who has the same problem? Any possible explanations?
It seems like this is a rather weird Firefox bug. I discovered that the problem was caused by an ampersand I had placed on the extension's description:
<em:description>Demokritos Labeling & Filtering Client's Firefox Extension</em:description>
If I change the above to:
<em:description>Demokritos Labeling and Filtering Client's Firefox Extension</em:description>
the extension gets installed normally.
It's a minor but rather odd bug and I should probably report it.
Do you have an updateURL in your extension?
There is an open bug that if your updateURL is incorrect, you'll get a version error:

WordPress Media Library is invisible

I'm encountering a really frustrating problem with WordPress and I hope someone can help. Images are uploading to WordPress correctly (they are in the library) but once a file is uploaded there is simply a blank screen. Closing and reopening the "Add an Image" window, I still cannot add them to posts unless I enter the full URL because the "Media Library" tab simply doesn't show anything (see below - interface shows there are 33 images and 4 tabbed pages, but none of them are displayed.
I've about reached the end of my rope trying to fix this problem. Searched and searched and can find no answer. Some people had similar problems, and I tried all of their posted solutions, including:
Uninstalled all plugins
Nuked and reinstalled all wordpress files
Checked browser versions (occurring in Chrome 7.0.5 and FireFox 3.2)
No JavaScript errors found (used Firebug and Chrome's JS panel)
Checked domain name in Settings for improper capitalization
Checked image URL to make sure there was no gibberish, and there isn't
Does anyone have any suggestions (I'm running version 3.0.2 on Apache)? I'd be forever in your debt. Thank you!
Oops, it won't let me post an image because of 'spam protection.' Drats!
Check this: WordPress › Support » Image/Media Uploader problems?
Who is your web host? How much php memory are you allocated? Is GD library for php installed?
