Cannot Add JDBC jar Driver When Creating JPA Project In Spring Tool Suite - spring

I'm trying to start a JPA Project on STS. I've already installed the Hibernate Tool plugin. But unfortunately, I can't add the jar database driver, the buttons seem to be disabled. How to workaround this issue?
Thank's in advance.
Here's a screenshot of the STS.
STS Screenshot


Is spring-boot jar can be work with existing spring session based project ? . is it possible?

I try put spring-boot jar file into spring session based application. we have enterprise edition, so we planned to add new features as jar. is it possible?.
give your instructions how to do it?
we developed and include in spring project but it was not call the repository.
it shows the "creating error in bean message".

how to write a code for database connection from eclipse using spring. This should be a simple spring maven project without using spring boot

I am new to spring. I am not able to figure out how to write a spring project for creating DB connection using maven , without using spring -boot or hibernate. it is supposed to be a simple spring maven project.
can you help me with few sample codes.
Install the Spring tools suite plugin for eclipse from the following link.
With spring tools suite, access the spring dashboard
Select the Import Reference App, this will provide several example applications from the Spring guides, choose the example and the example will be installed onto your eclipse workspace. These examples are well documented , with clear instructions on how to run the project. Hopefully this should help you get started with learning Spring framework.

Configuring Spring security with spring boot on already created project, IntelliJ

I have previous experience in Spring MVC but I am new to Spring Boot.
I am Using IntelliJ for the first time.
What I noticed is that when you create a Spring boot project with security dependencies added during the time of creation, Then the IDE creates the project already configured With Basic Authentication whereas if I add dependencies to pom.xml after creation, then the application won't get configured with basic authentication automatically.
Can anyone explain this behavior of IntelliJ and can anyone help me with steps for configuring the pre-created project with Basic Authentication?
IntelliJ is using
to initialise your project. After the project is initialised, the IDE doesn't modify your code in any way. That is the normal behaviour and it is not Spring Boot related.
NOTE: The dependency that you add in your pom.xml is just pulling down that dependency, but if you need to use it you do the code yourself. (More information about Maven:

Spring Boot 1.2.4.RELEASE cannot generate a simple Startup Project

I am using Spring Boot version 1.2.4.RELEASE to generate a simple web project. The full Url for creating this project is:
The download starter project opened in the STS 3.6.4.RELEASE with tons of errors: Missing artifact, ArtifactDescriptorException from the pom.xml file.
However, if I use version 1.1.12.RELEASE of the Spring Boot, I have no problem to create the startup project.
Is this a bug in the 1.2.4.RELEASE of the Spring Boot? I doubt it.
The project is OK.
Please to check your local env, specially connexion, maven configuration (setting.xml), ...etc
Good luck

SpringSource Tool Suite and GWT without using ROO?

I would like to know if anyone has any experience in using STS to create a Spring-enabled GWT web application without using Spring ROO.
There are 2 scenarios that I have.
I have an existing GWT application (not Spring-enabled, built in Eclipse 3.7) that I want to convert to a Spring-enabled GWT application in STS. I want STS to pick up that this is now Spring-enabled so that I can use the built-in features of STS for Spring.
Create a new GWT web application that is Spring-enabled in STS, but without using Spring ROO.
I have as of yet found no tutorials on how to do either. All the examples that point to creating a Spring-enabled GWT web application in STS use ROO to scaffold it for them.
Sorry if it is a bit unclear what I mean. Feel free to comment and I will try to explain more.
One possibility is to start with a Roo project, enable GWT, and then perform a push-in refactoring. This will remove the Roo dependencies and what remains is a pure spring project that uses GWT.
gwt-spring-starter-app will help you create a maven project with spring & gwt integrated. You can then import it as a maven project into STS. That should get everything correctly setup.
