SpringBoot GraphQL Not exposing /graphql endpoint - spring-boot

Currently trying to setup SpringBoot and GraphQL but whenever I run the application I don't seem to get the /graphql endpoint exposed, nor does the graphiql UI get exposed when I set it to enabled in the application.yml file.
I've also tried setting the endpoint manually in the properties but that also isn't exposed.
I've pushed up the code to github below as I can't work out where the problem would be.

Add this information to application.yaml


Swagger incorrect API path

I'm using swagger and swagger UI to document my APIs. This is in a spring boot microservice set up. I am consolidating all swagger docs into my zuul gateway. This all works fine for displaying the documentation.
However when you try and execute the APIs using the Try It Out button, this fails as the path being used to hit the endpoint is incorrect. Specifically swagger seems to expect the downstream service to have no context root. Is there anyway i can configure this to accept a context root?
I've reproduced the issue on this repo https://github.com/craigmgordon/swagger
If i run the services and hit the gateway on http://localhost:20000/swagger-ui.html i can see the docs for my two services are displayed correctly.
You can see the url is correct at the top of the page http://localhost:20000/prod/product/v2/api-docs
where 'prod' is the zuul route to the product-service
and 'product' is the product-service context route
If I try and use Try ITOut on the /products endpoint though, on execution i get a 404 as its tried to hit the url http://localhost:20000/prod/products
i.e. has ommitted the context route.
Correct url should be http://localhost:20000/prod/product/products
Has anyone had the same issue and found a resolution??

Listing all deployed rest endpoints (spring-boot, tomcat)

I know there is a similar kind of question exist but if works only for glassfish server.
Listing all deployed rest endpoints (spring-boot, jersey)
Is it possible to list all my configured rest-endpoints with spring boot? The actuator lists all existing paths on startup, I want something similar for my custom services, so I can check on startup if all paths are configured correctly and use this info for client calls.
How do I do this? I use #Path/#GET annotations on my service beans and register them via ResourceConfig#registerClasses.
Is there a way to query the Config for all Paths?
Update2: I want to have something like
GET /rest/mycontroller/info
POST /res/mycontroller/update
In my opinion, you are already using the right tool (actuator) to answer to your request.
Actuator gives you all the rest method running and you can configure it on your own, by disabling/enabling specific endpoints
If you have a look on the documentationprobably it can help you.
In any case, the default configuration of actuator display the endpoints (built-in in Intellij for your development).

API-first rest endpoint not listed in jhipster-gateway API section (swagger-ui)

Using jhipster 5.7.2
I created an api-gateway, and two micro-services.
In the first one, I created an entity and it works perfectly behind the gateway. The gateway displays the api endpoints for the generated entity.
I generated the second micro-service but this time I had already an api defined in a yml file so I chose 'API-first'.
My api was defined using open-api 3.
I successfully generated the code for my api, using the instructions there, and tested calling direcly my micro-service endpoint using curl : it worked as expected at this point.
The problem : when I put that micro-service behind the gateway, the gateway does not see the api. When I go to the api menu, my micro-service shows in the dropdown but when I select it, it shows no endpoints.
One weird thing I found while searching is that when I call the following url on my micro-service directly : http://localhost:8082/v2/api-docs (as pointed in the 'welcome page' of the micro-service), I get :
{"swagger":"2.0","info":{"description":"my micro-service API documentation","version":"0.0.1","title":"api-first micro-service API","contact":{},"license":{}},"host":"localhost:8082","basePath":"/"}
It says 'swagger 2.0' when my yml file declared openapi 3.0.1.
I searched and found this issue, which says :
Swagger UI very old version (2.2.10) is used which does not provide
the support for Open API
I though openapi was the problem, so I rewrote the yml file to swagger 2.0 and finally I have the same exact problem : micro-service API works but seems not visible to the gateway.
I'm starting to wonder if it's a problem on my side only.
By default, JHipster configures Swagger to only list API endpoints beginning with api. This is configured in application.yml, change default-include-pattern to include other paths. For example, to include endpoints beginning with either /api/ or /expires/, you can use the following:
default-include-pattern: /(api|expires)/.*

Zuul proxy that discovers routes dynamically

I have a simple Zuul app that has a single route in the application.yml to route to my microservice. It's working.
However, what I'm looking for is a more dynamic solution where I can wire up routes dynamically, either through code or perhaps by POSTing to some Zuul endpoints during a build (possibly by using springfox and a swagger definition from microservices). I could not find an API for Zuul.
I'm somewhat aware of Eureka and that seems like a solution to abstract away the routing by doing discovery. However, I'm curious if there's a solution without introducing Eureka. If there's a way to wire up these routes in Zuul during a build vs. having to edit the application.yml every time.
Thanks in advance.
If you go for Eureka this will actually work ootb. Zuul as packaged in spring cloud will automatically expose every service using its name. So if you register a service called users in Eureka, Zuul will automatically create a route /users forwarding to the instances by default. That will only allow simple url structures but should solve your problem.
Please see the official documentation for details:
By convention, a service with the ID "users", will receive requests from the proxy located at /users (with the prefix stripped). The proxy uses Ribbon to locate an instance to forward to via discovery, and all requests are executed in a hystrix command, …
I'm actually editing a blog post about this exact topic (Routing and Filtering using Spring Cloud Zuul Server) but the source code has been available and working for some time now. Feel free to use it as a reference:
https://bitbucket.org/asimio/discoveryserver (in case routes are configured with serviceIds)
https://bitbucket.org/asimio/demo-config-properties/src (Zuul-Server-refreshable.yml where routes are dynamically updated).
Look at the refreshable Spring profile settings. This Zuul setup works with both, hard-coding routes url or discovered using Eureka.
It also acting as a Spring Cloud Config client so that routes could be dynamically updated via Git, which is also covered in another blog post: Refreshable Configuration using Spring Cloud Config Server, Spring Cloud Bus, RabbitMQ and Git.

Spring cloud config client without Eureka, Ribbon and spring boot

I have spring web application (not spring boot) running in AWS. I am trying to create centralized configuration server. How to refresh the spring-cloud-client after the changing the properties? As per tutorial
Actuator endpoint by sending an empty HTTP POST to the client’s refresh endpoint, http://localhost:8080/refresh, and then confirm it worked by reviewing the http://localhost:8080/message endpoint.
But my aws Ec2 instances are behind the loadbalancer so i can't invoke the client url. I didn't understand the netflix Eureka and Ribbon much but it seems like adding another level of load balancer in the client side. I don't like this approach. Just to change a property i don't want to make the existing project unnecessarily complex. Is there any other way? or Am I misunderstood Eureka/Ribbon usage?
I have looked at the spring-cloud-config-client-without-spring-boot, spring-cloud-config-client-without-auto-configuration none of them have answer. First thread was answered in 2015. Wondering is there any update?
To get the configuration properties from a config server. You can do a http request. Example:
From the documentation we can see:
/{application}-{profile}.yml <- example
So if you would do a request to http://localhost:8080/applicationName-activeProfile.yml you would receive the properties in .yml format for the application with that name and active profile. Spring boot config clients would automatically provide these values but you will have to provide em manually.
You don't need Eureka/Ribbon for this to work, it's a separate component.
More info: http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud.html#_spring_cloud_config
Maybe you could even use spring-cloud-config but I'm not sure what extra configuration is needed without spring-boot.
