How can I upload more than 2 files when using the firebase emulator - firebase-tools

I have a project where a user can upload a number of files to firebase storage. When I run it using a real firebase project I can upload hundreds of file simultaneously, without problems, but when I use the emulator I cannot upload more than 2 files at the time. If I try to upload more than 2 files, I get this error from nodejs:
(node:13900) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 log listeners added to [EventEmitter]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
I am using MacOS 12.5 on a MacBook with Apple Silicon and the nodejs version is 16.15.1.


Error when Downloading Android Things image for Raspberry Pi 3

I am trying to download an Android Things image for Raspberry Pi 3 and I get this 403 Forbidden error. What can I do?
What do you want to do?
1 - Install Android Things and optionally set up Wi-Fi
2 - Set up Wi-Fi on an existing Android Things device
What hardware are you using?
1 - Raspberry Pi 3
2 - NXP Pico i.MX7D
You chose Raspberry Pi 3.
Setting up required tools...
Fetching additional configuration...
Downloading platform tools...
4.74 MB/4.74 MB
Unzipping platform tools...
Finished setting up required tools.
Raspberry Pi 3
Do you want to use the default image or a custom image?
1 - Default image: Used for development purposes. No access to the Android
Things Console features such as metrics, crash reports, and OTA updates.
2 - Custom image: Upload your custom image for full device development and
management with all Android Things Console features.
Downloading Android Things image...
could not download image: unable to download image: error downloading file: error downloading file: error downloading 403 Forbidden
Press [Enter] to quit.
There is an issue on that... I also got the same result on my Mac.
In the meantime, you can do it manually by creating a new project in the Console, building a blank image and flashing it into a microSD card. Then follow the setup instructions.
In order to build an image click on the project's model ID (see the picture below) and follow the configuration steps.
Once built, the image can be downloaded.
These default images and tools are not longer available. You can now only flash your device using factory images for your console product.
I would also recommend reviewing the latest information on the FAQ page to learn more about the Android Things platform status.

How Do I Stop App Store Notifications about Xcode Version Updates?

I've already downloaded the latest version (8.1 at this time) from Apple's direct download page.
While attempting to solve a similar issue on my own Macbook, I had found that the App Store will try to discover updates for apps it has indexed in Spotlight. This apparently includes the backup copy of xcode 7 it found on my Time Machine disk.
The asking of a second xcode download only occurred when my Time Machine disk was mounted (and when I did attempt to update it, it would always fail with permission errors). The fix for me was to tell Spotlight not to index my backup disk.
Hope that helps

Xcode 7 crash symbolication with OS X Application on Mac App Store

Im trying to get crash symbolication to work on Xcode 7. My app is already on the Mac App Store and I'm getting crash reports. The problem is that they are not symbolized. When uploading to itunesconnect I did check the option to upload the DSYM files.
If you notice on the screenshot below, the first 2 lines are indeed symbolized, but they belong to one of my frameworks not the main application. The main application is giving me a 0X10093d000 symbol repeatedly.
What could be the problem?
[Update: Still don't have all crashes symbolicated in 7.3, but for each crash condition, we can usually page to an individual crash report which is symbolicated]
Try XCode 7.3
For reasons unknown, we can only reliably symbolicate our latest production release with XCode 7.3, even though we didn't use it to create the release.
7.3 introduced some new errors and warnings, so if you do download it, I recommend you download it from Developer Center and install in a seperate directory which does not overwrite your current XCode 7.x install.

Switching my apps install behaviour with android:installLocation

My users get update errors in GooglePlay with errors "907" and "963" and I believe it is because the app is installed on external sdcard.
So I just think to prevent this I could change the install behaviour of my app be changing the android:installLocation from "auto" to "internalOnly".
Now I am not sure what happens to all already installed apps located on the external memory card, when they update to a version configured to "internalOnly".
Is there any issue, risk that the install will fail ?
The error 907 is similar to Android error 963 where installation or update is cancelled right after the download bar reaches completion. If you have already tried re-installing after a reboot and you're still getting this error, here is how you can fix the error:
Clear Cache and Data.
Update Google Play Store - check if your Google Play Store is the latest version.
*Unmount SD card before install
You may check this forum for more solution offered by community:
For your question, 'now I am not sure what happens to all already installed apps located on the external memory card, when they update to a version configured to "internalOnly"?
It depends on your version of Android. Android 6.0 Marshmallow lets your 'adopt' your SD card. Some pre-Marshmallow devices may let you move apps manually, but only if the developer allows it. If you want more flexibility than either of these options offer, you can root your phone and use an app called Link2SD to make it happen.
Additionally, when you adopt your SD card as internal storage, you cannot remove the SD card from the device without affecting the functionality of your device and the SD card is not usable in any other device.

Xcode simulator with react-native takes to long

I'm now running Mavericks and the latest Xcode on a mid 2009 MPB. There is no problem creating the AwesomeProject and then building with Xcode. The problem starts once the simulator comes up. I see the white Powered by React Native screen and then after it goes away it takes a very long time and finally the Packager gives me the following output:
Error: ENOENT, open '/Users/SM/AwesomeProject/AwesomeProject.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/SM.xcuserdatad/.dat2864.046'
at Error (native)
[3:15:07 PM] <START> request:/index.ios.bundle
[3:15:07 PM] <START> find dependencies
[3:15:10 PM] <START> find dependencies
This is followed by the big red screen!
Xcode also notifies me that it got disconnected from the simulator. The one warning I do see in Xcode is:
"Applications using launch screen files and targeting iOS 7.1 and earlier need to also include a launch image in an asset catalog."
How can I finally complete the Getting Started test and experience React Native?
The red screen only has two options on it which I'm not able to use, its likely just the result of not being able to run the Simulator on my machine:
Bottom line I do not have enough RAM, only 4GB. After investigating it looks like I need to upgrade or get a new Mac at some point in the future. Its been a max frustrating day for me to say the least.
Here is what Activity Monitor tells me about my machine:
That is how my machine looks without Xcode and the Simulator running! There are two upgrade options if I want to keep going now. Double my RAM and optionally get a SSD. Does anyone know if this will be enough to get the Simulator working?
I did see this link saying that adding more RAM helped:
After the upgrade to a 500GB SSD, more RAM and a clean install of Mavericks things are working swell. I highly recommend this as a way to get more life out of a older MBP. Thanks to Memory Express and the Apple Store for all the tips and sweet deals.
