SpringSource Tool Suite and GWT without using ROO? - spring

I would like to know if anyone has any experience in using STS to create a Spring-enabled GWT web application without using Spring ROO.
There are 2 scenarios that I have.
I have an existing GWT application (not Spring-enabled, built in Eclipse 3.7) that I want to convert to a Spring-enabled GWT application in STS. I want STS to pick up that this is now Spring-enabled so that I can use the built-in features of STS for Spring.
Create a new GWT web application that is Spring-enabled in STS, but without using Spring ROO.
I have as of yet found no tutorials on how to do either. All the examples that point to creating a Spring-enabled GWT web application in STS use ROO to scaffold it for them.
Sorry if it is a bit unclear what I mean. Feel free to comment and I will try to explain more.

One possibility is to start with a Roo project, enable GWT, and then perform a push-in refactoring. This will remove the Roo dependencies and what remains is a pure spring project that uses GWT.

gwt-spring-starter-app will help you create a maven project with spring & gwt integrated. You can then import it as a maven project into STS. That should get everything correctly setup.


how to write a code for database connection from eclipse using spring. This should be a simple spring maven project without using spring boot

I am new to spring. I am not able to figure out how to write a spring project for creating DB connection using maven , without using spring -boot or hibernate. it is supposed to be a simple spring maven project.
can you help me with few sample codes.
Install the Spring tools suite plugin for eclipse from the following link.
With spring tools suite, access the spring dashboard
Select the Import Reference App, this will provide several example applications from the Spring guides, choose the example and the example will be installed onto your eclipse workspace. These examples are well documented , with clear instructions on how to run the project. Hopefully this should help you get started with learning Spring framework.

Why there is no spring project in new->file->spring but only have some other kinds of spring project such as Legacy,Roo,Starter

After I finished to add the STS to eclipse,when I just want to build a new spring project ,but there is no [spring project] under the [Spring] menu,but only:
import spring Getting started content
Spring Legacy Project
Spring Roo Project
Spring starter Project
The best way to create a new empty Spring project is to use the "Spring Starter Project" wizard. It creates a new Spring Boot project and allows you to select the boot starters that you want to use to populate the classpath of your project with the necessary libraries. Under the hood it uses http://start.spring.io.
If you would like to get started with Spring and would like to follow one of the guides from http://spring.io/guides, the "Import Getting Started Content" wizard is the best choice. It offers you to download those guides directly into your workspace and work with them.
The "Spring Legacy Project" wizard is an outdated one that allows you to create plain Spring projects that use older Spring versions. This will soon be gone in future versions.
The "Spring Roo Project" wizard uses Spring Roo under the hood, a specific technology to work with Spring projects. This is definitely not the right wizard for you if you just want to create a new Spring project (without dealing with Spring Roo in the future).
Hope this helps!

Can a simple JSp and servlet code be migrated to Spring framework?

I am a newbie in web development. I'm using servlets and JSP for web development.However, I've learnt lately that Spring Framework is apt for that which incorporate servlets, jsp etc. So, my question is that can I now run my program using Spring framework ? Like, I have 2 jsp codes, and 1 servlet class. So, how can I migrate the code in Spring Framework ? what additional things or codes do I need to maintain ?
Migrating an existing J2EE project is easy.
You will get rid of a lot of "boilerplate" code in the process. The easiest way to do it in my opinion will be to use SpringToolSuite.
Import your project in STS and then add "Maven" nature to it. In the pom configuration you can edit all the jars that you need and mention the spring framework. Once all this is setup it will be just a matter of minutes to change the code if it is small.
You can follow these video tutorials about maven and spring to learn about it.
There are more tutorials by "New Circle training" on youtube for the same.
I would also recommend you to read Spring in action 3rd edition-Manning
This book is a must and the best way to learn spring framework. Hope this helps

Where is the MVC architecture when I use Spring Roo with GWT setup?

I'm pretty new to Spring framework but have been working with GWT for a while. Hoping to use Roo to learn Spring MVC + GWT. However, when I do gwt setup (Roo command), there's only client-side code generated with no server-side code (have persistence code though)..
I suggest you download the Spring Tool Suite (STS), which has a bunch of tutorials built into it, including Roo tutorials that walk you through all these basic steps. The tutorials actually walk you through creating Roo projects and getting everything set up in working projects and applications. The Suite is also full of Spring tools which make your life easier.

Is there a maven 2 archetype for spring 3 MVC applications?

I'm experimenting with the spring 3 MVC framework. Since i use maven 2 to manage my project, i'm searching for a archetype to create a spring 3 MVC application.
You can use STS (spring tool suite) a new spring MVC template project creates a working application using spring 3.
Or you can using Spring Roo to give a working foundation to your project.
I also couldn't find useful archetypes, so I have created my own. You can find it here. If you find anything you'd like to add, please don't hesitate to mail me or send a patch
Spring MVC quickstart archetype is available on GitHub, courtesy of kolorobot. Good instructions are provided on how to install it to your local Maven repo and use it to create a new Spring MVC project. He’s even helpfully included the Tomcat 7 Maven plugin in the archetypical project so that the newly created Spring MVC can be run from the command line without having to manually deploy it to an application server.
Kolorobot’s example application includes the following:
No-xml Spring MVC 3.2 web application for Servlet 3.0 environment
Apache Tiles with configuration in place,
JPA 2.0 (Hibernate/HSQLDB)
Spring Security 3.1
AppFuse and AppFuse Light have been upgraded to use Spring 3 so I guess you could use one of the appfuse archetypes.
But what is exactly a Spring MVC application if not a regular webapp with some dependencies on Spring 3 artefacts?
From the springsource forum:
In Spring Source Tool Suite.
Go to New -> Other -> Spring Source Tool Suite -> Spring Template Project -> Spring MVC Project
enter the details and click Finish.
The Codehaus Maven User Archetypes List has several archetypes including two from app-fuse that use Spring MVC.
This archetype creates a Java web application that uses Spring MVC framework, Angular and Event Sourcing.
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=no.bouvet \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-eventsourcing \
-DarchetypeVersion=1.0.2 \
-DgroupId=com.domain.myapp \
You can find the source here - maven-archetype-eventsourcing
And read the blogg - Get your Event Sourced web application development started with one line using Maven!
A friend and I created this spring boiler plate for SPA applications. Could perhaps be useful to you https://github.com/PabloK/SpringRESTboilerplate
What I do is create a new Spring Project and one of the selections available in STS Simple Spring Web Maven; it sets up a Spring 3 Maven webapp, just modify the pom to Spring 4 and do a clean install from the Run Config.
As far as i know it does not exist. But why didn't create your own?
