how to fix Missing field "author" (optional) for blogger blog? - themes

how to fix the Missing field "author"(optional) for the blogger blog?
my website trendsnews {Rich Results Test} blogpost schema Missing "author" optional
I am using the Magone blogger theme
how to fix Articles blogpost schema
Click here to check my {Rich Results Test}


What is Laravel Forge > Site Details > Meta > Tags?

I am using Laravel Forge. When I log into Laravel Forge and select a site, there is a "Meta" menu item at the bottom left.
At the very bottom, there is a place to enter "Tags".
I am not sure what this is for. I entered a tag "test" to see if it came up as an SEO meta tag within the HTML header. Nothing returned. There is nothing in the documentation that explains its purpose. I believe it has something to do with an Apache setting, but I am not familiar with this.
It's to filter servers and sites so you can search on them:
You can manage your tags here

Autocomplete attribute shows no results

I've set up Algolia on my Magento site. I have an attribute successfully set up on the Instant Results search page, but I can't that same attribute to yield results in the Autocomplete dropdown.
My attribute is "Brand" ("le_brand"). Brand names will display in the autocomplete dropdown as I type them
, but the URL they lead to doesn't include the brand name (screenshot here).
Here are my Magento Algolia plugin settings for this attribute.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
For anyone researching this issue, the recent bug fix resolved this. Thanks, Jan!

Joomla extension/feature for adding articles to other sites

Is there a way for articles on joomla to be on another website without that user logging in to see it? The user should just see the article content and nothing else. This would be like a front end side version of articles for public users. How would I go about this?
You can publish your articles through RSS. In fact, just adding ?format=feed to the end of the URL of any menu item of type "Category Blog" (or of type "Featured Articles") will generate the RSS page for that particular URL. All you need to do is to retrieve the RSS content on the other website (there are many tools to do that that are available in any CMS).

Change name url from blog page pyrocms

I want change page name on blog module..
I need that it shows like a "news"
/blog/post-title -> /news/post-title
There are two ways to do this.
The first is to duplicate the blog module as news.
See the following Gist script:
The second is to create a route to redirect blogs to news.
Change the uri of a module without renaming the class in PyroCMS

How to delete the Article info (Joomla 3.0)?

As the title of question, I want delete all info in a Joomla article (ex :author, create date, print icon, ...) .When I create an article, it will show default . I try to hide it, but it only hide and Joomla still create the empty tag of info . Here, you can see :
Please avoid to customize the core Joomla files like article or other.If You want to change or customize the article default file (like you say the article info) by using the template overridden method.for more details go the link below:
How to override the output from the Joomla! core
