Where is "click link on webpage" Action in the new version of Power Automate - power-automate

I'm looking for information to show me how I can use Power Automate to download data from a webpage by clicking on a 'click link to download' button.
I'm very new to Power Automate and I've seen some YouTube videos showing how to use Power Automate to do exactly what I need. However they are all showing the older version of Power Automate and I need to do the same thing but using the newest version.
There's nothing available showing how to do it.
Can anyone help please?
This is what they are using in the old version.
This is as far as I've got on the new version. Which only takes me to the webpage.

You are comparing Power Automate Desktop flows (RPA) with Power Automate cloud flows. These are two different type of flows.
Make sure you create a Desktop flow.
This should start the Power Automate Desktop client which still has the Click link on a web page action. (I checked the 2.21 version, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/released-versions/power-automate-desktop/2206.1).


How to check Microsoft PowerApps Portal version number?

I wanted to verify if my PowerApps Portal app was at least version 9.3.2... I tried looking for the Portal version in the Portal Management and the Power Platform Admin Center without success.
After some searching, I was able to view the PowerApps Portal version by using https://<your_portal>.powerappsportals.com/_services/about. Result should be similar to below:
You can go to https://make.powerapps.com/ which will take you to the homepage. Go to the Apps section(left-hand side), you can see all your apps listed. Go to your corresponding app and click on the 3 dots on the right side and from their go-to Details . It opens up a screen, now click on the Versions tab and there you can see all the versions of the app, the current version, and the live version.

Cannot start web-simulator on google actions for API.AI project

I am working on Google Cloud Platform to develop a project in API.AI, I have an integration (in API.AI) with Google Actions (for Google Home or Google Assistant), they provide me to see my progress as real time in web-simulator, that you can find here:
I am trying to START the web-simulator clicking on START button, then I get a window pop-up but after open, it closes, I try and try again but I obtain the same result, I cannot open the web-simulator. I have allowed the popup windows in my browser.
Of course I have completed all steps to start web-simulator...
I don't know what is happening. Someone can help me? Thank you, have a good day.
First, are you using a compatible browser? Try it in Chrome if you're
not already using it, as Chrome is a Google product, and so is the
web simulator.
Next, are you using any Ad-Blockers or
Script-Blockers like NoScript? If so, try disabling them, as they
could interfere with the operation of the tool.
If it still doesn't work, try going to an Incognito Windows by pressing the
three dots button and opening a New Incognito Window. Go to the page, and log
in. This will ensure that no cookies are interfering.
At this point, if you're still having issues, try a different browser.
(Either Firefox or Opera)

Can QuickBooks pass a URL to a Browser?

Is there a way to add a link or a button to the Quickbooks interface that will let me send a URL to a browser?
What I would like to do is query (somehow) the current screen for an invoice number (check number, PO Number, etc.) and pass a specially crafted URL with that number to the default browser which will call our document management system and displayt a document.
Other than the number embedded in the URL, I don't need to pass any other information.
I am not a programmer by any stretch, but I can entertain any ideas.
My other thought was to have an AutoIT script that will query quickbooks for the information and pass that along to the browser, but, I still have the problem of how to get that information from QuickBooks.
This is possible using a custom QuickBooks menu item, but it requires advanced QuickBooks SDK programming. The difficult part is placing the the menu item on the QuickBooks menu and receiving the context information that will allow you to identify the transaction or entity that is currently being viewed. Once you've done that, launching the browser is a minor concern.
You should be aware that there have been difficulties with the installation of custom QuickBooks menu items since the introduction of Vista. My suspicion is that the root cause is related to the changes that were made to the Windows registry in Vista. In any case, programmers are still reporting problems with the latest version of QuickBooks and Windows 7 SP1.

Source for a LoopingSelector for WP7

I have been looking at nice, 3 part series about LoopingSelectors by Win phone Geek and unfortunately there is a missing source link for the first part on that website.
Can someone offer to please mail it to me or paste it in here, because I don't want to reinvent it? I would apppreciate it. Thanks.
Code for other demos for LoopingSelectors would be fine too.
The LongListSelector is part of the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. You can download the Source & Samples for the November 2010 release, or download the latest version, which includes fixes for various controls to enable applications to pass certification (there were issues with Back key press handling).

How can I integrate with the Windows Action Centre maintenance?

Foxit Reader had a bug with the Firefox plugin that led to Firefox crashing when PDFs were opened. The Windows Action Centre was able to suggest a fix for the bug and link to a relevant thread in a forum. How can I similarly integrate my application with the Windows Action Centre?
This is done via registering your application with Windows Error Reporting. When you do this, you will have a dashboard of your most "popular" crashes, and if you find solutions to them, you can submit responses with links to how to fix it.
