"java.exe" exited with code 1 , Xamarin.Android.Common.targets - xamarin

When i exported my project from Vs2019(professional 16.11.0) to Vs2022(Community) i am facing the following issue.
Apps targeting Android 12 and higher are required to specify an explicit value for `android:exported` when the corresponding component has an intent filter defined
i have worked around some solutions and set android:exported as true for Receivers but it did not work , Any suggestions on how to overcome this error, that would be great help.

At first, please check all the Activities, Services and BroadcastReceivers in your project which have an intent filter whether have the android:exported.
And you can try to debug and find which component caused this issue. In addtion, sometimes the android:exported only be declared in the AndroidManifest.xml can work, such as this case.


How to add a Component Type of "Plug-in Type" to a Solution Manually

When adding "SDK Message Processing Steps" to a solution in CRM 2016.2, the standard Missing Required Components shows up, with fields that are in my Plugin Steps, but then it also shows the actual plugin type itself (i.e. the class):
I don't see any way to add a Plugin-Type (the Plugin Assembly yes, the Steps yes, but not the type) to the solution manually. This requires me to say yes to include all required components, and then remove the fields that already exist. What am I missing?
Make sure to include all the plugin assemblies, it can be one of the custom WF that you might have forgotten to include. Was facing the same issue, and including the plugin-assembly helped remove this error.
enter image description here

TypeScript 1.6 Ionic error TS2322 Build Type is not assignable to type 'IActionSheetOptions'

I updated Visual Studio 2015 to TypeScript 1.6 and my Apache Cordova application broke. I'm getting errors with Ionic UIActionSheet Options cssClass. For example, the line:
cssClass: "class_action_sheet"
results in the error: TS2322 Build Type is not assignable to type 'IActionSheetOptions'.
I tried to add a flag to the project file to suppress the new strictness, but either I added it wrong, or it can't be fixed that way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is of the same type of problem addressed here.
This seems to be a reversal of 'type compatibility' premise, but discussing that won't solve the problem.
The easiest solution is to make sure your ionic.d.ts file is complete. There is a version on definitely typed currently that does contain a property for cssClass in action sheet options, however it is not a direct descendant of the .d.ts file you are currently using and this will imply some refactoring.
For example the action sheet options is ionic.actionSheet.IonicActionsheetOptions not Ionic.IActionSheetOptions.
Another option would be to extend the interface on your own by saying interface MyActionSheetOptions extends Ionic.IActionSheetOptions, then define cssClass.
This seems incorrect to me as it's not a true subset but merely trying to fix gaps in the ionic definition file.

Error executing task CreateEmbeddedResources: Task does not have property "BundleResources" defined

I am converting an existing Xamarin.iOS project to unified api (64 bit compatible), within my project a 3rd party project exists and after converting to unified I am facing a build/compile time error saying like "Error: Error executing task CreateEmbeddedResources: Task does not have property "BundleResources" defined (3rdPartyLibraryiOS)"
I have tried applying http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/comment/115358/#Comment_115358 solution, which worked for many but unfortunately Its not working for me, If I try this solution then my 3rd party project is getting treated as not an unified one!, If I revert then this error will occur. Got stuck hear.
Any help in resolving this is much appreciated in advance.

VB6 type mismatch error

I am getting the following type mismatch error on the following
IF obj.propery THEN
the code I am using is on visual source safe and when other developers run the same project the code runs with no error. The property is actually a string which is where the problem could be. When I debug and test the property i.e.
?obj.propery = True
no errors are thrown which is a bit strange. If I place the cursor over the property it says "True". I have done a bit of searching on the matter and have found that this may have something to do with OPTION STRICT, however I have the same version of the code as the other developers and OPTION STRICT is not OFF, it hasn't been altered in the code at all. Are there any other settings that could affect this execution of code at run time?
It strikes me that there could be an entirely different reason for your Type Mismatch error, especially as you are accessing an object property. I've experienced this error when I have, for some reason, been pointing at a different DLL to that registered. You will find with VB that it registers a DLL "on the fly" when you build it, so you may end up accessing the code somewhere that you did not expect. This may not be the problem in your case, but it is worth exploring.
This was nothing to do with VB6, it was to do with XP Mode and using my user account from another domain as opposed to XPMUser. When I use XPMUser the application runs this is very odd and I am not sure why this is. If anyone has the reason I would love to hear.
So you are sure this is not the case of a boolean being Vrai?
I'd be inclined to be more explicit in your IF condition
IF isempty(obj.property) = false AND isnull(obj.property) = false
it would be prudent to check that obj isn't null first, before you start accessing its properties....

Browser Compilation Error for Flex

I'm having an odd problem that isn't mission critical since I can use the command line with no probs.
In my earlier post Flex Web-Tier Setup, I had problems getting the web compiler to work.
Now that it's working I use this in a browser to compile:
and I get this error as a result:
ERROR : Could not resolve to a component implementation.
349 <mx:filters>
350 <mx:DropShadowFilter alpha=".25" angle="90" />
351 </mx:filters>
Everything is legit and the most recommended solution is that the namespaces aren't correct. I've checked those and they're fine. Other answers I've come across relate to external components causing a problem but as you can see, I'm not using an external component.
Here's the kicker. If I do a compile via command line:
mxmlc topsight.mxml
it compiles perfectly.
Specs are still the same from the prior post and I'm using the Flex 3 SDK.
Not sure if this would help but I did the download from http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+3 and I clicked on the Open Source Flex SDK - Milestone 3.3
Only thing I can think of is that your compiler.conf can't find the Flex framework. Does it work with just a:
<mx:Application> </mx:Application>
? ( basically no components ) There is an option in there flex_config that points to the SDK version you want the compiler to use. I haven't used the web-tier in a long time so, I could be totally off track.
My guess is you are trying to apply the filters to a custom component. If you change the filter's namespace from mx to that of the component you're applying it to it should work. ie. if you are trying:
<bt:Rectangle x="187" y="80">
<mx:DropShadowFilter distance="4" angle="45" alpha="0.5"/>
It would become:
<bt:Rectangle x="187" y="80">
<mx:DropShadowFilter distance="4" angle="45" alpha="0.5"/>
