So basically, I have been looking at Fisher's exact / barnard testing to establish which method is more appropriate for my hypothesis. However, first of all my contigency table is 2x6 (example below) and not the 2 x 2 that you must have for these tests.
I've estimated the number of modes that two groups of individuals (G1 and G2) have within a distribution of a certain variable. In essence, I want to say
'The types of distribution were observed in G1 was significantly different to G2' - Which test is best to do this for my table?
[My contingency table]
I recently did an RNAseq experiment in which I had controls and experiments at 3 different time periods. My samples were distributed as following for a total of 10 samples:
T1_control1, T2_control1, T2_control2, T3_control1,
T1_exp1, T1_exp2, T2_exp1, T2_exp2, T3_exp1, T3_exp2
I did differential expression analysis with DESeq2 and from it I obtained 3 files from each time period T1, T2, and T3 that show the logFold change values from the control to the experimental for each gene. My question is how I can statistically compare the logFold change value for one gene in one period vs another time period. I am not sure what test to use since there is only one logFold change values per each time period for each gene.
Thank you in advance.
I am not sure what test to use since there is only one logFold change values per each time period for each gene.
Since RNA-sequencing is costly (for many purposes), I think most groups ensure their sequencing run is accurate is by combining multiple biological replicates in each group or sequencing deep. An argument could be made that showing only one data point for each gene at each time point is appropriate given that standard protocols were followed.
Although one option is to increase the sample size of each time period by determining fold change between each control-experimental partner. It would be important however to consult the literature and colleagues whether this is appropriate for the specific type of analysis you are doing.
Another way of asking this is: can we use relative rankings from separate data sets to produce a global rank?
Say I have a variety of data sets with their own rankings based upon the criteria of cuteness for baby animals: 1) Kittens, 2) Puppies, 3) Sloths, and 4) Elephants. I used pairwise comparisons (i.e., showing people two random pictures of the animal and asking them to select the cutest one) to obtain these rankings. I also have the full amount of comparisons within data sets (i.e., all puppies were compared with each other in the puppy data set).
I'm now trying to merge the data sets together to produce a global ranking of the cutest animal.
The main issue of relative ranking is that the cutest animal in one set may not necessarily be the cutest in the other set. For example, let's say that baby elephants are considered to be less than attractive, and so, the least cutest kitten will always beat the cutest elephant. How should I get around this problem?
I am thinking of doing a few cross comparisons across data sets (Kittens vs Elephants, Puppies vs Kittens, etc) to create some sort of base importance, but this may become problematic as I add on the number of animals and the type of animals.
I was also thinking of looking further into filling in sparse matrices, but I think this is only applicable towards one data set as opposed to comparing across multiple data sets?
You can achieve your task using a rating system, like most known Elo, Glicko, or our rankade. A rating system allows to build a ranking starting from pairwise comparisons, and
you don't need to do all comparisons, neither have all animals be involved in the same number of comparisons,
you don't need to do comparison inside specific data set only (let all animals 'play' against all other animals, then if you need ranking for one dataset, just use global ranking ignoring animals from others).
Using rankade (here's a comparison with aforementioned ranking systems and Microsoft's TrueSkill) you can record outputs for 2+ items as well, while with Elo or Glicko you don't. It's extremely messy and difficult for people to rank many items, but a small multiple comparison (e.g. 3-5 animals) should be suitable and useful, in your work.
Do p values produced by rcorr have to be corrected for multiple comparison or does this function account for multiple testing?
In the output of p-values table I have correlations significant at different levels (e.g. .05, .001) and I don't seem to be able to find if these are corrected for multiple testing.
I'm writting a piece of code to evaluate my Clustering Algorithm and I find that every kind of evaluation method needs the basic data from a m*n matrix like A = {aij} where aij is the number of data points that are members of class ci and elements of cluster kj.
But there appear to be two of this type of matrix in Introduction to Data Mining (Pang-Ning Tan et al.), one is the Confusion Matrix, the other is the Contingency Table. I do not fully understand the difference between the two. Which best describes the matrix I want to use?
Wikipedia's definition:
In the field of artificial intelligence, a confusion matrix is a
visualization tool typically used in supervised learning (in
unsupervised learning it is typically called a matching matrix). Each
column of the matrix represents the instances in a predicted class,
while each row represents the instances in an actual class.
Confusion matrix should be clear, it basically tells how many actual results match the predicted results. For example, see this confusion matrix
predicted class
c1 - c2
Actual class c1 15 - 3
c2 0 - 2
It tells that:
Column1, row 1 means that the classifier has predicted 15 items as belonging to class c1, and actually 15 items belong to class c1 (which is a correct prediction)
the second column row 1 tells that the classifier has predicted that 3 items belong to class c2, but they actually belong to class c1 (which is a wrong prediction)
Column 1 row 2 means that none of the items that actually belong to class c2 have been predicted to belong to class c1 (which is a wrong prediction)
Column 2 row 2 tells that 2 items that belong to class c2 have been predicted to belong to class c2 (which is a correct prediction)
Now see the formula of Accuracy and Error Rate from your book (Chapter 4, 4.2), and you should be able to clearly understand what is a confusion matrix. It is used to test the accuracy of a classifier using data with known results. The K-Fold method (also mentioned in the book) is one of the methods to calculate the accuracy of a classifier that has also been mentioned in your book.
Now, for Contingency table:
Wikipedia's definition:
In statistics, a contingency table (also referred to as cross
tabulation or cross tab) is a type of table in a matrix format that
displays the (multivariate) frequency distribution of the variables.
It is often used to record and analyze the relation between two or
more categorical variables.
In data mining, contingency tables are used to show what items appeared in a reading together, like in a transaction or in the shopping-cart of a sales analysis. For example (this is the example from the book you have mentioned):
Coffee !coffee
tea 150 50 200
!tea 650 150 800
800 200 1000
It tells that in 1000 responses (responses about do they like Coffee and tea or both or one of them, results of a survey):
150 people like both tea and coffee
50 people like tea but do not like coffee
650 people do not like tea but like coffee
150 people like neither tea nor coffee
Contingency tables are used to find the Support and Confidence of association rules, basically to evaluate association rules (read Chapter 6, 6.7.1).
Now the difference is that Confusion Matrix is used to evaluate the performance of a classifier, and it tells how accurate a classifier is in making predictions about classification, and contingency table is used to evaluate association rules.
Now after reading the answer, google a bit (always use google while you are reading your book), read what is in the book, see a few examples, and don't forget to solve a few exercises given in the book, and you should have a clear concept about both of them, and also what to use in a certain situation and why.
Hope this helps.
In short, contingency table is used to describe data. and confusion matrix is, as others have pointed out, often used when comparing two hypothesis. One can think of predicted vs actual classification/categorization as two hypothesis, with the ground truth being the null and the model output being the alternative.
Currently I am loooking for a way to develop an algorithm which is supposed to analyse a large dataset (about 600M records). The records have parameters "calling party", "called party", "call duration" and I would like to create a graph of weighted connections among phone users.
The whole dataset consists of similar records - people mostly talk to their friends and don't dial random numbers but occasionaly a person calls "random" numbers as well. For analysing the records I was thinking about the following logic:
create an array of numbers to indicate the which records (row number) have already been scanned.
start scanning from the first line and for the first line combination "calling party", "called party" check for the same combinations in the database
sum the call durations and divide the result by the sum of all call durations
add the numbers of summed lines into the array created at the beginning
check the array if the next record number has already been summed
if it has already been summed then skip the record, else perform step 2
I would appreciate if anyone of you suggested any improvement of the logic described above.
p.s. the edges are directed therefore the (calling party, called party) is not equal to (called party, calling party)
Although the fact is not programming related I would like to emphasize that due to law and respect for user privacy all the informations that could possibly reveal the user identity have been hashed before the analysis.
As always with large datasets the more information you have about the distribution of values in them the better you can tailor an algorithm. For example, if you knew that there were only, say, 1000 different telephone numbers to consider you could create a 1000x1000 array into which to write your statistics.
Your first step should be to analyse the distribution(s) of data in your dataset.
In the absence of any further information about your data I'm inclined to suggest that you create a hash table. Read each record in your 600M dataset and calculate a hash address from the concatenation of calling and called numbers. Into the table at that address write the calling and called numbers (you'll need them later, and bear in mind that the hash is probably irreversible), add 1 to the number of calls and add the duration to the total duration. Repeat 600M times.
Now you have a hash table which contains the data you want.
Since there are 600 M records, it seems to be large enough to leverage a database (and not too large to require a distributed Database). So, you could simply load this into a DB (MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle, etc) and run the following queries:
select calling_party, called_party, sum(call_duration), avg(call_duration), min(call_duration), max (call_duration), count(*) from call_log group by calling_party, called_party order by 7 desc
That would be a start.
Next, you would want to run some Association analysis (possibly using Weka), or perhaps you would want to analyze this information as cubes (possibly using Mondrian/OLAP). If you tell us more, we can help you more.
Algorithmically, what the DB is doing internally is similar to what you would do yourself programmatically:
Scan each record
Find the record for each (calling_party, called_party) combination, and update its stats.
A good way to store and find records for (calling_party, called_party) would be to use a hashfunction and to find the matching record from the bucket.
Althought it may be tempting to create a two dimensional array for (calling_party, called_party), that will he a very sparse array (very wasteful).
How often will you need to perform this analysis? If this is a large, unique dataset and thus only once or twice - don't worry too much about the performance, just get it done, e.g. as Amrinder Arora says by using simple, existing tooling you happen to know.
You really want more information about the distribution as High Performance Mark says. For starters, it's be nice to know the count of unique phone numbers, the count of unique phone number pairs, and, the mean, variance and maximum of the count of calling/called phone numbers per unique phone number.
You really want more information about the analysis you want to perform on the result. For instance, are you more interested in holistic statistics or identifying individual clusters? Do you care more about following the links forward (determining who X frequently called) or following the links backward (determining who X was frequently called by)? Do you want to project overviews of this graph into low-dimensional spaces, i.e. 2d? Should be easy to indentify indirect links - e.g. X is near {A, B, C} all of whom are near Y so X is sorta near Y?
If you want fast and frequently adapted results, then be aware that a dense representation with good memory & temporal locality can easily make a huge difference in performance. In particular, that can easily outweigh a factor ln N in big-O notation; you may benefit from a dense, sorted representation over a hashtable. And databases? Those are really slow. Don't touch those if you can avoid it at all; they are likely to be a factor 10000 slower - or more, the more complex the queries are you want to perform on the result.
Just sort records by "calling party" and then by "called party". That way each unique pair will have all its occurrences in consecutive positions. Hence, you can calculate the weight of each pair (calling party, called party) in one pass with little extra memory.
For sorting, you can sort small chunks separately, and then do a N-way merge sort. That's memory efficient and can be easily parallelized.