I am looking at an scss file definitions where I see variable declaration like this
$my-color-neutral: "[theme:neutralLight, default:#eaeaea]";
This gets translated to #eaeaea in the final css. I am trying to understand how does this translation happens. Currently, this translation is broken and I am trying to understand why/how it is broken.
Can someone point me to any docs that explain the translation to css that happens behind the scene?
I imported a the duck model from here:
It looks great when I place it in my scene it, but when I did a .clone() on it, it got all fuzzy.
I tried various "deep cloning" routines and either got errors or it just didn't make a difference. (I left the cloning code in my fiddle, it's commented out, but you can see what I tried.)
Here's the fiddle:
(Attempts at deep-cloning are on lines 186-194)
Turns out the tutorial I was using made no mention of having to set the render's SIZE... once you do that, everything works out and looks the way it should.
Beginning my adventure down the path of learning all about both Metal and shaders. Currently I'm using this example from here to experiment with.
As you can see, he's storing his shader in a separate .txt file. While I like the idea of the shader being a resource, I don't like that because it's text, I lose all syntax highlighting, code completion, etc.
I attempted to change the extension to .metal and Xcode did now recognize it as such with the color-coding, but now I can't build the app with Xcode saying there are tons of errors with it which clearly isn't correct as it works just fine as .txt. To prove that, I simply changed it back again to being .txt and everything starts working as it was before, including with no highlighting or code completion.
Note: I also tried leaving it as text, but changing the type in the inspector to 'metal' but that didn't work either.
I keep hearing such great things about the metal debugger, but I can't even figure out how to get the metal editor working! Help!
So... how can I include my shaders as separate .metal files (or comparable) and still be able to edit/run with it, both literally and figuratively?
In the example that you provided, #warrenm used shaderModifiers:
A shader modifier is a snippet of source code in the Metal shader
language or OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL) that SceneKit injects into
its own shader programs at a defined entry point.
.metal - is a complete Vertex/Fragment/Compute implementation, which is not what shaderModifiers are.
Instead, you can create an SCNProgram:
A complete Metal or OpenGL shader program that replaces SceneKit's rendering of a geometry or material.
You should be able to manually set the file type in the File Inspector:
I've just started playing with Volt, and looked this up on the docs, couldn't find the answer:
I want to add a viewport meta tag on my project's section, but I can't find out how to alter it.
Could anyone shed some light on this issue?
Yea, you can change config/base/index.html This renders at an earlier stage right now, so you can't do bindings. (It's rendered as erb right now) We have the ability to render templates to strings, so the plan is to make it so all of the initial rendering process is done with volt templates. We just haven't gotten around to it yet :-)
Okay, I found the file on "config/base/index.html" (Volt 0.9.3)
Gonna leave this here, in case someone else needs it in the future =]
I'm not finding much documentation on embeding images in .as files. Really, I'd like to have some theory on it. So far from what I got reading here and there:
I placed an image in Assets folder inside src. Then right-clicked the image and clicked "Generate embed code", then this code line appears where the cursor was [Embed(source="fluffybunny.png")] what now? How do I assign it to a variable or something... I really didn't find it out there.
Instead of given object using .graphic atribbutes I want to use an image.
Also, does it have to be an .SWF?
There are quite a few resources on this (when you search for "as3 use embed tag"). Some of them are really helpful:
The most basic thing is that you declare a variable of some type. And you use the [Embed] tag before the variable declaration. It's some kind of weird association. Something like:
public var imageClass:Bitmap;
// later on you can instantiate it and use:
addChild(new imageClass()); // creates and adds new image
This is just a sample - there are a lot of types and ways to do it - give a shot the Adobe reference, there are tons of samples.
I dont know what kind of success i'll have from this post but struggling at the moment to get a reply on the rockettheme forums.
I have downloaded this template (Kinetic) from Rockettheme.com (demo below;)
I have changed it to come out looking like the link below;
However im really struggling to differentiate the footer from the rest of the website. Im looking at changing it to a light grey however I cannot make it stretch right across the website as the footer is located in the container and stops at either edge of the container.
is there anyway to make a footer colour go right across the page?
(the same as the following website, if you go down to the bottom of the page and you will see a dark grey, charcoal colour)
Any ideas on how I could get this achieved?
You just need to edit the index.php file of the template, should be at templates/kinetic/index.php roughly. If you head to the bottom, you will find a div with rt-footer. You will want to pull this entire div statement out and paste it outside of the div with an id rt-surround. Your best bet is to find rt-debug and paste it just above.
I run a lot of sites off the base gantry template from Rocket Theme and do this type of thing often, so it should work.
Two issues you may run into. If you don't get the right closing div tag, you can get some weird output if the divs aren't closed properly. So be careful and use the indentation to help you.
Second, there may be some css styling that is specific to the old heirarchy. I doubt it in this case, but it can happen. You may have to fix some of the css styling.