Finding head section of HTML in Emeditor - emeditor

I'm trying to use EmEditor to do some find and replace on HTML using regex. I know that Regex is not generally suitable for HTML parsing but I believe it will work for my limited requirement. I can't get it to do some fairly simple finds. e.g. find the head section and remove it. I've tried several different syntaxes e.g. <head.*?>(.|\n)*?</head> also simpler ones where there are no attributes e.g. <head>.*?</head>. None work. What am I doing wrong?

Please try a non-zero value to the Additional Lines to Search for Regular Expressions text box in the Advanced dialog box (Click the Advanced button in the Find dialog box) if you need to search for multi-line strings.


Highlighting search keyword in Slickgrid

I'm developing logs viewer web program with Vue.js
I receive log data with ajax and display it with Slickgrid.
What i need to do is highlighting keyword after searching.
I found some examples highlighting whole cells or row but couldn't find highlighting specific keyword in cell.
ex)When i search a word 'cat', slickgrid shows cells which include 'cat'.
And i need to highlight the word 'cat' in the cell.
Anyone knows how to do this? or any examples??
Thank you.
You'll need to write a custom formatter. See here for an example page. Make sure you're using the 6pac repo - it's up to date, the MLeibman repo is unmaintained now.
Re highlighting a word, you'll need to return HTML from the formatter, and just have a special span to hilight the word, eg:
we will build a <span class="hilight">wall<span/>
It's a tricky business finding a full word, that is making sure it's not part of another word, if that's what you want eg.
did you buy the <span class="hilight">wall<span/>paper yet?
That's a whole 'nother Google search in itself.

How to remove modules not used in quilljs

We are using Quill for basic formatting (Bold, Italic, Link, BlockQuote). However Quill.min.js is the largest file that we've in our page.
We are looking to cut the size of the file by including the necessary modules only (for e.g. remove Syntax and Formula).
What is the way to get them removed? Do we need to setup the environment as described in Development page? Would it be possible to comment or remove the codes in quill.js? Appreciate any guidance
You can use quill.core.js and quill.core.css instead which will not have extra modules like Syntax and Formula. These files are not minified for you however. If you want to customize further then you will have to build Quill yourself.

sublime text automatching brackets in <h1> tags

I have Just started using Sublime Text 2 and am having problems with the matching brackets. withing <h1> tags
It will match the closing bracket almost everywhere else in my document.
not sure what i need to change to make it work anywhere in my document regardless of the context.
I need this functionality as i am using angular.js and need to add {{variable}}
I am not quite sure what you are asking. Do you need to perform some kind of search replacement or find the matching element?
However there exists a plugin called Emmet which has functions of Go to matching pair, Match pair inwards and Match pair outwards.
You can also perform complex HTML tree modifications with this plugin.
It sounds like your autocomplete might be turned off.
In your user settings, add "auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true

Selected text in ruby Tk Text widget?

I can't seem to find how to get the currently selected text from a Text widget in ruby. In perl there was a ->getSelected function, which does not seem to exist in the ruby implementation. Also, the selected text is supposed to be marked with a tag "sel", but whenever I try to use it with get("sel"), it says invalid text index. There must be a way to get the selected text though...
Also, another question, by default, the text widget in perl has a pop menu with all sorts of functionality like search, copy/paste. Was this just a perl specific add on?
Yes, the popup menu in perl is a perl-specific add-on.
As for getting the selected text, you are correct that the selected text has the "sel" tag, and you use that to get the selected text. To retrieve the selected text you should use the index sel.first and sel.last, for example:
get("sel.first", "sel.last")
A really good resource on Tk that covers usage in Tcl, Python, Ruby and Perl see The text widget is documented on that site in the tutorial on text.
Of course I finally figured this out right after posting. The index is "sel.first" and "sel.last". so I used get("sel.first", "sel.last")

extract xpath

I want to retrieve the xpath of an attribute (example "brand" of a product from a retailer website).
One way of doing it is using addons like xpather or xpath checker to firefox, opening up the website using firefox and right clicking the desired attrbute I am interested in. This is ok. But I want to capture this information for many attributes and right clicking each and every attribute maybe time consuming. Also, the other problem I have is that attributes I maybe interested in will be there for one product. The other attributes maybe for some other product. So, I will have to go that product & then do it manually again.
Is there an automated or programatic way of retrieving the xpath of the desired attributes from a website rather than having to do this manually?
You must notice that not all websites use valid XML that you can use xpath on...
That said, you should check out some HTML parsers that will allow you to use xpath on HTML even if it is not a valid XML.
Since you did not specify the technology you are working with - I'll suggest the .NET HTML Agility Pack, if you need others, search for questions dealing with this here on SO.
The solution I use for this kind of thing is to write an xpath something like this:
It works by finding all elements (labels) with the text you want and then looking to the next sibling in the HTML. Without a specific URL to see I can't help any further.
This is a generalised version you can make more specific versions by replacing the asterisks is tag types, and you can navigate differently by replacing the axis following sibling with something else.
I use xPaths in to make APIs for this kind of thing all the time, It's just a matter of finding a xPath that's generic enough to find the HTML no matter where it is on the page, but being specific enough to get the right data.
