How do I kill user applications from an IRQ handler? - linux-kernel

I am working on an embedded Linux system, and I need to shut the system down when a particular IRQ handler runs. I don't have a lot of time (tens of milliseconds). I was using emergency_restart(), but I now need to perform some work (writing shutdown-related info to flash) that cannot be done from an interrupt context because the flash driver will not support it.
Can anyone recommend a good way to accomplish this? I would love to properly kill my user-space applications by sending them a signal so that they can do the flash write. How do I do this? I suppose, as an alternative, I could have a high priority process that sits, waiting on a semaphore that my interrupt generates... What are my options? Thanks in advance!

That is exactly what signals are for. If one of the existing signals don't make sense (see man 7 signal), use one of the user definable signals:
#define SIGUSR1 10 /* User-defined signal 1 (POSIX). */
#define SIGUSR2 12 /* User-defined signal 2 (POSIX). */


Linux kernel IRQ to execute long action

I am implementing a kernel module to handle power-off event. Our HW setup will emit an IRQ when power cut-off happens, and device can run 200ms more after that. During this time I have to close all rw-opened Fd to avoid file corruption. I am thinking of two options:
Perform closing all Fds from within the interrupt context itself. It will mask all other interrupts and handle the event until device is off. It may cause freezing issue.
Use Softirqs and do closing in the bottom half.
What would be the best way to implement this? thanks all.

How does epoll know socket is ready in kernel?

I didn't find any hints in epool source code about how epoll knows socket is ready for read/write.
Does epoll register a callback in the kernel?
Does epool register a signal in the kernel for read/write?
Or something else?
Many thanks.
Short answer
Not only for epoll but in general for "blocking I/O" (the same mechanism is used by read() syscall, for example), kernel uses waitqueues (don't confuse them with workqueues which is totally different mechanism). If you check ep_poll() implementation, it's even documented in comments.
Some not-so-interesting details
In order to put current thread to sleep on waitqueue, one would normally use wait_event_interruptible() call. epoll_wait does not do that, however. Instead it kind off re-implements what this call would do by adding itself to the waitqueue with __add_wait_queue_exclusive(), putting itself to sleep with set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) and checking what was the cause of being woken up in a loop. The end result is the same - the current thread will be put to interruptible sleep which may be terminated either by sending signal (in which case epoll_wait will return EINTR) or when woken up by ep_poll_callback through waitqueues mechanism.

How do I increase windows interrupt latency to stress test a driver?

I have a driver & device that seem to misbehave when the user does any number of complex things (opening large word documents, opening lots of files at once, etc.) -- but does not reliably go wrong when any one thing is repeated. I believe it's because it does not handle high interrupt latency situations gracefully.
Is there a reliable way to increase interrupt latency on Windows XP to test this theory?
I'd prefer to write my test programn in python, but c++ & WinAPI is also fine...
My apologies for not having a concrete answer, but an idea to explore would be to use either c++ or cython to hook into the timer interrupt (the clock tick one) and waste time in there. This will effectively increase latency.
I don't know if there's an existing solution. But you may create your own one.
On Windows all the interrupts are prioritized. So that if there's a driver code running on a high IRQL, your driver won't be able to serve your interrupt if its level is lower. At least it won't be able to run on the same processor.
I'd do the following:
Configure your driver to run on a single processor (don't remember how to do this, but such an option definitely exists).
Add an I/O control code to your driver.
In your driver's Dispatch routine do a busy wait on a high IRQL (more about this later)
Call your driver (via DeviceIoControl) to simulate a stress.
The busy wait may look something like this:
KIRQL oldIrql;
__int64 t1, t2;
KeRaiseIrql(31, &oldIrql);
KeQuerySystemTime((LARGE_INTEGER*) &t1);
while (1)
KeQuerySystemTime((LARGE_INTEGER*) &t2);
if (t1 - t1 > /* put the needed time interval */)

How to wait for one second on an 8051 microcontroller?

I'm supposed to write a program that will send some values to registers, then wait one second, then change the values. The thing is, I'm unable to find the instruction that will halt operations for one second.
How about setting up a timer interrupt ?
Some useful hints and code snippets in this Keil 8051 application note.
There is no such 'instruction'. There is however no doubt at least one hardware timer peripheral (the exact peripheral set depends on the exact part you are using). Get out the datasheet/user manual for the part you are using and figure out how to program the timer; you can then poll it or use interrupts. Typically you'd configure the timer to generate a periodic interrupt that then increments a counter variable.
Two things you must know about timer interrupts: Firstly, if your counter variable is greater than 8-bit, access to it will not be atomic, so outside of the interrupt context you must either temporarily disable interrupts to read it, or read it twice in succession with the same value to validate it. Secondly, the timer counter variable must be declared volatile to prevent the compiler optimising out access to it; this is true of all variables shared between interrupts and threads.
Another alternative is to use a low power 'sleep' mode if supported; you set up a timer to wake the processor after the desired period, and issue the necessary sleep instruction (this may be provided as an 'intrinsic' by your compiler, or you may be controlled by a peripheral register. This is general advice, not 8051 specific; I don't know if your part even supports a sleep mode.
Either way you need to wade through the part specific documentation. If you could tell us the exact part, you may get help with that.
A third solution is to use an 8051 specific RTOS kernel which will provide exactly the periodic delay function you are looking for, as well as multi-threading and IPC.
I would setup a timer so that it interrupts every 10ms. In that interrupt, increment a variable.
You will also need to write a function to disable interrupts and read that variable.
In your main program, you will read the timer variable and then wait until it is 10100 more than it is when you started.
Don't forget to watch out for the timer variable rolling over.

Why kernel code/thread executing in interrupt context cannot sleep?

I am reading following article by Robert Love
that says
"...Let's discuss the fact that work queues run in process context. This is in contrast to the other bottom-half mechanisms, which all run in interrupt context. Code running in interrupt context is unable to sleep, or block, because interrupt context does not have a backing process with which to reschedule. Therefore, because interrupt handlers are not associated with a process, there is nothing for the scheduler to put to sleep and, more importantly, nothing for the scheduler to wake up..."
I don't get it. AFAIK, scheduler in the kernel is O(1), that is implemented through the bitmap. So what stops the scehduler from putting interrupt context to sleep and taking next schedulable process and passing it the control?
So what stops the scehduler from putting interrupt context to sleep and taking next schedulable process and passing it the control?
The problem is that the interrupt context is not a process, and therefore cannot be put to sleep.
When an interrupt occurs, the processor saves the registers onto the stack and jumps to the start of the interrupt service routine. This means that when the interrupt handler is running, it is running in the context of the process that was executing when the interrupt occurred. The interrupt is executing on that process's stack, and when the interrupt handler completes, that process will resume executing.
If you tried to sleep or block inside an interrupt handler, you would wind up not only stopping the interrupt handler, but also the process it interrupted. This could be dangerous, as the interrupt handler has no way of knowing what the interrupted process was doing, or even if it is safe for that process to be suspended.
A simple scenario where things could go wrong would be a deadlock between the interrupt handler and the process it interrupts.
Process1 enters kernel mode.
Process1 acquires LockA.
Interrupt occurs.
ISR starts executing using Process1's stack.
ISR tries to acquire LockA.
ISR calls sleep to wait for LockA to be released.
At this point, you have a deadlock. Process1 can't resume execution until the ISR is done with its stack. But the ISR is blocked waiting for Process1 to release LockA.
I think it's a design idea.
Sure, you can design a system that you can sleep in interrupt, but except to make to the system hard to comprehend and complicated(many many situation you have to take into account), that's does not help anything. So from a design view, declare interrupt handler as can not sleep is very clear and easy to implement.
From Robert Love (a kernel hacker):
You cannot sleep in an interrupt handler because interrupts do not have
a backing process context, and thus there is nothing to reschedule back
into. In other words, interrupt handlers are not associated with a task,
so there is nothing to "put to sleep" and (more importantly) "nothing to
wake up". They must run atomically.
This is not unlike other operating systems. In most operating systems,
interrupts are not threaded. Bottom halves often are, however.
The reason the page fault handler can sleep is that it is invoked only
by code that is running in process context. Because the kernel's own
memory is not pagable, only user-space memory accesses can result in a
page fault. Thus, only a few certain places (such as calls to
copy_{to,from}_user()) can cause a page fault within the kernel. Those
places must all be made by code that can sleep (i.e., process context,
no locks, et cetera).
Because the thread switching infrastructure is unusable at that point. When servicing an interrupt, only stuff of higher priority can execute - See the Intel Software Developer's Manual on interrupt, task and processor priority. If you did allow another thread to execute (which you imply in your question that it would be easy to do), you wouldn't be able to let it do anything - if it caused a page fault, you'd have to use services in the kernel that are unusable while the interrupt is being serviced (see below for why).
Typically, your only goal in an interrupt routine is to get the device to stop interrupting and queue something at a lower interrupt level (in unix this is typically a non-interrupt level, but for Windows, it's dispatch, apc or passive level) to do the heavy lifting where you have access to more features of the kernel/os. See - Implementing a handler.
It's a property of how O/S's have to work, not something inherent in Linux. An interrupt routine can execute at any point so the state of what you interrupted is inconsistent. If you interrupted the thread scheduling code, its state is inconsistent so you can't be sure you can "sleep" and switch threads. Even if you protect the thread switching code from being interrupted, thread switching is a very high level feature of the O/S and if you protected everything it relies on, an interrupt becomes more of a suggestion than the imperative implied by its name.
So what stops the scehduler from putting interrupt context to sleep and taking next schedulable process and passing it the control?
Scheduling happens on timer interrupts. The basic rule is that only one interrupt can be open at a time, so if you go to sleep in the "got data from device X" interrupt, the timer interrupt cannot run to schedule it out.
Interrupts also happen many times and overlap. If you put the "got data" interrupt to sleep, and then get more data, what happens? It's confusing (and fragile) enough that the catch-all rule is: no sleeping in interrupts. You will do it wrong.
Disallowing an interrupt handler to block is a design choice. When some data is on the device, the interrupt handler intercepts the current process, prepares the transfer of the data and enables the interrupt; before the handler enables the current interrupt, the device has to hang. We want keep our I/O busy and our system responsive, then we had better not block the interrupt handler.
I don't think the "unstable states" are an essential reason. Processes, no matter they are in user-mode or kernel-mode, should be aware that they may be interrupted by interrupts. If some kernel-mode data structure will be accessed by both interrupt handler and the current process, and race condition exists, then the current process should disable local interrupts, and moreover for multi-processor architectures, spinlocks should be used to during the critical sections.
I also don't think if the interrupt handler were blocked, it cannot be waken up. When we say "block", basically it means that the blocked process is waiting for some event/resource, so it links itself into some wait-queue for that event/resource. Whenever the resource is released, the releasing process is responsible for waking up the waiting process(es).
However, the really annoying thing is that the blocked process can do nothing during the blocking time; it did nothing wrong for this punishment, which is unfair. And nobody could surely predict the blocking time, so the innocent process has to wait for unclear reason and for unlimited time.
Even if you could put an ISR to sleep, you wouldn't want to do it. You want your ISRs to be as fast as possible to reduce the risk of missing subsequent interrupts.
The linux kernel has two ways to allocate interrupt stack. One is on the kernel stack of the interrupted process, the other is a dedicated interrupt stack per CPU. If the interrupt context is saved on the dedicated interrupt stack per CPU, then indeed the interrupt context is completely not associated with any process. The "current" macro will produce an invalid pointer to current running process, since the "current" macro with some architecture are computed with the stack pointer. The stack pointer in the interrupt context may point to the dedicated interrupt stack, not the kernel stack of some process.
By nature, the question is whether in interrupt handler you can get a valid "current" (address to the current process task_structure), if yes, it's possible to modify the content there accordingly to make it into "sleep" state, which can be back by scheduler later if the state get changed somehow. The answer may be hardware-dependent.
But in ARM, it's impossible since 'current' is irrelevant to process under interrupt mode. See the code below:
94 static inline struct thread_info *current_thread_info(void)
95 {
96 register unsigned long sp asm ("sp");
97 return (struct thread_info *)(sp & ~(THREAD_SIZE - 1));
98 }
sp in USER mode and SVC mode are the "same" ("same" here not mean they're equal, instead, user mode's sp point to user space stack, while svc mode's sp r13_svc point to the kernel stack, where the user process's task_structure was updated at previous task switch, When a system call occurs, the process enter kernel space again, when the sp (sp_svc) is still not changed, these 2 sp are associated with each other, in this sense, they're 'same'), So under SVC mode, kernel code can get the valid 'current'. But under other privileged modes, say interrupt mode, sp is 'different', point to dedicated address defined in cpu_init(). The 'current' calculated under these mode will be irrelevant to the interrupted process, accessing it will result in unexpected behaviors. That's why it's always said that system call can sleep but interrupt handler can't, system call works on process context but interrupt not.
High-level interrupt handlers mask the operations of all lower-priority interrupts, including those of the system timer interrupt. Consequently, the interrupt handler must avoid involving itself in an activity that might cause it to sleep. If the handler sleeps, then the system may hang because the timer is masked and incapable of scheduling the sleeping thread.
Does this make sense?
If a higher-level interrupt routine gets to the point where the next thing it must do has to happen after a period of time, then it needs to put a request into the timer queue, asking that another interrupt routine be run (at lower priority level) some time later.
When that interrupt routine runs, it would then raise priority level back to the level of the original interrupt routine, and continue execution. This has the same effect as a sleep.
It is just a design/implementation choices in Linux OS. The advantage of this design is simple, but it may not be good for real time OS requirements.
Other OSes have other designs/implementations.
For example, in Solaris, the interrupts could have different priorities, that allows most of devices interrupts are invoked in interrupt threads. The interrupt threads allows sleep because each of interrupt threads has separate stack in the context of the thread.
The interrupt threads design is good for real time threads which should have higher priorities than interrupts.
