enter image description here Actually i am trying to configure a watchdog timer reset using attiny 1616 but the register configure is too complex for me to understand.
if any one can help me to find any solution, it would be highly appreciable.
this is how i configured watchdog timer but how i do reset it by software.Do i have to add avr/wdt.h lib or i there any other way to do, I am willing to know that is it possible to use Isr of wdt_vect. I didn't find any article from datasheet relating to the ISR vect of watchdog.


AVR wakeup for external interrupt then immediately reading USART

I'm in a strange situation with an ATMega2560.
I want to save power by going into PowerDown mode. In this mode there are only a few events only which can wake it up.
On USART1 I have an external controller which sends messages to the AVR.
But when USART1 is used I can not use the INT2 and INT3 for external interrupt (=the CPU will not wake up).
So I had an idea to disable the USART1 just right before going into PowerDown mode, and have the INT2 enabled as external interrupt.
Pseudo code for this:
UCSR1B &= ~(1<<RXEN1); //Disable RXEN1: let AVR releasing it
DDRD &= ~(1<<PD2); //Make sure PortD2 is an input - we need it for waking up
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT2); //Disable INT2 - this needs to be done before changing ISC20 and ISC221
EICRA |= (1<<ISC20)|(1<<ISC21); //Rising edge on PortD2 will generate an interrupt and wake up the AVR from PowerDown
EIMSK |= (1<<INT2); //Now enable INT2
//Sleep routine
In the ISR of INT2, I change everything back to USART1.
ISR(INT2_vect) {
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT2); //Disable INT2 to be able to use it as USART1 again
However it seems to take long time until the USART1 is working correctly again.
There are too many faulty bits in the beginning (after waking up from PowerDown).
How hackish is this?
Is there any reasonable way to make the change faster?
The main idea was to set the 'RX' port to an interrupt which can wake the CPU up then immediately change it back to USART and process it asap.
PS: I really have to use the same pin for this purpose, there is no other available option. So guiding toward using some other pins won't be accepted as an answer.
The Power-down mode disables the oscillator, so you have to wait for a stable oscillator after wakeup.
Please take a look at the datasheet on page 51:
When waking up from Power-down mode, there is a delay from the wake-up condition occurs until the wake-upbecomes effective. This allows the clock to restart and become stable after having been stopped. The wake-upperiod is defined by the same CKSEL Fuses that define the Reset Time-out period, as described in “ClockSources” on page 40.
You have to wait up to 258 clock cykles assuming you use a high speed ceramic oscillator (see table 10-4 on page 42).
You can use the Standby Mode. If you use an external oscillator the CPU enter the Standby Mode, which is identical to Power-down Mode, but the Oscillator isn´t stopped. Furthermore you can set the Power Reduction Register for additional power save options.
Another option is to use the Extended Standby Mode, which is identical to the Power-save Mode. This mode disables the oscillator, but the oscillator wakes up in six clock cycles.

how to use external interrupts on GPIO beaglebone

I am looking to enable external interrupt on the rising and falling edge of a GPIO pin configured as input on Beagle Bone. How do I go about doing this? I know how to use GPIO's using the /sys/class/gpio and /dev/mem method. Can anyone tell me what piece of code do I need to write to make the code jump to an interrupt handler on a certain input event on the gpio pin?

Kernel freeze : How to debug it?

I have an embedded board with a kernel module of thousands of lines which freeze on random and complexe use case with random time. What are the solution for me to try to debug it ?
I have already try magic System Request but it does not work. I guess that the explanation is that I am in a loop or a deadlock in a code where hardware interrupt is disable ?
Typically, embedded boards have a watch dog. You should enable this timer and use the watchdog user process to kick the watch dog hard ware. Use nice on the watchdog process so that higher priority tasks must relinquish the CPU. This gives clues as to the issue. If the device does not reset with a watch dog active, then it maybe that only the network or serial port has stopped communicating. Ie, the kernel has not locked up. The issue is that there is no user visible activity. The watch dog is also useful if/when this type of issue occurs in the field.
For a kernel lockup case, the lockup watchdogs kernel features maybe useful. This will work if you have an infinite loop/deadlock as speculated. However, if this is custom hardware, it is also possible that SDRAM or a peripheral device latches up and causes abnormal bus activity. This will stop the CPU from fetching proper code; obviously, it is tough for Linux to recover from this.
You can combine the watchdog with some fallow memory that is used as a trace buffer. memmap= and mem= can limit the memory used by the kernel. A driver/device using this memory can be written that saves trace points that survive a reboot. The fallow memory's ring buffer is dumped when a watchdog reset is detected on kernel boot.
It is also useful to register thread notifiers that can do a printk on context switches, if the issue is repeatable or to discover how to make the event repeatable. Once you determine a sequence of events that leads to the lockup, you can use the scope or logic analyzer to do some final diagnosis. Or, it maybe evident which peripheral is the issue at this point.
You may also set panic=-1 and reboot=... on the kernel command line. The kdump facilities are useful, if you only have a code problem.
Related: kernel trap (at web archive). This link may no longer be available, but aren't important to this answer.

How do I kill user applications from an IRQ handler?

I am working on an embedded Linux system, and I need to shut the system down when a particular IRQ handler runs. I don't have a lot of time (tens of milliseconds). I was using emergency_restart(), but I now need to perform some work (writing shutdown-related info to flash) that cannot be done from an interrupt context because the flash driver will not support it.
Can anyone recommend a good way to accomplish this? I would love to properly kill my user-space applications by sending them a signal so that they can do the flash write. How do I do this? I suppose, as an alternative, I could have a high priority process that sits, waiting on a semaphore that my interrupt generates... What are my options? Thanks in advance!
That is exactly what signals are for. If one of the existing signals don't make sense (see man 7 signal), use one of the user definable signals:
#define SIGUSR1 10 /* User-defined signal 1 (POSIX). */
#define SIGUSR2 12 /* User-defined signal 2 (POSIX). */

How to wait for one second on an 8051 microcontroller?

I'm supposed to write a program that will send some values to registers, then wait one second, then change the values. The thing is, I'm unable to find the instruction that will halt operations for one second.
How about setting up a timer interrupt ?
Some useful hints and code snippets in this Keil 8051 application note.
There is no such 'instruction'. There is however no doubt at least one hardware timer peripheral (the exact peripheral set depends on the exact part you are using). Get out the datasheet/user manual for the part you are using and figure out how to program the timer; you can then poll it or use interrupts. Typically you'd configure the timer to generate a periodic interrupt that then increments a counter variable.
Two things you must know about timer interrupts: Firstly, if your counter variable is greater than 8-bit, access to it will not be atomic, so outside of the interrupt context you must either temporarily disable interrupts to read it, or read it twice in succession with the same value to validate it. Secondly, the timer counter variable must be declared volatile to prevent the compiler optimising out access to it; this is true of all variables shared between interrupts and threads.
Another alternative is to use a low power 'sleep' mode if supported; you set up a timer to wake the processor after the desired period, and issue the necessary sleep instruction (this may be provided as an 'intrinsic' by your compiler, or you may be controlled by a peripheral register. This is general advice, not 8051 specific; I don't know if your part even supports a sleep mode.
Either way you need to wade through the part specific documentation. If you could tell us the exact part, you may get help with that.
A third solution is to use an 8051 specific RTOS kernel which will provide exactly the periodic delay function you are looking for, as well as multi-threading and IPC.
I would setup a timer so that it interrupts every 10ms. In that interrupt, increment a variable.
You will also need to write a function to disable interrupts and read that variable.
In your main program, you will read the timer variable and then wait until it is 10100 more than it is when you started.
Don't forget to watch out for the timer variable rolling over.
