What is the best way to analyse a large dataset with similar records? - algorithm

Currently I am loooking for a way to develop an algorithm which is supposed to analyse a large dataset (about 600M records). The records have parameters "calling party", "called party", "call duration" and I would like to create a graph of weighted connections among phone users.
The whole dataset consists of similar records - people mostly talk to their friends and don't dial random numbers but occasionaly a person calls "random" numbers as well. For analysing the records I was thinking about the following logic:
create an array of numbers to indicate the which records (row number) have already been scanned.
start scanning from the first line and for the first line combination "calling party", "called party" check for the same combinations in the database
sum the call durations and divide the result by the sum of all call durations
add the numbers of summed lines into the array created at the beginning
check the array if the next record number has already been summed
if it has already been summed then skip the record, else perform step 2
I would appreciate if anyone of you suggested any improvement of the logic described above.
p.s. the edges are directed therefore the (calling party, called party) is not equal to (called party, calling party)
Although the fact is not programming related I would like to emphasize that due to law and respect for user privacy all the informations that could possibly reveal the user identity have been hashed before the analysis.

As always with large datasets the more information you have about the distribution of values in them the better you can tailor an algorithm. For example, if you knew that there were only, say, 1000 different telephone numbers to consider you could create a 1000x1000 array into which to write your statistics.
Your first step should be to analyse the distribution(s) of data in your dataset.
In the absence of any further information about your data I'm inclined to suggest that you create a hash table. Read each record in your 600M dataset and calculate a hash address from the concatenation of calling and called numbers. Into the table at that address write the calling and called numbers (you'll need them later, and bear in mind that the hash is probably irreversible), add 1 to the number of calls and add the duration to the total duration. Repeat 600M times.
Now you have a hash table which contains the data you want.

Since there are 600 M records, it seems to be large enough to leverage a database (and not too large to require a distributed Database). So, you could simply load this into a DB (MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle, etc) and run the following queries:
select calling_party, called_party, sum(call_duration), avg(call_duration), min(call_duration), max (call_duration), count(*) from call_log group by calling_party, called_party order by 7 desc
That would be a start.
Next, you would want to run some Association analysis (possibly using Weka), or perhaps you would want to analyze this information as cubes (possibly using Mondrian/OLAP). If you tell us more, we can help you more.
Algorithmically, what the DB is doing internally is similar to what you would do yourself programmatically:
Scan each record
Find the record for each (calling_party, called_party) combination, and update its stats.
A good way to store and find records for (calling_party, called_party) would be to use a hashfunction and to find the matching record from the bucket.
Althought it may be tempting to create a two dimensional array for (calling_party, called_party), that will he a very sparse array (very wasteful).

How often will you need to perform this analysis? If this is a large, unique dataset and thus only once or twice - don't worry too much about the performance, just get it done, e.g. as Amrinder Arora says by using simple, existing tooling you happen to know.
You really want more information about the distribution as High Performance Mark says. For starters, it's be nice to know the count of unique phone numbers, the count of unique phone number pairs, and, the mean, variance and maximum of the count of calling/called phone numbers per unique phone number.
You really want more information about the analysis you want to perform on the result. For instance, are you more interested in holistic statistics or identifying individual clusters? Do you care more about following the links forward (determining who X frequently called) or following the links backward (determining who X was frequently called by)? Do you want to project overviews of this graph into low-dimensional spaces, i.e. 2d? Should be easy to indentify indirect links - e.g. X is near {A, B, C} all of whom are near Y so X is sorta near Y?
If you want fast and frequently adapted results, then be aware that a dense representation with good memory & temporal locality can easily make a huge difference in performance. In particular, that can easily outweigh a factor ln N in big-O notation; you may benefit from a dense, sorted representation over a hashtable. And databases? Those are really slow. Don't touch those if you can avoid it at all; they are likely to be a factor 10000 slower - or more, the more complex the queries are you want to perform on the result.

Just sort records by "calling party" and then by "called party". That way each unique pair will have all its occurrences in consecutive positions. Hence, you can calculate the weight of each pair (calling party, called party) in one pass with little extra memory.
For sorting, you can sort small chunks separately, and then do a N-way merge sort. That's memory efficient and can be easily parallelized.


What is the fastest way to intersect two large set of ids

The Problem
On a server, I host ids in a json file. From clients, I need to mandate the server to intersect and sometimes negate these ids (the ids never travel to the client even though the client instructs the server its operations to perform).
I typically have 1000's of ids, often have 100,000's of ids, and have a maximum of 56,000,000 of them, where each value is unique and between -100,000,000 and +100,000,000.
These ids files are stable and do not change (so it is possible to generate a different representation for it that is better adapted for the calculations if needed).
Sample ids
Largest file sizes
I need an algorithm that will intersect ids in the sub-second range for most cases. What would you suggest? I code in java, but do not limit myself to java for the resolution of this problem (I could use JNI to bridge to native language).
Potential solutions to consider
Although you could not limit yourselves to the following list of broad considerations for solutions, here is a list of what I internally debated to resolve the situation.
Neural-Network pre-qualifier: Train a neural-network for each ids list that accepts another list of ids to score its intersection potential (0 means definitely no intersection, 1 means definitely there is an intersection). Since neural networks are good and efficient at pattern recognition, I am thinking of pre-qualifying a more time-consuming algorithm behind it.
Assembly-language: On a Linux server, code an assembly module that does such algorithm. I know that assembly is a mess to maintain and code, but sometimes one need the speed of an highly optimized algorithm without the overhead of a higher-level compiler. Maybe this use-case is simple enough to benefit from an assembly language routine to be executed directly on the Linux server (and then I'd always pay attention to stick with the same processor to avoid having to re-write this too often)? Or, alternately, maybe C would be close enough to assembly to produce clean and optimized assembly code without the overhead to maintain assembly code.
Images and GPU: GPU and image processing could be used and instead of comparing ids, I could BITAND images. That is, I create a B&W image of each ids list. Since each id have unique values between -100,000,000 and +100,000,000 (where a maximum of 56,000,000 of them are used), the image would be mostly black, but the pixel would become white if the corresponding id is set. Then, instead of keeping the list of ids, I'd keep the images, and do a BITAND operation on both images to intersect them. This may be fast indeed, but then to translate the resulting image back to ids may be the bottleneck. Also, each image could be significantly large (maybe too large for this to be a viable solution). An estimate of a 200,000,000 bits sequence is 23MB each, just loading this in memory is quite demanding.
String-matching algorithms: String comparisons have many adapted algorithms that are typically extremely efficient at their task. Create a binary file for each ids set. Each id would be 4 bytes long. The corresponding binary file would have each and every id sequenced as their 4 bytes equivalent into it. The algorithm could then be to process the smallest file to match each 4 bytes sequence as a string into the other file.
Am I missing anything? Any other potential solution? Could any of these approaches be worth diving into them?
I did not yet try anything as I want to secure a strategy before I invest what I believe will be a significant amount of time into this.
EDIT #1:
Could the solution be a map of hashes for each sector in the list? If the information is structured in such a way that each id resides within its corresponding hash key, then, the smaller of the ids set could be sequentially ran and matching the id into the larger ids set first would require hashing the value to match, and then sequentially matching of the corresponding ids into that key match?
This should make the algorithm an O(n) time based one, and since I'd pick the smallest ids set to be the sequentially ran one, n is small. Does that make sense? Is that the solution?
Something like this (where the H entry is the hash):
"H780" : [ 45902780, 46062780, -42912780, -19812780, 25323780, 40572780, -30131780, 60266780, -26203780, 46152780, 67216780, 71666780, -67146780, 46162780, 67226780, 67781780, -47021780, 46122780, 19973780, 22113780, 67876780, 42692780, -18473780, 30993780, 67711780, 67791780, -44036780, -45904780, -42142780, 18703780, 60276780, 46182780, 63600780, 63680780, -70486780, -68290780, -18493780, -68210780, 67731780, 46092780, 63450780, 30074780, 24772780, -26483780, 68371780, -18483780, 18723780, -29834780, 46202780, 67821780, 29594780, 46082780, 44632780, -68406780, -68310780, -44056780, 67751780, 45912780, 40842780, 44642780, 18743780, -68220780, -44066780, 46142780, -26193780, 67681780, 46222780, 67761780 ],
"H782" : [ 27343782, 67456782, 18693782, 43322782, -37832782, 46152782, 19113782, -68411782, 18763782, 67466782, -68400782, -68320782, 34031782, 45056782, -26713782, -61776782, 67791782, 44176782, -44096782, 34041782, -39324782, -21873782, 67961782, 18703782, 44186782, -31143782, 67721782, -68340782, 36103782, 19143782, 19223782, 31711782, 66350782, 43362782, 18733782, -29233782, 67811782, -44076782, -19623782, -68290782, 31721782, 19233782, 65726782, 27313782, 43352782, -68280782, 67346782, -44086782, 67741782, -19203782, -19363782, 29583782, 67911782, 67751782, 26663782, -67910782, 19213782, 45992782, -17201782, 43372782, -19992782, -44066782, 46142782, 29993782 ],
"H540" : [...
You can convert each file (list of ids) into a bit-array of length 200_000_001, where bit at index j is set if the list contains value j-100_000_000. It is possible, because the range of id values is fixed and small.
Then you can simply use bitwise and and not operations to intersect and negate lists of ids. Depending on the language and libraries used, it would require operating element-wise: iterating over arrays and applying corresponding operations to each index.
Finally, you should measure your performance and decide whether you need to do some optimizations, such as parallelizing operations (you can work on different parts of arrays on different processors), preloading some of arrays (or all of them) into memory, using GPU, etc.
First, the bitmap approach will produce the required performance, at a huge overhead in memory. You'll need to benchmark it, but I'd expect times of maybe 0.2 seconds, with that almost entirely dominated by the cost of loading data from disk, and then reading the result.
However there is another approach that is worth considering. It will use less memory most of the time. For most of the files that you state, it will perform well.
First let's use Cap'n Proto for a file format. The type can be something like this:
struct Ids {
is_negated #0 :Bool;
ids #1 :List(Int32);
The key is that ids are always kept sorted. So list operations are a question of running through them in parallel. And now:
Applying not is just flipping is_negated.
If neither is negated, it is a question of finding IDs in both lists.
If the first is not negated and the second is, you just want to find IDs in the first that are not in the second.
If the first is negated and the second is not, you just want to find IDs in the second that are not in the first.
If both are negated, you just want to find all ids in either list.
If your list has 100k entries, then the file will be about 400k. A not requires copying 400k of data (very fast). And intersecting with another list of the same size involves 200k comparisons. Integer comparisons complete in a clock cycle, and branch mispredictions take something like 10-20 clock cycles. So you should be able to do this operation in the 0-2 millisecond range.
Your worst case 56,000,000 file will take over 200 MB and intersecting 2 of them can take around 200 million operations. This is in the 0-2 second range.
For the 56 million file and a 10k file, your time is almost all spent on numbers in the 56 million file and not in the 10k one. You can speed that up by adding a "galloping" mode where you do a binary search forward in the larger file looking for the next matching number and picking most of them. Do be warned that this code tends to be tricky and involves lots of mispredictions. You'll have to benchmark it to find out how big a size difference is needed.
In general this approach will lose for your very biggest files. But it will be a huge win for most of the sizes of file that you've talked about.

Fast algorithm for approximate lookup on multiple keys

I have formulated a solution to a problem where I am storing parameters in a set of tables, and I want to be able to look up the parameters based on multiple criteria.
For example, if criteria 1 and criteria 2 can each be either A or B, then I'd have four potential parameters - one for each combination A&A, A&B, B&A and B&B. For these sort of criteria I could concatenate the fields or something similar and create a unique key to look up each value quickly.
Unfortunately not all of my criteria are like this. Some of the criteria are numerical and I only care about whether or not a result sits above or below a boundary. That also wouldn't be a problem on its own - I could maybe use a binary search or something relatively quick to find the nearest key above or below my value.
My problem is I need to include a number of each in the same table. In other words, I could have three criteria - two with A/B entries, and one with less-than-x/greater-than-x type entries, where x is in no way fixed. So in this example I would have a table with 8 entries. I can't just do a binary search for the boundary because the closest boundary won't necessarily be applicable due to the other criteria. For example, if the first two criteria are A&B, then the closest boundary might be 100, but if the if first two criteria are A&A, the closest boundary might be 50. If I want to look up A, A, 101, then I want it to recognise that 50 is the closest boundary that applies - not 100.
I have a procedure to do the lookup but it gets very slow as the tables get bigger - it basically goes through each criteria, checks if a match is still possible, and if so it looks at more criteria - if not, it moves on to check the next entry in the table. So in other words, my procedure requires cycling through the table entries one by one and checking for a match. I have tried to optimise that by ensuring the tables that are input to the procedure are as small as possible and by making sure it looks at the criteria that are least likely to match first (so that it checks each entry as quickly as possible) but it is still very slow.
The biggest tables are maybe 200 rows with about 10 criteria to check, but many are much smaller (maybe 10x5). The issue is that I need to call the procedure many times during my application, so algorithms with some initial overhead don't necessarily make things better. I do have some scope to change the format of the tables before runtime but I would like to keep away from that as much as possible (while recognising it may be the only way forward).
I've done quite a bit of research but I haven't had any luck. Does anyone know of any algorithms that have been designed to tackle this kind of problem? I was really hoping that there would be some clever hash function or something that means I won't have to cycle through the tables, but from my limited knowledge something like that would struggle here. I feel confident that I understand the problem well enough to gradually optimise the solution I have at the moment, but I want to be sure I've not missed a much better solution.
Apologies for the very long and abstract description of the problem - hopefully it's clear what I'm trying to do. I'll amend my question if it's unclear.
Thanks for any help.
this is basically what a query optimizer does in SQL land. There are fast, free, in memory databases for exactly this purpose. Checkout sqlite https://www.sqlite.org/inmemorydb.html.
It sounds like you are doing what is called a 'full table scan' for each query, which is like the last resort for a query optimizer.
As I've understood, you want to select entries by criteria like
A& not B & x1 >= lower_x1 & x1 < upper_x1 & x2 >= lower_x2 & x2 < lower_x2 & ...
The easiest way is to have them sorted by all possible xi, where i=1,2.. in separate sets, and have separated 'words' for various combination of A,B,..
The search will works as follows:
Select a proper world by Boolean criteria combination
For each i, find the population of lower_xi..upper_xi range in corresponding set (this operation is O(log(N))
Select i where the population is the lowest
While iterating instances through lower_xi..upper_xi range, filter the results by checking other upper/lower bound criteria (for all xj where j!=i)
Note that this s a general solution. Of course if you know some relation between your bound(s), you may use a list sorted by respective combination(s) of item values.

Number of segments that cover a point

I'm designing a web service that calculates the number of online users of an arbitrary system.
The input data is the array of tuples (user_id, log_in_time, log_out_time). The service should index this data somehow and prepare data structures in order to efficiently answer the requests of the form: "How many users were online at every time point in (start_time, end_time)?". The response of the service is an array -- number of online users for each time point in the requested interval.
Complication: each user has a set of characteristics (i.e. age, gender, city). Is it possible to efficiently answer the request of the form: "How many users with age=x, city=y, gender=z were online at every time point in (start_time, end_time)?"
The time is an integer (timestamp).
I'm not going to answer this question fully because clearly it is a homework assignment, but you didn't declare it as such.
Assuming the time windows are small or the number of simultaneous online users within that window is small, simply solve the first problem, then filter by your demographic criteria.
If the number of simultaneous online users is large and filtering after the fact is too time consuming, then use something similar to a boost::multi_index to filter on the most sparse dimension first, then do your time range query.
Additionally, most relational databases will do these types of queries out of the box, so the simplest solution would be to store your data in a database with proper indexes and then create the very straightforward query.
Since your comment said that you didn't understand how to use a B-tree to do a range query, I'll explain it in my answer. You use a B-tree to look up the minimum of your time range query. The way a B-tree is structured is that successive leaves are adjacent to one another. You first do a logarithmic lookup on the minimum range query bound. This finds you the first point within that time range. Then, you do a linear scan from the starting point to the point where you exceed your maximum bound for your range query.
This means using a B-tree makes your query O(log(number_of_online_users) + length_of_time_interval).

Comparing two large datasets using a MapReduce programming model

Let's say I have two fairly large data sets - the first is called "Base" and it contains 200 million tab delimited rows and the second is call "MatchSet" which has 10 million tab delimited rows of similar data.
Let's say I then also have an arbitrary function called Match(row1, row2) and Match() essentially contains some heuristics for looking at row1 (from MatchSet) and comparing it to row2 (from Base) and determining if they are similar in some way.
Let's say the rules implemented in Match() are custom and complex rules, aka not a simple string match, involving some proprietary methods. Let's say for now Match(row1,row2) is written in psuedo-code so implementation in another language is not a problem (though it's in C++ today).
In a linear model, aka program running on one giant processor - we would read each line from MatchSet and each line from Base and compare one to the other using Match() and write out our match stats. For example we might capture: X records from MatchSet are strong matches, Y records from MatchSet are weak matches, Z records from MatchSet do not match. We would also write the strong/weak/non values to separate files for inspection. Aka, a nested loop of sorts:
for each row1 in MatchSet
for each row2 in Base
var type = Match(row1,row2);
//do something based on type
I've started considering Hadoop streaming as a method for running these comparisons as a batch job in a short amount of time. However, I'm having a bit of a hardtime getting my head around the map-reduce paradigm for this type of problem.
I understand pretty clearly at this point how to take a single input from hadoop, crunch the data using a mapping function and then emit the results to reduce. However, the "nested-loop" approach of comparing two sets of records is messing with me a bit.
The closest I'm coming to a solution is that I would basically still have to do a 10 million record compare in parallel across the 200 million records so 200 million/n nodes * 10 million iterations per node. Is that that most efficient way to do this?
From your description, it seems to me that your problem can be arbitrarily complex and could be a victim of the curse of dimensionality.
Imagine for example that your rows represent n-dimensional vectors, and that your matching function is "strong", "weak" or "no match" based on the Euclidean distance between a Base vector and a MatchSet vector. There are great techniques to solve these problems with a trade-off between speed, memory and the quality of the approximate answers. Critically, these techniques typically come with known bounds on time and space, and the probability to find a point within some distance around a given MatchSet prototype, all depending on some parameters of the algorithm.
Rather than for me to ramble about it here, please consider reading the following:
Locality Sensitive Hashing
The first few hits on Google Scholar when you search for "locality sensitive hashing map reduce". In particular, I remember reading [Das, Abhinandan S., et al. "Google news personalization: scalable online collaborative filtering." Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2007] with interest.
Now, on the other hand if you can devise a scheme that is directly amenable to some form of hashing, then you can easily produce a key for each record with such a hash (or even a small number of possible hash keys, one of which would match the query "Base" data), and the problem becomes a simple large(-ish) scale join. (I say "largish" because joining 200M rows with 10M rows is quite a small if the problem is indeed a join). As an example, consider the way CDDB computes the 32-bit ID for any music CD CDDB1 calculation. Sometimes, a given title may yield slightly different IDs (i.e. different CDs of the same title, or even the same CD read several times). But by and large there is a small set of distinct IDs for that title. At the cost of a small replication of the MatchSet, in that case you can get very fast search results.
Check the Section 3.5 - Relational Joins in the paper 'Data-Intensive Text Processing
with MapReduce'. I haven't gone in detail, but it might help you.
This is an old question, but your proposed solution is correct assuming that your single stream job does 200M * 10M Match() computations. By doing N batches of (200M / N) * 10M computations, you've achieved a factor of N speedup. By doing the computations in the map phase and then thresholding and steering the results to Strong/Weak/No Match reducers, you can gather the results for output to separate files.
If additional optimizations could be utilized, they'd like apply to both the single stream and parallel versions. Examples include blocking so that you need to do fewer than 200M * 10M computations or precomputing constant portions of the algorithm for the 10M match set.

A good algorithm for generating an order number

As much as I like using GUIDs as the unique identifiers in my system, it is not very user-friendly for fields like an order number where a customer may have to repeat that to a customer service representative.
What's a good algorithm to use to generate order number so that it is:
Not sequential (purely for optics)
Numeric values only (so it can be easily read to a CSR over phone or keyed in)
< 10 digits
Can be generated in the middle tier without doing a round trip to the database.
UPDATE (12/05/2009)
After carefully reviewing each of the answers posted, we decided to randomize a 9-digit number in the middle tier to be saved in the DB. In the case of a collision, we'll regenerate a new number.
If the middle tier cannot check what "order numbers" already exists in the database, the best it can do will be the equivalent of generating a random number. However, if you generate a random number that's constrained to be less than 1 billion, you should start worrying about accidental collisions at around sqrt(1 billion), i.e., after a few tens of thousand entries generated this way, the risk of collisions is material. What if the order number is sequential but in a disguised way, i.e. the next multiple of some large prime number modulo 1 billion -- would that meet your requirements?
<Moan>OK sounds like a classic case of premature optimisation. You imagine a performance problem (Oh my god I have to access the - horror - database to get an order number! My that might be slow) and end up with a convoluted mess of psuedo random generators and a ton of duplicate handling code.</moan>
One simple practical answer is to run a sequence per customer. The real order number being a composite of customer number and order number. You can easily retrieve the last sequence used when retriving other stuff about your customer.
One simple option is to use the date and time, eg. 0912012359, and if two orders are received in the same minute, simply increment the second order by a minute (it doesn't matter if the time is out, it's just an order number).
If you don't want the date to be visible, then calculate it as the number of minutes since a fixed point in time, eg. when you started taking orders or some other arbitary date. Again, with the duplicate check/increment.
Your competitors will glean nothing from this, and it's easy to implement.
Maybe you could try generating some unique text using a markov chain - see here for an example implementation in Python. Maybe use sequential numbers (rather than random ones) to generate the chain, so that (hopefully) the each order number is unique.
Just a warning, though - see here for what can possibly happen if you aren't careful with your settings.
One solution would be to take the hash of some field of the order. This will not guarantee that it is unique from the order numbers of all of the other orders, but the likelihood of a collision is very low. I would imagine that without "doing a round trip to the database" it would be challenging to make sure that the order number is unique.
In case you are not familiar with hash functions, the wikipedia page is pretty good.
You could base64-encode a guid. This will meet all your criteria except the "numeric values only" requirement.
Really, though, the correct thing to do here is let the database generate the order number. That may mean creating an order template record that doesn't actually have an order number until the user saves it, or it might be adding the ability to create empty (but perhaps uncommitted) orders.
Use primitive polynomials as finite field generator.
Your 10 digit requirement is a huge limitation. Consider a two stage approach.
Use a GUID
Prefix the GUID with a 10 digit (or 5 or 4 digit) hash of the GUID.
You will have multiple hits on the hash value. But not that many. The customer service people will very easily be able to figure out which order is in question based on additional information from the customer.
The straightforward answer to most of your bullet points:
Make the first six digits a sequentially-increasing field, and append three digits of hash to the end. Or seven and two, or eight and one, depending on how many orders you envision having to support.
However, you'll still have to call a function on the back-end to reserve a new order number; otherwise, it's impossible to guarantee a non-collision, since there are so few digits.
T = Circuit type (D1E=DS1 EEL, D1U=DS1 UNE, etc.)
C = 6 Digit Customer ID
1 = The customer's first location
A = The first circuit (A=1, B=2, etc) at this location
N = Order type (N=New, X=Disconnect, etc)
1 = The first order of this kind for this circuit
